Don't respond to something that stupid. Nearly all comedians are leftys. There are lots of sitcoms that are left. There are shows like the Daily Show. There were political comedians since the country started and a righty would be extremely rare. Gardner is as usual, wrong.
Ole Gardner is so hopelessly politically jaded, he will never come back to reality ever again. Some people let their hateful politics ruin their entire lives, families, friendships, relationships, careers, fortunes, health, personality, disposition, personal happiness- everything- even their life.
It's really boils down to WHITE SUPREMACY. He simply thinks he is Superior to everyone else who does not look and think like him. He will die- thinking that someday!
Not sure if he developed this disposition from his religion, or his parents, or he just hung out with racists and rednecks all his life, or listened to Rush Limbaugh religiously over the last 3 decades, or perhaps entertained himself with the FOX NEWS brainwashing for the last 20 years.
Any and all of those things are suspect. I suspect it was a cocktail of all the above.
No wonder he is on the verge of shooting up a Mall somewhere. All that shit will drive people crazy eventually.
I know of at least 10 others here in the forum that are just as hopelessly lost, misinformed, and insane as he is.