If evolution is real why are there still apes?

I hear it all the time. If you do not worship their God it because you are evil. Widely held by Christians.

At least by fake Xtians on social media forums like this one, far too many of them.

In real life, as a lifelong pagan, I've encountered my share of bigotry and hate from some Xtians. But by and large most Xtians are like most Americans: Be who you are, leave me out of it, and that's cool with me.
At least by fake Xtians on social media forums like this one, far too many of them.

In real life, as a lifelong pagan, I've encountered my share of bigotry and hate from some Xtians. But by and large most Xtians are like most Americans: Be who you are, leave me out of it, and that's cool with me.

I never heard of that. Not joking.
...and Muslims. How come Atheists don't bitch and whine about the Muslims? Are they chicken?

Muslims aren't the dominant religious faith in the U.S., that's why. But if you went to live in a majority-Muslim place and let it be know you're atheist, you might encounter the same distrust and dislike.

The problem isn't Xtians or Muslims or Jews or Hindus. It's religion making bigots out of humans, rather than raising us up and making us more accepting of each other.
Dude, I have a sense of humor.

I even tried to be a comedian on occasion, but everybody just laughed at me. [Geeko Sportivo]

Don't respond to something that stupid. Nearly all comedians are leftys. There are lots of sitcoms that are left. There are shows like the Daily Show. There were political comedians since the country started and a righty would be extremely rare. Gardner is as usual, wrong.
Never heard of Christians leaving people alone and not proselytizing.

Oh, okay. Lived most of my life in red Bible Belt Missouri. When I was growing up ppl went to church but kept their beliefs to themselves. In adulthood the evangelicals became more powerful and pushy, esp. in politics. But in all those decades (I'll be 70 soon with any luck), and as a non-Xtian person, I have only been pestered to the point of annoyance maybe a dozen times by pushy ass Xtians. We've all had our door-knocker Jehovahs Witnesses and Mormons, but in my experience they weren't jerks, just annoying.

Be secure in your own belief/nonbelief system and don't let them bother you.
...and Muslims. How come Atheists don't bitch and whine about the Muslims? Are they chicken?



Muslims aren't the dominant religious faith in the U.S., that's why. But if you went to live in a majority-Muslim place and let it be know you're atheist, you might encounter the same distrust and dislike.

The problem isn't Xtians or Muslims or Jews or Hindus. It's religion making bigots out of humans, rather than raising us up and making us more accepting of each other.
Soooo all the whiny atheists only hate Christians because it's local and completely disregard Islam?

Doesn't that seem closed-minded and short-sighted to you? If they want to throw shade on believers, why not go after all the largest ones?

That's beneath you, but thanks for the response.

What's beneath everyone is to hate others simply for their beliefs. Throwing hate against people believers is WRONG.

Standing against oppressive assholes like the Westboro Baptists or ISIS is good for everyone regardles of theier beliefs.
Oh, okay. Lived most of my life in red Bible Belt Missouri. When I was growing up ppl went to church but kept their beliefs to themselves. In adulthood the evangelicals became more powerful and pushy, esp. in politics. But in all those decades (I'll be 70 soon with any luck), and as a non-Xtian person, I have only been pestered to the point of annoyance maybe a dozen times by pushy ass Xtians. We've all had our door-knocker Jehovahs Witnesses and Mormons, but in my experience they weren't jerks, just annoying.

Be secure in your own belief/nonbelief system and don't let them bother you.

There are rightwing atheists on this forum, as well as rightwing holly rollers.

And their politics are exactly the same.

I don't think Jesus and the gospels are what is shaping the politics of MAGA holy rollers. Being a rightwing asshole is what shapes it.

Other than the very infequent knock on the door by some Jehovah's witnesses, I am not directly prostylitized. I had friend invite me to a prayer group once,, but that was only because I asked him some questions about his religion out of curiosity. My Mother ran a study group who got together to discuss the Gospel of John, but she never asked me to attend.
What's beneath everyone is to hate others simply for their beliefs. Throwing hate against people believers is WRONG.

Standing against oppressive assholes like the Westboro Baptists or ISIS is good for everyone regardles of theier beliefs.

I've had my share of threads ridiculing the Creation Science museum, the Noah's Ark Experience, young Earth creationism.

But I stop short of mocking Jesus, Yahweh/God, Moses, or deeply held convictions about eternal souls and a transcendent afterlife.
Don't respond to something that stupid. Nearly all comedians are leftys. There are lots of sitcoms that are left. There are shows like the Daily Show. There were political comedians since the country started and a righty would be extremely rare. Gardner is as usual, wrong.

Ole Gardner is so hopelessly politically jaded, he will never come back to reality ever again. Some people let their hateful politics ruin their entire lives, families, friendships, relationships, careers, fortunes, health, personality, disposition, personal happiness- everything- even their life.

It's really boils down to WHITE SUPREMACY. He simply thinks he is Superior to everyone else who does not look and think like him. He will die- thinking that someday!

Not sure if he developed this disposition from his religion, or his parents, or he just hung out with racists and rednecks all his life, or listened to Rush Limbaugh religiously over the last 3 decades, or perhaps entertained himself with the FOX NEWS brainwashing for the last 20 years.

Any and all of those things are suspect. I suspect it was a cocktail of all the above.

No wonder he is on the verge of shooting up a Mall somewhere. All that shit will drive people crazy eventually.

I know of at least 10 others here in the forum that are just as hopelessly lost, misinformed, and insane as he is.
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I've had my share of threads ridiculing the Creation Science museum, the Noah's Ark Experience, young Earth creationism.

But I stop short of mocking Jesus, Yahweh/God, Moses, or deeply held convictions about eternal souls and a transcendent afterlife.
Things like the Creation Museum are trying to cram fantasies down the throats of everyone. The Republican Party has stopped being a party of personal accountability and fiscal responsibility. It's now a quasi-religious cult and white nationalist party.
What's beneath everyone is to hate others simply for their beliefs.
Terry, you are pulling a Phantasmal, i.e. you are lying ... you are simply virtue signaling for attention, and you will be going right into how you so self-righteously HATE all the right people because of their evil beliefs ... so you can justify being an asshole to whomever you please ... which evolves into your justification for depriving others of their rights because they are the right people to HATE, which then somehow becomes an obligation on everyone's part to deprive the target believers of their rights as being "good for everyone." HATING brain stems are gonna HATE.

So let's get to your true HATRED and find out whose beliefs you believe are good for everyone to target so that you won't be the only one being a complete asshole.

[Being beligerent assholes to] oppressive assholes like the Westboro Baptists or ISIS is good for everyone regardles of theier beliefs.
If you were to hold the position that they should be ignored, Terry, then you really couldn't conclude with a self-righteous call to fuck with them, so your position needs to be that if you declare them to be assholes, that it then becomes "good for everyone" to fuck with them along with you.

You are so virtuous, Terry. I'm going to refer to you as "Virtuous Terry" who serves as the virtue Bat-signal.

Things like the Creation Museum are trying to cram fantasies down the throats of everyone.
Aaaahhh, Virtuous Terry is HATING again. Terry, do they bring the fucking museum to your house and kick in your door? ... or do people have to voluntarily go out to the museum and voluntarily enter? Brain-dead HATERS are gonna HATE.

When your brain stem stops working, you really are in a world of hurt. I think it just exacerbates your natural HATRED for all living things and makes you delusionally paranoid.

The Republican Party has stopped being a party of personal accountability and fiscal responsibility. It's now a quasi-religious cult and white nationalist party.
Now you HATE patriotism in the name of loving your country. You are the biggest moron on the board.

Nope ... I take that back. Nordberg, Frank Apisa, ThatOwlCoward, BidenPresident, guno, Quincunx, Phantasmal ... they all outclass you in stupidity, dishonesty and cowardice. I don't know what I was thinking.

You're only an average moron. I'll try to refrain from exaggeration.

Yes, the Republican party is nothing more than a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Democrat party. We're all fucked. Democrats just don't know it yet.

It's really boils down to WHITE SUPREMACY. He simply thinks he is Superior to everyone else who does not look and think like him. He will die- thinking that someday!
Really? You're one of those leftist nutcases that ensures he meets his quota of screaming "RACIST!" 1000 times each day for good health?

You're a fucking idiot.

Hey, would you call me a "RACIST!" a few times? Just to go towards your quota, I mean. Just, maybe thirty to forty? It's not like I'm asking for a few hundred.
I've had my share of threads ridiculing the Creation Science museum, the Noah's Ark Experience, young Earth creationism.

But I stop short of mocking Jesus, Yahweh/God, Moses, or deeply held convictions about eternal souls and a transcendent afterlife.
You are so very virtuous. I appreciate you extolling your virtue on JPP to sort of, you know, set a good example for everyone else. You and Terry are providing a virtual virtue-signalling public service and it's just so nice of you to do that.

The only possible thing that could be better would be to learn the list of those with whom your dissimulation resonates. Thanks again.