Geeko Sportivo
Verified User
Like Satan, the individual chooses his fate, God does not.
Isn't it nice to be able to blame everything bad that happens on EARTH on the BOOGY MAN!
How convenient!
Like Satan, the individual chooses his fate, God does not.
Shouldn't you be more afraid that God exists and you blew God off with agnostic and atheist views and now standing before God you realize you are royally and totally fucked?
I only fear man- Man is all I know that truly exists- I know of no Gods- other than what I read about in the Bible- that was not written by God, but MAN!
And... Yet another proof that the Left has no sense of humor whatsoever.
Dude, I have a sense of humor.
I even tried to be a comedian on occasion, but everybody just laughed at me. [Geeko Sportivo]
There's your confusion. To be a comedian, you have to get people to laugh with you, not at you. If they're doing the later, you're just a fool...
You sound like someone who can't justify your aversion to a supreme being.Your God sounds like a petty asshole.
And... Yet another proof that the Left has no sense of humor whatsoever.
You sound like someone who can't justify your aversion to a supreme being.
A comedian that feels like he/she has to laugh at their own jokes has already failed.
A comedian that is not funny gets no laughs at all!
Make a Pedo Don joke to see how many Alt-Righty nutjobs lack a sense of humor too. LOL
You sound like someone who can't justify your aversion to a supreme being.
Trump, passes away, arriving in Hell--as we knew he would. The Devil meets him, personally.
"As a VIP," says the Devil, "you get a choice of what you'll be doing here for eternity. Let me show you your options in the President's section."
Satan takes Trump to a door that opens into a room. Inside, he sees Ronald Reagan pushing a boulder up a steep hill. Once he reaches the top, the boulder rolls to the bottom and he has to start all over again.
Horrified, Trump says, “No thank you, I'm not doing manual labor. That's what I hired illegals for.”
"Okay, Satan says. They go to a second door, and inside Richard Nixon is profusely sweating away with a tiny hammer hitting a boulder as fast as he can. A demon with a whip is smacking him and telling him to go faster.
"Nixon's breaking rocks for eternity," says the Devil.
Trump replies “I can’t do that either, I deserve so much better Mister Satan, do you realize how much I've loved and helped people? I have helped millions of people, more people than anyone else.”
Satan nods, stroking his chin. “Fair enough. I have a special job for you, for all you've done.” He goes to another door and opens it. Inside, there's a room where John F Kennedy is standing at his desk in the Oval Office, pants down to his knees. Marilyn Monroe is in front of him, giving him a blowjob.
Excited, Trump says, “Now there's something I can do! Thank you for listening to me. You are the best.”
“Ok, Marilyn," Satan says, "You're done. I've found your replacement.”
We'll see how it goes...
I take back almost every bad thing I ever said about you. lol
I'm curious here. If a person doesn't believe in a supreme being, or at least is doubtful, why would that be considered an 'aversion'? You seem to be implying that the natural state of a human being is to believe in a supreme being. Why would you think that is so?
Goddamnit! I fucked up and made the joke too damn good!But Trump still deserves it...
Goddamnit! I fucked up and made the joke too damn good!But Trump still deserves it...
My God. Accept it or you are wrong. Sadly, they believe that.
I know, but I was hoping to hear why Celticguy thinks that disbelief = aversion, which is a very negative word. It's what we feel about something diseased, an icky slimy worm, racist language, bedbugs, assholes of all types. You don't normally hear it associated with a deity.
I hear it all the time. If you do not worship their God it because you are evil. Widely held by Christians.