Into the Night
Verified User
It was a question, penis breath.
No question made. Another random post by you.
It was a question, penis breath.
This can't be a real question.
So you consider a bunch of people with ignore lists an open forum?????!?? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!
You have done nothing but wander aimlessly posting random shit. That isn't a rebuttal.
So Man, which already existed, had sex with a chimp to cause the evolution of Man??? Do you even realize what you just said?????????!?
He doesn't have me on ignore, dumbass.
Then you explain it Dr. Doolittle!
LIF. Grow up.
Stop spamming, please.
why don't you suck his dick?
Science would say that we didn’t actually evolve from apes but that we both evolved from a common ancestor in a process that is essentially the genes of our common ancestor mutating into different forms leading to us and apes.
However the problem with this theory is that scientists cannot explain why the same genes would evolve on differing paths since the common ancestor was located in the same environment.
Another problem is that after that branching of genes from our common ancestors there is zero evidence of it ever happening again.
Statistically that would be an impossibility since if it happens once it should be an ongoing process.
So yes, after that split from the common ancestor each species evolved in their own way but never again did any species genes branch out again to create multiple new species.
There are many, many holes in the theory of evolution
But you didn't provide even one rebuttal to one point. Did your university make you too stupid or too pompous to answer? Or both?
Science has nothing to say about the past. Darwin's theory isn't science.Science would say that we didn’t actually evolve from apes but that we both evolved from a common ancestor in a process that is essentially the genes of our common ancestor mutating into different forms leading to us and apes.
Now, now Terry, just because you only have a brain stem, you don't have license to mentally masturbate in public. Do that in a bathroom. You shouldn't be projecting your own bogus positions onto others and then be attacking them for your bogus positions.Lemme guess; if a Trumpian fuckwit declared the Earth was flat, you'd be attacking anyone who didn't provide "one rebuttal to one point".
Evolution is well documented. If you're a young Earth creationist who believes all the evidence of evolution is the work of Satan, I can't help you.
Darwin's theory and creationism are entirely compatible.Then I read the OP. Jeezus! Talk about an ass backwards attempt to justify the silliness of creationism.
Your Mom beat me to it!
I'm not sure. But, I am already starting to suspect some sex-crazed retarded pre-historic man had sex with a Chimpanzee somewhere in history.