If evolution is real why are there still apes?

I agree, Tyson is principled and mellow atheist.

I saw a webcast where another, more belligerent atheist was trying to egg on Tyson to get more confrontational with Christianity, but he wouldn't take the bait.

What's to argue about? Jesus is either exactly who he said he was and will return after the Apocalypse.And everyone left will be enlightened. Or he's not and modern man will self destruct.
Either way this age of mankind is coming to an end!
The animals and the planet need a break from modern man.
Moon is a Muslim?

Yes, some atheists focus exclusively on Xtians. The vast majority of atheists don't discuss religion or religious people; they simply have no interest in it no matter what flavor it is.

In general I think it's safe to say that most people, atheist or not, dislike those who are religiously aggressive, esp. when they portray themselves as somehow superior to everyone else.

Guno is constantly attacked by RWers, Xtian and non, on the basis of his Jewish faith. I've seen RB do it, I've seen Minty do it. American RWers do not like American Jews. They prefer their Jews far away, like in Israel.

Yes, she is.

Because they are childish and angwy. Most American atheists are under 30, Euro-American and male. Go figure. LOL

Agreed on aggressively religious. This includes atheists such as the "No Gods, No Masters" demographic.

None of the self-labeled Christians attacking Jews or other minorities ever conduct themselves like Christians. Ever. They wear Christianity like a hood to mask their true face which is vile and evil.
My Republican customer is off the deep end about China!
Especially electric cars!

I fail to understand why the Right seems to HATE (hate hate hate hate hate) EV's. I get it that they may not want to buy one, but to act like EV's are somehow an affront to their lives is beyond the pale.

Is it because they fear that one day EV's will be the only choice? That's a waaaaays off. Besides: who wants to own a car that requires MORE maintenance?
I agree, Tyson is a principled and mellow atheist.

I saw a webcast where another, more belligerent atheist was trying to egg on Tyson to get more confrontational with Christianity, but he wouldn't take the bait. He only opposed introduction of religious dogma into science education and public policy

I like the fact that there are BOTH approaches. Personally I'm an atheist who has mostly religious friends so I'm reasonably OK with faith if not for myself. But I also see the value in more strident atheists as well who help get the word out as belligerently as many Christians push the faith. It's a balance. Why should one side get to do all the screaming? :)

That being said, once atheists are as accepted in society as religious people, then we can dispense with the more vociferous folks.
I like the fact that there are BOTH approaches. Personally I'm an atheist who has mostly religious friends so I'm reasonably OK with faith if not for myself. But I also see the value in more strident atheists as well who help get the word out as belligerently as many Christians push the faith. It's a balance. Why should one side get to do all the screaming? :)

That being said, once atheists are as accepted in society as religious people, then we can dispense with the more vociferous folks.

I don't think Christianity should get to do all the screaming. Some of us on this thread wrote that in real life and at work, we have had very few experiences of being prostylitized by aggressive christians. Very few.

Keeping religious dogma out of government and education is a legitimate policy goal.

The guy who was egging on Tyson was obviously an adherent of scientism, the concept that all knowledge and truth can come through science.

I don't think that's right. I found as much truth in the Dhammapada, the Sermon on the Mount, and the Dao de Jing, as I found in my college physics textbooks.
My Republican customer is off the deep end about China!
Especially electric cars!

Totally ridiculous. Reminds me of the stuff you read about as a kid with all the opposition to gasoline-powered "carriages" back in the late 1800s. "There is nothing new under the sun." -- Ecclesiastes
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They don't really seem to be policy wonks. Supposedly, Tucker Carlson devoted a show to the penetrating question about the gender identification and androgyny of the M&M cartoon characters

Important, life or death stuff, evidently. Why, mighty empires have fallen for less!
I agree, Tyson is a principled and mellow atheist.

I saw a webcast where another, more belligerent atheist was trying to egg on Tyson to get more confrontational with Christianity, but he wouldn't take the bait. He only opposed introduction of religious dogma into science education and public policy

A most sensible approach. That's how most of us non-Xtians are: Be happy with your chosen path, and don't try to drag others on to it, or insert it into public schools and government.
One of my heroes, Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson is an atheist. He calls it being a "Skeptic". He hosted a few Skeptic conventions which I listened to on Youtube. He's not an "in your face" atheist* and openly mocking atheist like Richard Dawkins.

Below is a fairly clear difference in their approaches:

The clip was obviously posted by a militant atheist and Dawkins fan.

*the opposite of an "in your face" Bible thumper or member of ISIS.

Atheism has, to some, become a label slaoped on a system of beliefs, but to me, that's a red herring. Atheism is simply lack of belief. It does not require anything 'active'. Everyone is an atheist, I just believe in one fewer God than others. The other red herring is that difference between atheism and agnosticism. I'm not even really sure I understand people who claim to be agnostic. To me, it's hedging your bets. If I am 99.999% sure that there is no God, does the .001 make me an agnostic? Hardly, IMHO. Agnosticism implies to me that 'maybe, maybe not'. I simply see 'God' as superfluous. Completely unnecessary, and always, always anthropomorphized.

I LOWE Tyson. If you ever get the chance, google him talking about his conversation with James Cameron about the night sky in Titanic. Pretty damn funny.
Comparative religion and religious studies classes are important and valuable, and could or should be part of a comprehensive liberal college education. I don't see why holy rollers feel compelled to import religious doctrine into genetics and Earth science.
Agreed it is a good class for rounding out student's minds.

Comparative religion classes were among my philosophy classes in community college.
Yes, she is.

Because they are childish and angwy. Most American atheists are under 30, Euro-American and male. Go figure. LOL

Quite a few are Asian-Americans too, per Wikipedia.

Agreed on aggressively religious. This includes atheists such as the "No Gods, No Masters" demographic.

None of the self-labeled Christians attacking Jews or other minorities ever conduct themselves like Christians. Ever. They wear Christianity like a hood to mask their true face which is vile and evil.

Jade is one of the few Christians here who actually acts in accordance with Xtian precepts.
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I fail to understand why the Right seems to HATE (hate hate hate hate hate) EV's. I get it that they may not want to buy one, but to act like EV's are somehow an affront to their lives is beyond the pale.

Is it because they fear that one day EV's will be the only choice? That's a waaaaays off. Besides: who wants to own a car that requires MORE maintenance?

Did you also notice that Reichwingers used to HATE HATE HATE Elon Musk because of Tesla, but since he bought Twitter and restored their #MalignantMessiah's posting privileges, they now worship him?
As far as I can tell, the last time the Republican base enthusiastically promoted a tangible policy goal based on their own ideas was when they hollered that we must invade Iraq.

They were well supported by Democrats. LOL

FWIW, I don't consider invading Iraq to be a traditional Republicans POV. It was akin to the Japanese bombing Pearl Harbor. Very unAmerican, IMO.
I think most people know where to draw the line between scathing criticism and juvenile mockery. But not all. I'm probably a little guilty too

I always told Jack and BP that they don't actually seem like principled atheists, they seemed like anti-Christian zealots

Agreed about anti-Christian. In Jack's case because, IMO, he was bipolar. Mason is the flip-side of that coin. BP because she's young and angry.
Did you also notice that Reichwingers used to HATE HATE HATE Elon Musk because of Tesla, but since he bought Twitter and restored their #MalignantMessiah's posting privileges, they now worship him?

Has anyone accused the RWers of being sane much less consistant?

This is like the love-hate relationship with Comey, whom both parties now hate.