If evolution is real why are there still apes?

Absolutely right! We NEVER went to church as kids,because my Dad got kicked out of a Catholic HS because he wanted to be an usher in a Lutheran wedding.
So I was an open mind,not clouded by any church's spin.
It seems to me those brought up in the church have the most confusion because their churches spin .
They get caught up with what to eat when,and all the other outdated church doctrines!
Organized Religion chases away more people than they ever make Spirit filled Christians.

I periodically enjoy the ritual and beauty of the Orthodox liturgy, and the festivities of the saints days feasts. I wasn't dragged to any fire and brimstone churches, which probably would have traumatized me.
I don't see how you can categorically rejects gods as false, but then be open to the possibility of resurrection, samsara, the Buddhist vision of hell, and the Hindu concept of a universal spirit. LoL

When you really cut to the chase, atheism pretty much has to be a rejection of religion in general, as it famously prides itself on being the progeny of Enlightenment principles and rationality

IMO, they don't. They use the Buddhists to pad their numbers then reject their religious views. It's silly, immature and not very intelligent.

A reason why most are young, angry and immature; they are like angry teenagers rejecting everything their parents are trying to teach them.
IMO, they don't. They use the Buddhists to pad their numbers then reject their religious views. It's silly, immature and not very intelligent.

A reason why most are young, angry and immature; they are like angry teenagers rejecting everything their parents are trying to teach them.

It's important to get all perspectives; I've been reading Nietzhe, who might be atheism's greatest thinker along with Marx. Hitchens was to much of an Iraq war-loving asshole for me to invest time in

I've never understood the need, in this context, to align with percieved allies to boost credibility. Buddhism became kind of a fad thanks to Hollywood actors and beatniks. But I think when Henry David Thoreau, and Niels Bohr dabbled with the Bhagavad-Gita, it seems a little more genuine because I doubt they were pursuing a desire for urban chic or posh Hollywood hipness.
Scientific theory, yes. You truly are a dumbass.

There is little science to the THEORY of evolution. Ironic you calling anyone a dumbass, moron. :laugh:

Know what else is a theory? Electronics. Yes that's right... the computer you're using is based on that theory.

Electricity is not a theory. It is science that has been PROVEN. Evolution is not PROVEN it is merely THEORY. Moron.
And halfwits on the right and left think "theory" is not built on proven facts. The "theory" of gravity does not mean it is just somebody's idea. It is based on proven hypotheses.

Correct. Evolution, however, is not based on proof. It is merely THEORY.
I did not say that. I said that Xtians are the focus of atheists in America because Christianity is the dominant religion.
Atheists don't care about Christian beliefs. Marxists and other competing religions (who perhaps erroneously call themselves "atheists") target Christians. Why would someone such as myself, who has no theistic sensitivities to rile, care about what Christians believe?

I can guarantee you that if someone showed up on this forum stating that they are Muslim and getting pushy about it, they'd get the same flack from the atheists (and a lot of the rest of us too) that pushy Xtians get now.
But that's an entirely different issue. "Pushy" people get push-back. It has nothing to do with what they believe. The top of the list are the insufferable warmizombies and climate lemmings.

Anyone who's been here more than a few weeks has seen nasty comments about Muslims.
I don't remember seeing any. Could you point a few of them out?

There have been plenty of homosexual slurs by leftists.
There has been non-stop HATE hurled at Christians by leftists.
There has been non-stop HATE hurled at conservatives by leftists.
There has been non-stop HATE hurled at Republicans by leftists.
There has been non-sto HATE hurled at law-abiding citizens who want to protect their families from violent crime (and you are leading the charge on that one) by leftists.

Nothing against Muslims that I remember.
I fail to understand why the Right seems to HATE (hate hate hate hate hate) EV's. I get it that they may not want to buy one, but to act like EV's are somehow an affront to their lives is beyond the pale.

Is it because they fear that one day EV's will be the only choice? That's a waaaaays off. Besides: who wants to own a car that requires MORE maintenance?

This guy would buy a electric car tomorrow if Trump said it was cool.
I like the fact that there are BOTH approaches. Personally I'm an atheist who has mostly religious friends so I'm reasonably OK with faith if not for myself. But I also see the value in more strident atheists as well who help get the word out as belligerently as many Christians push the faith. It's a balance. Why should one side get to do all the screaming? :)

That being said, once atheists are as accepted in society as religious people, then we can dispense with the more vociferous folks.

The majority of people who claim to be believers have no real faith in their Faith.
I think atheism is to closely affiliated with supposedly being an oppositional ideology to the Abrahamic religions.

I think atheism at its core is a rejection of religion, in general

A few of the Asian religions do not have a specific creator god, but they still are infused with the irrationality, mythology, ritual, superstition, and the supernatural that atheism has always been traditionally opposed to in Christianity, based on it's rational Enlightenment principles .

Anthropomorphization of the Christian God is bad theology in most christian practices I am aware of. God is supposed to be unfathomable, and apart from space and time.

To me, being an agnostic is not a matter of degrees or percentages of uncertainty.

It is an open acknowledgment of ignorance.

I do not believe my primate brain has the cognitive capacity to percieve and correctly interpret all true knowledge, and I do not categorically reject the very real possibility of a higher truth and an underlying purposeful organizing principle to the cosmos

Correct ! You need an Epiphany!
I can speak only for myself, but that is not true in my case. Those two things exist independently, one is passive, the other active. I don't believe in Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny, but there is no dogma attached to that disbelief. I don't give one second of thought about why I reject those mythical beings, and I don't give a second of thought to my non-belief in God. I simply don't see the need for God. I'm fine with accepting that what is known by man represents a wholly insignificant amount compared to what can be known. I simply don't have any need for a God of the gaps. Science, given enough time and advanced enough technology can explain all of those gaps, and that explanation, as it always has been, will be found in the natural world.

My rejection of 'religion' is actually a rejection of religious dogma. I have no issue with faith, until you tell me I have to have faith in the EXACT SAME THINGS THAT YOU DO or else. And by you, I mean the organized religions throughout history.

So you assume we got where we are without intelligent design, but by pure chance of cells coming together and specializing?
I periodically enjoy the ritual and beauty of the Orthodox liturgy, and the festivities of the saints days feasts. I wasn't dragged to any fire and brimstone churches, which probably would have traumatized me.

I find the ritual boring,I do enjoy a good sermon.
But I'm leery as Hell of organized religion.
I'm sure there are Churches that just want to spread the gospel,but just as many that are social clubs or pushing an agenda unrelated to God.
Many preach a good "fire and brimstone" Political message against " godless "liberals""!trumpprayedover1_hdv.jpg
Atheists don't care about Christian beliefs. Marxists and other competing religions (who perhaps erroneously call themselves "atheists") target Christians. Why would someone such as myself, who has no theistic sensitivities to rile, care about what Christians believe?

But that's an entirely different issue. "Pushy" people get push-back. It has nothing to do with what they believe. The top of the list are the insufferable warmizombies and climate lemmings.

I don't remember seeing any. Could you point a few of them out?

There have been plenty of homosexual slurs by leftists.
There has been non-stop HATE hurled at Christians by leftists.
There has been non-stop HATE hurled at conservatives by leftists.
There has been non-stop HATE hurled at Republicans by leftists.
There has been non-sto HATE hurled at law-abiding citizens who want to protect their families from violent crime (and you are leading the charge on that one) by leftists.

Nothing against Muslims that I remember.

Such childish ignorance. Christianity is the creator of atheism. We were mostly trained in it and it held until we reached the age of reason. The system sucked and the teachings were rife with contradictions. You eventually thought "what a bunch of crap". The leadership also was detrimental to belief. Religions are businesses that compete with other religions for money and power. They do not accumulate incredible wealth and power because they love the poor and helpless. They are Goldman Sachs without a tangible product.