Well-known member
Great! Just what the world needs ... more Nordbergisms.Such childish ignorance.
... and you don't disappoint! I won't even offer a rebuttal.Christianity is the creator of atheism.
I'll warn gfm7175 to expect to become an atheist any day now. Correction, that his Christianity will make him into an atheist. I don't think he sees it coming. Won't he be surprised!We were mostly trained in it and it held until we reached the age of reason. The system sucked and the teachings were rife with contradictions.
Imagine PostModernProphet's impending chagrin when he realizes this, eh?You eventually thought "what a bunch of crap".
Yeah, gfm7175 often gushes over his adoration for the Vatican.The leadership also was detrimental to belief.
Yep, especially Global Warming and Climate Change. That's why when you hear/read about someone bashing Christians, it's practically a guarantee that it is a scientifically illiterate and mathematically incompetent warmizombie or climate lemming engaging in religious warfare.Religions are businesses that compete with other religions for money and power.
You've got warmizombies and climate lemmings pegged.They do not accumulate incredible wealth and power because they love the poor and helpless.
@ gfm7175, PostModernProphet ... apparently Nordberg has some bad news for you soon-to-be fellow atheists.