It seems like an obvious point, but it's worth saying, again & again.
I always said that if our current President's last name wasn't "Bush," we'd have no idea who he is. He probably wouldn't have been elected Town Supervisor in Crawford.
The same is true of Hillary. Her lead in national polls is name recognition ONLY, but it will likely be solidified by the time actual primary voting begins. And it's a real shame, because this is one of the strongest Democratic fields in awhile; it deserves to be more competitive deep into the primaries, instead of being done by New Hampshire.
Can't we do better over 20-28 years than 2 familes, of which there will likely be only 1 President we would classify as "good" when all is said & done?
I have to say, this is really depressing me on a deep level...
She's honestly just as good as any other candidate.