If Obama had a sister...

all of you people on the right in this site know this information because I have been telling you for years about it and showing the cold hard facts that EXIST no matter how much you pretend you have never seen it.

You are the party of traitors
How did Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and O-BOMB-YA get into office?

your mind is blown huh?

its like you think cheating ALWAYS wins the day.

it that what you think?

that cheating is magic and if you cheat no one can win against you?

dude sometimes cheaters don't get what they want.

Cheaters NEVER win.

do you even know what the line means?
do you even think about what you post before you post it?

why are you condoning the OBVIOUS court documented DECADES of cheating your party has been caught in repetedly?

then tell me why the media never really reports on all of this record?
there is reems of court documents showing that they got caught.

Now tell me why this "liberal" media you claim exists doesn't plaster the air waves with those court documented stories before every election?
Because that is just one more republican lie.

the media could Kill every chance the Rs had of even dog catcher by telling the American people about all this completely documented cheating.
I never read that fantasy book so how can I forget what never really happened?

Now do you deny the court documented evidence the republican party has cheated for decades to win elections?
why don't you go to your court house and ram it with your car and then ram the first police officer with your car when they show up and then tell us how it all ends for you?

That is not a real request

DONT harm public property or human life Ok you sack full of rancid nuts
note they REFUSE to say that these provided facts are irrefutable.

the republican party is the party of cheating in elections.

why does the media not bring that up EVERY election?

Because they are NOT left leaning like you liars claim