If ten million dollars fell in you lap...


Will work for Scooby snacks
How would you spend it?


-I'd buy a beachfront house. No mansions, or anythin too fancy. Just a nice, normal house.

-I'd upgrade the house to solar, and green energy, and get completly off the commercial utility grid.

-I'd buy a nice hybrid car

-I'd take about a 6 month vacation: Europe, or maybe southeast asia

that would burn about a million, I think

-I'd give about 3 million to charity

-I'd give a give about 3 million to relatives (or friends who need help)

-I'd put 2 million is safe investments and live off the interest, while I went back to school for a law degree, or teaching credential.

-I'd keep about a million in liquid income. Beer money, in effect. ;)
Ten million dollars...that's, what? About five million pounds isn't it?

I'd buy five million lottery tickets hoping to strike it rich. You have to play it smart in the investments game.
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beach house: ditto
going off grid: ditto
Hybrid: ditto
Vacation: ditto and New Zeland
Charity: would set up a charity which was self fueled by the original Million
3 Million for family: would be houses next to mine for those who chose to live by me.
Live off interest: ditto
million for liquid "assets": ditto
I'd build a new solar-powered house in the mountains... then become an internet forum hermit, rarely seen in civil society. Although I'd be wearing some cool hats.
I'd build a new solar-powered house in the mountains... then become an internet forum hermit, rarely seen in civil society. Although I'd be wearing some cool hats.

Ditto the solar-powered house in the mountains. It would have to be near forest and some running water.

I'd give about a million to the Nature Conservancy.

Maybe build a wildlife rehab facility and become far better qualified than I am to do something useful there.

Open a spay and neuter clinic for pets (without a means test for the owners); try to keep it operational with donations and grants.

Endow a scholarship fund for college and grad students who have had to work their way through, and who have demonstrated a willingness to do so.

Our families are self-sufficient.
Ditto the solar-powered house in the mountains. It would have to be near forest and some running water.

I'd give about a million to the Nature Conservancy.

Maybe build a wildlife rehab facility and become far better qualified than I am to do something useful there.

Open a spay and neuter clinic for pets without a means test; try to keep it operational with donations and grants.

Endow a scholarship fund for college and grad students who have had to work their way through, and who have demonstrated a willingness to do so.

Our families are self-sufficient.

Nature Conservancy is awesome.

What better way to protect the environment, than just to buy up a bunch of land, before developers can grab it? ;) I mean Sierra Club is great, but they focus on legal action. Nature Conservancy just bypasses that step, and simply buys the land. I love how proactive that is. ;)
Nature Conservancy is awesome.

What better way to protect the environment, than just to buy up a bunch of land, before developers can grab it? ;) I mean Sierra Club is great, but they focus on legal action. Nature Conservancy just bypasses that step, and simply buys the land. I love how proactive that is. ;)
Plus, they buy it. I donate to that stuff.

I would buy land around my new house... Most definitely. I would hike and camp. Dang, I'd be a happy man.
Plus, they buy it. I donate to that stuff.

I would buy land around my new house... Most definitely. I would hike and camp. Dang, I'd be a happy man.

Totally. Nature Conservacy is great at buying the land, and managing it. The have a bunch of marsh land and tidal flats around here. Prime biological habitat. And the land is held in trust, so developers will never lay there hands on it.

Love it
Plus, they buy it. I donate to that stuff.

I would buy land around my new house... Most definitely. I would hike and camp. Dang, I'd be a happy man.

I'd buy the land and have my own golf course built (not sure if $10 mil covers that). Then I would hire scantily clad women to drive around and make sure all the guests have full glasses of Jack & Coke.

The remainder of the money would go to a college scholarship fund for inner-city youths.
I would do pretty much what I have with the bit over one million that fell into my lap.
I set up college trust funds for the grand children.
Paid off debts.
Helped a few relatives with bills.
Bought some new farm equipment and a few cows.
Might buy a hybrid, but in no rush. My 17 yr old soobie gets good mileage.
Eat well.
In a few years if the remainder grows well enough I am setting up a scholorship fund for high achieving poor kids.

I do not want to live the rich lifestyle, just one that is comfortable and works for me.
If I lived the rich livfestyle I might become a prick. I would not like that.

will probably go to New Zealand for a vacation pretty soon.
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