If the Democratic coup succeeds,

I will never vote for a Democrat again. This is beyond disgusting.
Stay positive now! Us Democrats know you now, and what's in your heart, and we understand your frustration, and it is warranted in these crazy times we refer to as the TRUMPTARDED MAGA era!

But us Democrats also know you do not mean this, and you are just blowing off steam. So, I've already put your comment into the Brain-Fart category. Hey, it happens.

The Democrats will get this thing figured out, and we'll be right back on track in just a few days. This is temporary friend. Trust me, cooler heads will prevail.

Just remember- Nothing is ever as bad as it seems, and nothing is ever as good as it seems.

So, just take a break, back away from all the NEWS and Forums for enough time to focus on your family and your personal life, as all of this sensationalism is a bit overwhelming sometimes and totally consumes us.

You are on the right side of Right Vs. Wrong, Good vs. Evil, Truth vs. Lies, and Reality vs. MAGATARD- And that is what is important!

You are a valuable asset to the Democratic Party and I just wanted you to know that!
Stay positive now! Us Democrats know you now, and what's in your heart, and we understand your frustration, and it is warranted in these crazy times we refer to as the TRUMPTARDED MAGA era!

But us Democrats also know you do not mean this, and you are just blowing off steam. So, I've already put your comment into the Brain-Fart category. Hey, it happens.

The Democrats will get this thing figured out, and we'll be right back on track in just a few days. This is temporary friend. Trust me, cooler heads will prevail.

Just remember- Nothing is ever as bad as it seems, and nothing is ever as good as it seems.

So, just take a break, back away from all the NEWS and Forums for enough time to focus on your family and your personal life, as all of this sensationalism is a bit overwhelming sometimes and totally consumes us.

You are on the right side of Right Vs. Wrong, Good vs. Evil, Truth vs. Lies, and Reality vs. MAGATARD- And that is what is important!

You are a valuable asset to the Democratic Party and I just wanted you to know that!
I am positive I will not support the coup.
I will never vote for a Democrat again. This is beyond disgusting.
For a guy who goes to disgusting lengths to express hate for Trump, it's odd that you can't see that Biden has virtually no chance to win.

And, yes, you will vote Dem because you have an irrational fear of Trump.
For a guy who goes to disgusting lengths to express hate for Trump, it's odd that you can't see that Biden has virtually no chance to win.

And, yes, you will vote Dem because you have an irrational fear of Trump.
shut the fuck up
Vote for more of this ? No, I don't think so


Joe has to go.
That's Syria, not America.