If the economy is doing great, why do Dems beg for benefits?

In the 70's industry was moving from the north to the south for cheap labor, then to Mexico, then to Asia, it's all about the cheapest labor. Republican internationalists have no sense of patriotism or loyalty to this country.

In the '70's manufacturing also moved to Latin America. Reagan wasn't in office in the '70's so who was responsible for moving the jobs? Yeah, it's great to toss out anti-Republican comments and you'll get fellow partisans to agree with you while you high five each other but that's just a facile answer for something much deeper.
extending unemployment benefits gives people more time for that recovery to occur and also more money to keep small businesses going.

It does? How's that working so far?

Post the evidence.

Who is it that keeps eliminating middle class jobs? I'll give you a hint. Republicans in Congress and tea party governors.

I don't want a hint. I want facts.

Post some, if you can.
Sure. they want the economy to get stronger and extending unemployment benefits gives people more time for that recovery to occur and also more money to keep small businesses going.

Who is it that keeps eliminating middle class jobs? I'll give you a hint. Republicans in Congress and tea party governors.

What kind of middle class jobs are they eliminating?
I am?

What statement do you see in the tread title?

Here's the article title

O'Malley organizes letter in support of unemployment benefit extension

Here's the one you made up

If the economy is doing great, why do Dems beg for benefits?

Wanna show me where in the article, or where you picked up the title YOU gave the thread, that says the Democrats say the "economy is doing great"?

Or you could just admit you pulled that out of thin air, as it doesn't exist.
It does? How's that working so far?

Post the evidence.

I don't want a hint. I want facts.

Post some, if you can.

First point...economy hasn't collapsed and the private sector is creating jobs...

Secondly, you lie about the article you are using and you want proof from me? You lack credibility.
In the 70's industry was moving from the north to the south for cheap labor, then to Mexico, then to Asia, it's all about the cheapest labor. Republican internationalists have no sense of patriotism or loyalty to this country.

The ONLY thing self absorbed Republican's are loyal to is the almighty Dollar Sign!
Who started NAFTA, Who advanced it? Clinton lost my support when he signed it. GWB put it on steroids. Ross Perot was right, you just won't or can't admit it to yourself that NAFTA/GATT is a right wing plan for quick profits at the cost of the American people and the ruination of our country.

hey idiot. I agreed with Perot and voted for him because of it, but thanks for playing, you nitwit.
Maybe a good jobs bill would help ease the pressure on Americans... oops conservatives are against putting Americans back to work because the rich don't need jobs.

Washington (CNN) -- President Barack Obama said Monday his $447 billion jobs plan is a common-sense approach needed right away, but House Republican leaders said they opposed Obama's intention to pay for it by ending tax relief for corporations and the wealthy.
you have to be one major moron to believe that a democrat endorsed jobs plan is anything but a corporate crony giveaway.
It does? How's that working so far?

Post the evidence.

I don't want a hint. I want facts.

Post some, if you can.



FY 2011 CR Amendment:
Replace the
spending levels
in the
FY 2011
continuing resolution (
, non
homeland security, non
ending at FY 2008
The legislation
further prohibit
any FY
2011 funding from being used
to carry out any provision of the Democrat
keover of health care
, or to
defend the health care law against any lawsuit challenging any
provision of the act.
billion savings

Discretionary Spending Limit
, FY 2012
Eliminate automatic increases for inflation from CBO
baseline projections
discretionary appropriations.
mpose discretionary spending
limits through 202
on the non
of the discretionary budget
savings over ten years

Federal Workforce Reforms:
Eliminate aut
omatic pay increases for
civilian federal workers for five
Additionally, c
civilian workfor
ce by
a total of
15 percent through attrition. Allow
hiring of only one new worker for every two workers who leave
federal employment
until the re
target has been met
Savings included in above discretionary savings figure

“Stimulus” Repeal:
Eliminate all remaining “st

billion total savings.

Eliminate federal control of Fannie
Mae and Freddie Mac
$30 billion total

Repeal the Medicaid FMAP increase in the “State Bailout” (Senate amendments to S. 1586).
illion total savings.

More than 100
specific program eliminations and
spending r
eductions listed below:
savings over ten years
cluded in above discretionary savings figure)
Program Eliminations/

Corporation for Public Broadcasting Subsidy.
$445 million annual savings.

Save America’s Treasures Program.
$25 million annual savings.

International Fun
d for Ireland.
$17 million annual savings.

Legal Services Corporation.
$420 million annual savings.

National Endowment for the Arts.
$167.5 million annual savings.

National Endowment for the Humanities.
$167.5 million annual savings.

Hope VI Prog
$250 million annual savings.

Amtrak Subsidies.
$1.565 billion annual savings.

Eliminate duplicative education programs. H.R. 2274
(in last Congress)
, authored by Rep. McKeon,
eliminates 68 at a savings of
$1.3 billion annually.

U.S. Trade Develop
ment Agency.
$55 million annual savings.

Woodrow Wilson Center Subsidy.
$20 million annual savings.

Cut in half funding for congressional printing and binding.
$47 million annual savings.

John C. Stennis Center Subsidy.
$430,000 annual savings


Scott didn't get everything he wanted, but the final budget approved by the Legislature was $4.6 billion smaller than it had been in 2006, even though the state's population had grown by more than 700,000. And Scott vetoed a record $615 million worth of spending for, among other things: homeless veterans, meals for seniors, whooping-cough vaccines for low-income mothers, an independent living center for the developmentally disabled, and, of course, public radio.

The effects were felt almost immediately, from the state level—nearly 4,500 state jobs were eliminated—to local governments. In Broward County, the school system laid off 2,400 employees, mostly teachers. The Polk County school district sacked all of its college advisers, a move that prompted the wife of a tea party congressman, Rep. Dennis Ross (R-Fla.), to spearhead a fundraising effort to try to save them. (In the end, Cindy Ross, a member of a local high school's booster club, wasn't able to preserve the jobs, which had previously been protected by the 2009 stimulus—a measure her husband ran against.)

Florida already had a 10.6 percent unemployment rate and one of the stingiest unemployment benefits in the country—recipients max out at $275 a week. After Scott's cuts, the percentage of unemployed people who received benefits fell from 17 to 15 percent—far below the national average of 27 percent. One reason: Florida now requires the jobless to take a 45-minute online math and reading test before even applying for benefits, a move the National Employment Law Project calls an "unnecessary burden" that may violate federal law. "Nowhere in the country is it this hard to get help when you lose a job," said Valory Greenfield, a staff attorney at Florida Legal Services.

I don't BS....some of you do, but I don't.
First point...economy hasn't collapsed and the private sector is creating jobs...

Secondly, you lie about the article you are using and you want proof from me? You lack credibility.

Bowel Movement is just another typical "do as I say and not as I do" Rightie.

He demands you respond to his questions with proof, but he's not required to do the same when you ask for him to corroborate the lunacy he tries to pass off as fact.
It hasn't?

Then why are extended unemployment benefits an "emergency?"


Compared to the downward spiral Bush had us on, no. The economy leveled out but is having a hard time recovering because of republican obstructionism and HUGE unemployment they create with their budget cuts. Why not cut tax subsidies to oil and corporate farmers?

What do you mean why is it an "emergency"? Show me where it's labeled "emergency" unemployment benefits.
how do those jobs get paid for and by who? the middle and lower class you claim are evaporating

They are evaporating because the jobs they once had are being slashed by republicans.

SHOW us where the republicans have proposed lowering taxes on the working poor.
Bowel Movement is just another typical "do as I say and not as I do" Rightie.

He demands you respond to his questions with proof, but he's not required to do the same when you ask for him to corroborate the lunacy he tries to pass off as fact.

I'm getting that impression. Problem for him then is that I will discount him to a pundit and keep seeking answers.