If the economy is doing great, why do Dems beg for benefits?

You said it when you created this thread.

I don't care. It's your party...do you not know what they did with this? Are you that void of understanding how your party works?

Seems to me you create more fantasies about democrats than you have realities about republican/tea partiers.

You're afraid of the tea party. It's gonna be like 2010 all over again. Prepare yourself.
You keep talking about trickle down economics but manufacturing jobs were already leaving this country in the '70's.
actually, manufacturing jobs declined in the US pretty steadily since I believe 1949........

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When you have a government job, especially a make-work job like these: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-01-08/congress-makes-nasa-finish-useless-350-million-structure.html

Guess repubs aren't against make-work jobs in this instance.

"The tower was designed to test a GenCorp Inc. (GY) engine for a rocket program canceled in 2010. Its funding survived thanks to Mississippi Republican senators led by Roger Wicker, who crafted a provision requiring the agency to complete the work."
Originally Posted by Crashk
Ever notice when you present us with facts we ask another stupid question or try to change the subject to Bush? Ever notice how our memories skip all government failures after January 20, 2009 ?

more lying. try making up your own sentences and stop relying on mine with your childish changes
Do you not understand that conservatives still believe in NAFTA? Do you understand that no matter what Obama does, conservatives will protect their U.S. and foreign political investors by turning a blind eye to what their ideology has produced in this country?

NAFTA had nothing to do with jobs going to China; thank American consumers who did not want to pay Union labor prices and unions who were more interested in preserving the status quo and a heinous tax code and workmans comp costs that pale compared to other nations.

The textile industry disappeared, not because of NAFTA, but because Americans refused to pay $20 dollars for a T-shirt.

The car industry survives thanks to shifting production to non-union States happy to have the jobs and automation.

Only dullards think that innovation, automation and global competition are bad. Protectionism would hurt the very people leftist dunces proclaim they care more about than anyone else on the planet. Wal-Mart, the favorite target of leftist dunces, has done more to turn around rural America and give the poor products they can afford than any company on the planet.

Unfortunately, dunces on the left have the economic wherewithall of a first grader.
Maybe a good jobs bill would help ease the pressure on Americans... oops conservatives are against putting Americans back to work because the rich don't need jobs.

Washington (CNN) -- President Barack Obama said Monday his $447 billion jobs plan is a common-sense approach needed right away, but House Republican leaders said they opposed Obama's intention to pay for it by ending tax relief for corporations and the wealthy.

Another dunces claim; that a pork laden unfunded $500 billion spending bill will now do what an unfunded pork laden $850 billion could not.

You Liberals are shamelessly stupid.
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Sure. they want the economy to get stronger and extending unemployment benefits gives people more time for that recovery to occur and also more money to keep small businesses going.

Who is it that keeps eliminating middle class jobs? I'll give you a hint. Republicans in Congress and tea party governors.

We were told that recovery occurred in 2009; yet here it is 2014 and we have to once again extend the extensions of unemployment because...things are so great right?

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They are evaporating because the jobs they once had are being slashed by republicans.

SHOW us where the republicans have proposed lowering taxes on the working poor.

What jobs are Republicabs slashing dunce? The Bush tax cuts were across the board; but since when do the working poor pay any Federal or State taxes? Dunce.

You really are THAT stupid.
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LMAO; you're a funny leftist troll aren't you?

They pay for it by first TAKING the funds from those who actually earn it. The Government cannot do anything without first forcefully extracting it FROM the economy. Therefore, this nonsense about Government stimulus is just that; absurd nonsense. The Government does not INVEST; it TAKES.

The sooner you leftist goobers comprehend such simple realities, including the FACT that the economy is not finite, the sooner you will stop looking like illiterate clueless buffoons.