If the internet, food, commodities, distribution and electricity went down.

What specific skills do you Preppers have that make you believe you will do better than the others?
What specific skills do you Preppers have that make you believe you will do better than the others?

I have already prepared

There are only three necessities

1) shelter
2) good and water
3) heat

I have all three covered at my mountain retreat.

It started out as a modest hunting cabin but over time has grown into a bug out shelter that could support me and my family for years

Now if you are really thinking about TEOTWAWKI then the first thing you need is a plan

1) do you have a meetup plan for your family as when it happens you are likely to be in separate places
2) do you have a bug out bag
3) can you hide in plain sight in an urban area
4) do you have backup routes of escape
My assumption is that there would be hordes of crazed and desperate white trash Trump supporters, cut off from food stamps, opioid drugs, and moonshine -- and hell bent on marauding and rampaging!

With that context, these would the survival skills I would hone:

Marksmanship with shotguns and pistols.
Proficiency at martial arts.
Map reading and navigation skills.
Knife fighting skills for close quarters combat.
Proficiency at first aid skills.
Proficiency at sheltering and scavenging.

You are an idiot who has watched too many Mad Max movies
I have already prepared

There are only three necessities

1) shelter
2) good and water
3) heat

I have all three covered at my mountain retreat.

It started out as a modest hunting cabin but over time has grown into a bug out shelter that could support me and my family for years

Now if you are really thinking about TEOTWAWKI then the first thing you need is a plan

1) do you have a meetup plan for your family as when it happens you are likely to be in separate places
2) do you have a bug out bag
3) can you hide in plain sight in an urban area
4) do you have backup routes of escape

One less for me, I do not need heat in South Florida.
I have already prepared

There are only three necessities

1) shelter
2) good and water
3) heat

I have all three covered at my mountain retreat.

It started out as a modest hunting cabin but over time has grown into a bug out shelter that could support me and my family for years

Now if you are really thinking about TEOTWAWKI then the first thing you need is a plan

1) do you have a meetup plan for your family as when it happens you are likely to be in separate places
2) do you have a bug out bag
3) can you hide in plain sight in an urban area
4) do you have backup routes of escape

What do you think is the one most important tool?
My assumption is that there would be hordes of crazed and desperate white trash Trump supporters, cut off from food stamps, opioid drugs, and moonshine -- and hell bent on marauding and rampaging!

With that context, these would the survival skills I would hone:

Marksmanship with shotguns and pistols.
Proficiency at martial arts.
Map reading and navigation skills.
Knife fighting skills for close quarters combat.
Proficiency at first aid skills.
Proficiency at sheltering and scavenging.

The fact you said Trump supporters, shows what a loser you are.
If the internet, food, commodities, distribution and electricity went down.

I'd be laughing at the liberal idiots in their desperation. We rural folk would continue to survive pretty much unaffected.

Can I get a cot and board with you? I am a total city dweller. And yes, it bothers me when I think of this stuff. I have friends that don't live on the city, yet none of them are prepared. I is never discussed.
The skill to access the valuable items would be key, but do you think bartering would happen much at first?

only in the short term

if all the people survive the best thing to do would be fix the system

if that is impossible I would barter away anything I could for supplies

Then pack up what I would need to live in the wild off the land

take my family and head to a state or fed park and choose a good location for survival.

It all depends on why it all went down and who survives
only in the short term

if all the people survive the best thing to do would be fix the system

if that is impossible I would barter away anything I could for supplies

Then pack up what I would need to live in the wild off the land

take my family and head to a state or fed park and choose a good location for survival.

It all depends on why it all went down and who survives

What a stellar plan

You have obviously not thought this through. You and your family would be among the first to perish.

I can tell by your post. You have no plan. You have no skills. And you have nothing to barter.

In a true TEOTWAWKI scenario you need something of value to barter and I would be willing to bet you have nothing.

An example would be Damos honey from his bees. It would be tremendously valuable in that scenario and he would be in a great position to barter.

Nobody would be interested in your collection of crack pipes
only in the short term

if all the people survive the best thing to do would be fix the system

if that is impossible I would barter away anything I could for supplies

Then pack up what I would need to live in the wild off the land

take my family and head to a state or fed park and choose a good location for survival.

It all depends on why it all went down and who survives

You wouldn't last a week. No one has anything you have to trade and you're incapable of doing for yourself.