If the internet, food, commodities, distribution and electricity went down.

unfortunately for you

hate wont be tradable for anything

That's OK, I don't have any hate. I do have things to offer for barter. You being a dumb cunt won't get you far. You couldn't trade your pussy for anything because not even the dogs want it.
It is funny that GayRod thinks he is ready for a true TEOTWAWKI

He would end up blowing people so he could eat rat shit

Maybe he an evince could get together. She has a pussy no one wants and Jarod isn't into things like that.
Maybe he an evince could get together. She has a pussy no one wants and Jarod isn't into things like that.

Well GayRod has copped to some homosexual acts in his past so maybe he could work something out?

I have goats. They are the ultimate prepper animal. They breed like crazy. They don’t require a lot of land to support them. They eat anything. They provide milk and meat.

Goats are great bartering tools.
One thing is certain, the Republicans would be sure to shit, piss, and dump their trash in the only clean water the world would have left!
If shite really hit the fan, first thing I would do is move back to the NW.

I won't say why because I don't want groupies following me.

3D knows why.
If you want a glimpse of what would happen in left wing strongholds if TEOTWAWKI actually came to pass, you need look no farther than New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina.

Nothing but takers unable to care for themselves.

In the event of an EMP attack, I suspect 50% of the population would die within 3 months mostly in leftist cities

Here’s praying for an EMP
What a stellar plan

You have obviously not thought this through. You and your family would be among the first to perish.

I can tell by your post. You have no plan. You have no skills. And you have nothing to barter.

In a true TEOTWAWKI scenario you need something of value to barter and I would be willing to bet you have nothing.

An example would be Damos honey from his bees. It would be tremendously valuable in that scenario and he would be in a great position to barter.

Nobody would be interested in your collection of crack pipes

MOre likely someone would shoot Damo for the honey.
I have two homesteads, one here in Florida and one in the NC mountains. In Florida I have numerous places to catch fish and farm winter crops.

In NC I have a great place in the woods, tuns of firewood, a nice cast-iron wood burning stove. I have a ram pump from a spring and lots of food on the property. I have a couple shotguns, one in Florida and one there.

None of this is on purpose or because I believe TEOTW is coming or because I am prepping, I have these things because I like them. I enjoy living off the land.

I have had an interest in the prepper community and they are a great source of income for some for those of us who enjoy having several streams of income.
I have two homesteads, one here in Florida and one in the NC mountains. In Florida I have numerous places to catch fish and farm winter crops.

In NC I have a great place in the woods, tuns of firewood, a nice cast-iron wood burning stove. I have a ram pump from a spring and lots of food on the property. I have a couple shotguns, one in Florida and one there.

None of this is on purpose or because I believe TEOTW is coming or because I am prepping, I have these things because I like them. I enjoy living off the land.

I have had an interest in the prepper community and they are a great source of income for some for those of us who enjoy having several streams of income.

Prove it. I don’t believe any of what you say.

You are a known liar
If shite really hit the fan, first thing I would do is move back to the NW.

I won't say why because I don't want groupies following me.

3D knows why.

You might want to take some extra folks along on your wagon train. Ask the Donner's why.
If the internet, food, commodities, distribution and electricity went down.
What would be the five most important skill's or pieces of knowledge that would be essential?

If you had a brain, what would be the chance of you making a coherent post that made sense one time? :laugh:
Can anyone imagine Hillary, or Obama, or Biden surviving a week without food or internet services?

So what do you fools think is the most important skill for EOTW?

Not a single one of you seems to be able to answer this one.
One thing is certain, the Republicans would be sure to shit, piss, and dump their trash in the only clean water the world would have left!

That's a lie. What is it about you leftists and your propensity to make shit up? Because your ideology is based on lies?
So what do you fools think is the most important skill for EOTW?

Not a single one of you seems to be able to answer this one.

Nothing more comedic than a dishonest leftist constructing a strawman then demanding everyone tear it down. STFU, seriously. EOTW isn't happening in our life times and it is laughably asinine to connect Trump to your strawmen.
