Verified User
I say.
What I do is called thinking. I form my own arguments; I do not rely on others to do my thinking for me, as you do, evidenced by your copy/paste of a random website below.
Many people received two doses each person, as required for Pfizer and Moderna jabs. Others received only one dose of those mRNA jabs instead of two, apparently having "buyer's remorse" or something... Others took the J&J viral vector jab which required only one dose.
This means that you can't assume that 309 million people have received "the jab" (there's only roughly 330 million people in the States of America btw, and less than 309 million of them are even eligible to receive this experimental jab).
I am making note of this for when we get to this article's faulty mathematics later on... This moment, where you get exposed as a total moron, is what happens when you allow other morons to do your thinking for you.
No they haven't. How so?
Having VAERS reports absolutely skyrocketing for these jabs (when compared to other jabs) is not "safe and effective"...
No it isn't. And our November elections were the "safest ever" too, right? You actually believe this garbage??
This is where my "bad math" note from above comes into play. This is just taking 5,208 and dividing it by 309 million and acting as if that math results in "how many people have died after getting a vaccine".
That math is NOT yielding a percentage of people who died after getting a covid jab, as the 309 million number is a reference to the number of doses administered, NOT to the number of people receiving those doses. Rather, it is yielding (well, attempting to yield but failing at doing so) a percentage of jabs administered in which death was experienced immediately after said jab was administered. Another problem with this math is that the VAERS database is not an all inclusive list of adverse reactions, as the vast majority of adverse reaction cases do not get reported to the VAERS database.
There's no way to truly know just how many people have died shortly after receiving their covid jabs, but I believe that it is likely somewhere between 0.033% and 0.33%. This is only speaking of death in the short term, not in the long term. There are so many unknowns surrounding these mRNA jabs and a bit over half of the population thus far have subjected themselves to being guinea pigs and lab rats...
Just don't be shifting the blame for these deaths to Trump when they become more prevalent upon re-exposure to coronaviruses in the Fall/Winter (as happened in past mRNA related animal trials)...
Fear mongering via a purposefully and manipulatively inflated death number. Most of those deaths were actually caused by something other than covid (the CDC themselves even admit this).
What data?
Which doctors? Additionally, these particular doctors do not speak for all doctors.
Teenagers, who were otherwise healthy as a horse, dropping dead of heart attacks immediately after getting covid jabbed is "no[t] evidence"? It sounds to me like these "doctors" are complete and utter quacks.
Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure they will..........
Your parroting of this holy link made you out to be a complete and utter moron, didn't it?![]()
It's also a fact that they changed the criteria for reporting adverse effects of the covid stupid juice stab. They changed it so they would only accept reports of hospitalizations or deaths. Every other side effect no matter how bad isn't reported unless you end up in the hospital or dead. Fudging the numbers just like the election.