ANDDDDDDDDD it starts.................
Just as I said in the OP that it would...................
Yesterday, Biden finally decided to give credit for the shots to a "Republican Administration"... Coincidingly, the CDC is expected to announce today that the shots don't work on the Midterm variant.
So when bad news about the shots is ready to come out, it's time to shift the blame over to Trump, eh??
Just remember that my OP was posted well ahead of this latest development and that I saw it coming from a mile away... STOP FALLING FOR THE DEMONKKKRAT LIES AND MANIPULATIONS!!!!!
** In early 2020, you were told to stop buying up masks and that masks DO NOT WORK FOR VIRUSES (they "might stop a droplet", as Fauxchi said)
** Shortly thereafter, you were told "wear masks for two weeks to "flatten the curve"
** Then, just wear the mask for a bit longer
** Then, just wear the mask until there's a vaccine
** Then, just wear the mask (we even recommend TWO!)
** Then, just lock yourself in your own home
** Just surrender your business, your job, your livelihood
** Just get the jab, please
** Just get a 3rd booster jab
** Just get annual jabs
** Just get biannual jabs
** Just give us your "assault rifles"
** Just give us your shotguns
** Just give us your handguns
** Just give us your bows and crossbows
** Just give us your knives/machetes/swords/etc
** Just give us your gold and silver
** Just give us control over your finances
** Just give us control over your healthcare
** Just give us control over your food intake
** Just give us control over your transportation and machinery
** Just give us control over your private property
The traitorous communist fucks (aka Demonkkkrats) will never stop attacking your individual rights and freedoms unless you put a stop to it... They need to be openly and loudly resisted at every turn.
In closing, I wish to remind you of what Walt had to say in this thread about this matter: "If the vaccines turn out badly, Biden openly deserves the blame."
Fire away!
Just as I said in the OP that it would...................
Yesterday, Biden finally decided to give credit for the shots to a "Republican Administration"... Coincidingly, the CDC is expected to announce today that the shots don't work on the Midterm variant.
So when bad news about the shots is ready to come out, it's time to shift the blame over to Trump, eh??

Just remember that my OP was posted well ahead of this latest development and that I saw it coming from a mile away... STOP FALLING FOR THE DEMONKKKRAT LIES AND MANIPULATIONS!!!!!
** In early 2020, you were told to stop buying up masks and that masks DO NOT WORK FOR VIRUSES (they "might stop a droplet", as Fauxchi said)
** Shortly thereafter, you were told "wear masks for two weeks to "flatten the curve"
** Then, just wear the mask for a bit longer
** Then, just wear the mask until there's a vaccine
** Then, just wear the mask (we even recommend TWO!)
** Then, just lock yourself in your own home
** Just surrender your business, your job, your livelihood
** Just get the jab, please
** Just get a 3rd booster jab
** Just get annual jabs
** Just get biannual jabs
** Just give us your "assault rifles"
** Just give us your shotguns
** Just give us your handguns
** Just give us your bows and crossbows
** Just give us your knives/machetes/swords/etc
** Just give us your gold and silver
** Just give us control over your finances
** Just give us control over your healthcare
** Just give us control over your food intake
** Just give us control over your transportation and machinery
** Just give us control over your private property
The traitorous communist fucks (aka Demonkkkrats) will never stop attacking your individual rights and freedoms unless you put a stop to it... They need to be openly and loudly resisted at every turn.
In closing, I wish to remind you of what Walt had to say in this thread about this matter: "If the vaccines turn out badly, Biden openly deserves the blame."
Fire away!