If there was no fraud what's the problem?

My question is this, is this what we are going to do with every election going forward now? Will all losers claim they really won and demand audits for months after the election and ask why would you care if there was no fraud or irregularities?

There are liberals who claim Bush stole Ohio in 2004 and that's why he won the election. I don't recall Republicans at the time supporting audits or liberal calls to investigate. Same thing right, why would Republicans care if there was no fraud or irregularities?

Yes, we need secure elections. But this continued belief that the election was stolen from Trump and thus this almost scorched earth attempt to change that is opening a pandora's box that will have a lot of unintended negative consequences in the future, imo.

The consequences are already here. The Democrat coup was successful. The U.S. federal government has been overthrown. The Constitution of the United States has been discarded by the Democrats, and they are currently turning the federal government into an oligarchy.
Strengthening voting laws is still subjective to a degree. And it won't stop people from complaining. And to your point in the OP, people still won't accept election results and if someone wants to audit the sh*t out of every race why should anyone care if there was no fraud or irregularities? Is that what we want going forward? You have people that refuse to accept the results, no amount of audits or anything is going to change their mind.

What results?
We care because it perpetuates a gigantic lie that lead to an assault on the capitol. And it will lead to more attacks. That's why it's a big deal. This crap has to stop. Trump lost the election. Anyone who perpetuates the lie needs to be shouted down. Period. There are not two sides to this issue.

There was no election in 2020. The election faulted due to election fraud by Democrats.
The only problem is a group of Republicans unwilling to accept the results and are appealing to the Trump supporters by challenging the outcome. It is not a problem to most Americans.

Omniscience fallacy. You don't get to speak for most Americans. You only get to speak for you.
There are no results. There was no election in 2020.
I'm sure state law covers all those issues.

Let the state legislature audit the election although some already do this automatically. And, let the House investigate the January 6 insurrection. Nothing to hide in either case.

It does. So does federal law. The legislature of a State automatically has access to the voting machines, the ballots, everything.

There was no insurrection on Jan 6th.
The consequences are already here. The Democrat coup was successful. The U.S. federal government has been overthrown. The Constitution of the United States has been discarded by the Democrats, and they are currently turning the federal government into an oligarchy.

you are fucking crazy, bitch. nuttier than a squirrel turd.
Every fucking Red request was accommodated. Trump got more recounts than anyone ever dreamed of. The results stayed the same. Election after election was certified. Trump was not satisfied with all that special treatment. He went to courts and lost over 60 cases, winning zero. Remember the Kraken? What a stupid joke that was.
It is sad that America has so many crazies who cannot understand that Trump lost.
Yeah, the next made up case will turn it all around. Are you that stupid? Can't you rightys process information?

You are chanting again. Recounting fake ballots is pointless. Trump never filed 60 cases. What cases he did file were never tried. Trump didn't lose. There was no election.
Well, yes, the Left wants to destroy everything. That's how you get crazy dictators there like, say, Pol Pot or Castro.

Like Dotard.

March 3 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.
“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

Dotard praised and and wanted to emulate a dictator.
Dotard's cult praised dictatorships.

Then on January 6th, they tried.........................and failed.
Par for the course with Dotard.......................... a failure.
My question is this, is this what we are going to do with every election going forward now? Will all losers claim they really won and demand audits for months after the election and ask why would you care if there was no fraud or irregularities?

There are liberals who claim Bush stole Ohio in 2004 and that's why he won the election. I don't recall Republicans at the time supporting audits or liberal calls to investigate. Same thing right, why would Republicans care if there was no fraud or irregularities?

Yes, we need secure elections. But this continued belief that the election was stolen from Trump and thus this almost scorched earth attempt to change that is opening a pandora's box that will have a lot of unintended negative consequences in the future, imo.


and it's good.

if you all stop cheating and start cooperating it will be easier.

yes. the truth is a pandoras box, of goodness.