If Trump Didn't Incite The Capitol Attack....

Yes, we do know what their intentions were, because THEY TOLD US. Since you continue to defend them, I assume you are a traitor as well. Guess I'm not shocked.

CHAZ was a bunch of fucking idiots. They were not insurrectionists. I don't recall them attacking a capitol building. What's your point?

a violent uprising against an authority or government.
"the insurrection was savagely put down" · [more]
rebellion · revolt · uprising · mutiny · revolution · insurgence · insurgency · rising · rioting · riot · sedition · civil disobedience · civil disorder · unrest · anarchy · fighting in the streets · coup · coup d'état · jacquerie · putsch

CHOP / CHAZ as stupid as it was, was definitely an insurrection. They declared themselves an autonomous government and did it in part by force of arms. The CHOP / CHAZ leadership put out a manifesto that was known to those in that zone and acted on.

In the case of the Capitol riot there was no leadership. There was no coherent plan in place or particular objective. They were acting as a riotous mob.
CHOP / CHAZ as stupid as it was, was definitely an insurrection. They declared themselves an autonomous government and did it in part by force of arms. The CHOP / CHAZ leadership put out a manifesto that was known to those in that zone and acted on.

In the case of the Capitol riot there was no leadership. There was no coherent plan in place or particular objective. They were acting as a riotous mob.

Sure, sure, a riotous mob with walkie talkies, tactical gear, zip tie cuffs, and weapons. Once again, Chaz was a bunch of juveniles playing stupid, much like Occupy Wall Street. That's not an insurrection. It has nothing to do with the government.
Sure, sure, a riotous mob with walkie talkies, tactical gear, zip tie cuffs, and weapons. Once again, Chaz was a bunch of juveniles playing stupid, much like Occupy Wall Street. That's not an insurrection. It has nothing to do with the government.

Maybe you should take another look at the pictures I posted above...
They are a modern day example of insurrection waiting to happen. Right here on this very board many Leftists, Progressives, and Democrats decry how "Right wing militias" are the greatest threat to the nation and represent a huge threat of insurrection. Yet, they ignore totally similar groups on the Left like the one I presented.

I used them (and they are hardly the only one on the Left) because of their name linking them to the infamous insurrectionist John Brown of the immediate pre-civil war era.

Remember Oklahoma bombing. That was done by White supremacists, some from the Michigan militia. That is terrorism. That is really modern.