If trump loses election in 2020 & refuses to leave, will you support him??

But there is nothing he can do about it. There is no constitutional provision for ever canceling an election or remaining in office. That is just silly scare mongering like many of the other claims people have made on JPP, call-in talk shows, etc.

Unfortunately, it is more complex than that. There is a Constitutional fig leaf trump could find. States have the right to appoint Electors in the manor of their choosing, which does not need to be an election. trump is looking into having states that Republicans control, but vote for Biden appointing Electors other than the ones voted for. In theory, both the elected Electors and the appointed Electors would meet. After that, both Biden and trump could claim victory.

I would hope people like Flash would join Democrats in calling out trump's cheating... But I doubt it.
Fort Hood, home of III Corps and the First Cavalry Division, will be renamed Fort Trump.

The sad part is there really nearly was a fort trump. Poland wanted US forces in Poland, and was willing to pay for a fort for them. They were even willing to pay for the troops themselves. And they were willing to name the fort after trump. What sort of loser president demands foreign forts be named after him?

There have been two basic problems that torpedo the whole fort trump deal. trump demanded the right to pull out the troops immediately at the first sign of trouble. This made the troops useless to Poland, so why should they pay for them. And Putin ordered trump not to put troops in Poland, and trump has to follow Putin's orders(for some reason).

So no fort trump.
Unfortunately, it is more complex than that. There is a Constitutional fig leaf trump could find. States have the right to appoint Electors in the manor of their choosing, which does not need to be an election. trump is looking into having states that Republicans control, but vote for Biden appointing Electors other than the ones voted for. In theory, both the elected Electors and the appointed Electors would meet. After that, both Biden and trump could claim victory.

I would hope people like Flash would join Democrats in calling out trump's cheating... But I doubt it.

You assume incorrectly. I would call out any cheating. But I have seen no evidence (and seriously doubt) Trump is "looking into" having Republican states that vote for Biden appointing electors other than the ones voted for. In most states the slate of electors that wins the state popular vote are the ones elected to the electoral college (although there are many variations among the states).

Electors can already vote for whomever they choose (10 did so in 2016). The Supreme Court should very soon release their opinion about whether states can bind,punish, and/or remove electors who do not vote for the popular vote winner in their states--the experts think the court will rule states have this power based on the questioning when the court heard this case.
Everyone who thinks he won't leave if he loses is a complete moron. As the the question I reluctantly voted for him but would not support him staying if he lost. If I did I would be no better than the low life leftists who STILL can't accept that the talking pig in a pant suit lost in 2016.

No one cares who the fuck you voted for fuckin stinky sock nor why........
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You're assuming that I will believe a claim of corruption without evidence. I don't take corruption claims lightly -- hence my skepticism of things like the Mueller Report. If Trump were to claim that there were "voting irregularities", then he would need to provide convincing evidence for me to buy it.

Have you read the FULL version of the Mueller Report?
What if he loses and quietly steps away? Ever give that a thought? What will you be bitching about then?

That will be the official story. I suspect the reality will be as different as the "official" story of how Hillary took her election loss.

That is my point. The full unredacted version may paint a very different picture of what tRump really did.

Or it might still be unable to prove anything. What is known is simply this: high ranking Democrats had access to the unredacted version, and they chose not to pursue things further down that road. They immediately switched to Ukraine, which is very telling.
It didn't really prove anything. While some of the media tried to spin things regarding it, no collusion was established.

It was never about collusion since in Mueller's arena. it is not defined as a crime. However, Mueller showed the countless numbers of Trump's people communicating with Russian hackers and Assange. Stone was the main Assange contact. Trump praised Wikileaks. Russia hacked Americans, the Dem party, and even Repubs. They were in the business of helping Trump steal the election. Mueller provided the information and suggested the House and senate follow it up.
It was never about collusion since in Mueller's arena. it is not defined as a crime. However, Mueller showed the countless numbers of Trump's people communicating with Russian hackers and Assange. Stone was the main Assange contact. Trump praised Wikileaks. Russia hacked Americans, the Dem party, and even Repubs. They were in the business of helping Trump steal the election. Mueller provided the information and suggested the House and senate follow it up.

Yet they didn't. If this report was so damning, why not do so? Instead, they jumped to Ukraine, and that didn't go anywhere either.

At some point, the Democrats need to admit that they lost the election because of their own failures, not because of Russia.
It was never about collusion since in Mueller's arena. it is not defined as a crime. However, Mueller showed the countless numbers of Trump's people communicating with Russian hackers and Assange. Stone was the main Assange contact. Trump praised Wikileaks. Russia hacked Americans, the Dem party, and even Repubs. They were in the business of helping Trump steal the election. Mueller provided the information and suggested the House and senate follow it up.

trump or his cronies didn't need to ask ppl for help if they were already helping...

to bad his good friend Xi didn't want to help him. Perhaps a pretty please or two more would help??? :laugh: :(
