If trump were OUT which R would you vote for?

You lefties can't decide whether you want a black or not. Spartacus Booker was polling at 6%, dropped out, and suddenly he's qualified to be the VP nominee.

and Black American voters have picked the old white guy Biden

just like you idiot racists said they never would
and Black American voters have picked the old white guy Biden

just like you idiot racists said they never would

1. There aren't enough black Democrats to make that determination

2. Post a link where I said blacks didn't support Biden
Do you know who determines trade pacts? it is corporations. They are at the table. Corps have managed pacts from Dems and Repubs. Everyone talks a fair trade, but Corporations have the trade they want. Do Trump and Ivanka make their overpriced crap in China and 3rd world shops? Of course, they do. That tells you how much they really care about American workers. Trump hired illegals to work on his projects and still has a bunch sweating at his golf courses.

You missed what I'm discussing here. Everyone knows that the 3rd World is going to do the majority of low skill manufacturing. No president can escape the simple principle of comparative advantage. What I'm talking about is making sure that these same countries open up their markets to buy products made here. Trump is one of the few presidents in recent history that has focused on this. So while corporations are involved in trade deals, so are governments.

Yeah, somebody, someplace cares about guns. That means your paranoia is justified. How many guns do you have? Can you buy a truckload more tomorrow? Quit fantasising about gun confiscation. it will not happen.

It's not paranoia if guns are actually being confiscated. It's also not paranoia if Bloomberg and other billionaires like him are throwing a lot of money at getting confiscation schemes passed in legislation. Before last year, no one would have thought that Virginia would be passing stricter gun laws than most states. All it took was one election to change that.

So yeah, I keep a close eye on the big money behind gun control.