If you could completely abolish one religion, which would it be?

If you could compeletly abolish one religion, which would it be?

  • Hinduism

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  • Sikhism

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  • Judaism

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  • Shintoism

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jainism

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Confucism

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
it is still evidence as you point out....thus beefy and grind's claim there is no evidence of god is false.....good job on proving them wrong....

anecdotal evidence works all the time in everyday life....all you're moaning about is the reliability of it....not that such evidence exists

Fiction books are not evidence. We already agreed on this.

Point. Set. Match.

If, in the 1300's, some Indian had come about and said that Spaniards existed without proof of their existence, and demanded respect for his belief, it would be a belief no more worthy of respect than religion.
Except he would be 100% right. The reality is, though you find it distasteful, your faith in the non-existence of something is equally relevant to the belief in it. They are both based in faith.
Fiction books are not evidence. We already agreed on this.

Point. Set. Match.


stop drinking and smoking weed at the same time.....the kind should not be mixed with alcohol....ever

anyhoo....we never agreed on that....you ran away from the fact that the bible is actually testimonial evidence.....:)
watermark and grind are so scared.....they had to delete atheism which is a faith

you guys crack me up....tell me....how often do you have cyber sex with each other?
stop drinking and smoking weed at the same time.....the kind should not be mixed with alcohol....ever

anyhoo....we never agreed on that....you ran away from the fact that the bible is actually testimonial evidence.....:)

Drinking? Check.

Smoking pot? Nix.

Destroying Yurt's argument in embarrassing and unequivocal ways? Check.
Beefy, you're wrong to dismiss the entirety of the Bible as a work of religious fiction, since it was never intended to be a religious document. It is, originally, a chronicling of the history of the Jewish people and a collection of their traditions.
Beefy, you're wrong to dismiss the entirety of the Bible as a work of religious fiction, since it was never intended to be a religious document. It is, originally, a chronicling of the history of the Jewish people and a collection of their traditions.

Adam and Eve, the parting of the sea, Jonah in the whale and Job.

That's about enough for me to determine that this book is not a history book.

Adam and Eve, the parting of the sea, Jonah in the whale and Job.

That's about enough for me to determine that this book is not a history book.


Adam and Eve is the equivalent of Remus and Romulus, I never read Jonah and the whale, so I can't comment. And Job is, considering the other contemporary histories and stories, plausible. A man who praises God and happens to lose everything, only to continue praising him and have his good luck return? Everyone knows a story like that. Ignore the obvious exaggerations, that's how EVERY story was told back then. It helped reinforce the point.
Drinking? Check.

Smoking pot? Nix.

Destroying Yurt's argument in embarrassing and unequivocal ways? Check.

you haven't destroyed anything....you continue to runaway from the fact that personal statements are evidence...

do you need me to refresh your memory
you haven't destroyed anything....you continue to runaway from the fact that personal statements are evidence...

do you need me to refresh your memory

Works of fiction are different from personal statements. We've been over this. If I say 1+1=49, that is not evidence that 1+1 is indeed, forty nine.

Stuffed! Again!!

Alright, I'm trolling but still winning even when I troll.


Works of fiction are different from personal statements. We've been over this. If I say 1+1=49, that is not evidence that 1+1 is indeed, forty nine.

Stuffed! Again!!

Alright, I'm trolling but still winning even when I troll.



obviously i do need to refresh your memory....

If a claim equals evidence, then the term evidence loses its meaning. Come on, you're an attorney right? If hobo Joe comes into the court and says he saw the chupacabra commit the murder, is that evidence?

Heresay is evidence?

you had no idea that testimony is evidence....now go back and start over beefy....
obviously i do need to refresh your memory....

you had no idea that testimony is evidence....now go back and start over beefy....

Alright. I still don't believe in the chupacabra, and I would never hire an attorney that did. Good day sir.
Alright. I still don't believe in the chupacabra, and I would never hire an attorney that did. Good day sir.

i don't care who you want to hire.....

i'm just happy you now finally understand what evidence is and have finally come to admit the bible is evidence....
it is still evidence as you point out....thus beefy and grind's claim there is no evidence of god is false.....good job on proving them wrong....

anecdotal evidence works all the time in everyday life....all you're moaning about is the reliability of it....not that such evidence exists

LOL. Anecdotal evidence doesn't count. It's bad evidence, and while bad evidence can be used to support good evidence, no amount of bad evidence stands on its own. No matter how high you stack cow patties, it doesn't turn into a bar of gold. I don't have to positively disprove statements that are only supported by awful evidence, I can ignore them out of hand. The claims of UFO abduction people have just as much validity as religion; IE none.
Except he would be 100% right. The reality is, though you find it distasteful, your faith in the non-existence of something is equally relevant to the belief in it. They are both based in faith.

No, he wouldn't be right. He would have no evidence for it. He had absolutely no reason to believe in them. He just happened to get lucky. I'd like to qualify this statement by saying I don't think anyone in history has every been that lucky or ever will; this is just a mind experiment.

If you had to believe what he said, you'd have to believe what everyone said, and you'd be making a nigh infinite amount of bad decisions for almost no good decisions. There are better ways to make decisions in life than listening to some random persons creative inventions; it's called science.

Believing in religion is like buying an infinitely small bit of a lottery ticket for all the money in the world; just not a good bet.

BTW, I don't have to disprove something only supported with bad evidence. It's not a matter of belief in no God; it's a philosophical approach to life to reject things out of hand that have only bad evidence in support of them.
LOL. Anecdotal evidence doesn't count. It's bad evidence, and while bad evidence can be used to support good evidence, no amount of bad evidence stands on its own. No matter how high you stack cow patties, it doesn't turn into a bar of gold. I don't have to positively disprove statements that are only supported by awful evidence, I can ignore them out of hand. The claims of UFO abduction people have just as much validity as religion; IE none.

????....in a courtroom, the only thing that counts is anecdotal evidence......if someone denies that a fact exists and someone can testify that it occurred in their presence, the only thing to question is the credibility of the witness......between you and the authors of the bible, they have superior credibility.......
Believing in religion is like buying an infinitely small bit of a lottery ticket for all the money in the world; just not a good bet.

lol.....believing in the existence of a deity equals spending all the money in the world?......this from a guy who thinks it's a good thing to pass the Democrats' health care reform bill even though he's never read it.....shucks, the Democrats who voted for it last night haven't even seen it yet......so much for your "philosophical approach to life"........
Christians kill the most poeple by far, and they fuck with other peoples lives the most, and they rape more minor boys.