If you could only choose one group to lose the right to vote - women or poor people?

Who SHOULD NOT have the right to vote?

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hey men, a women cried about not being in this thread so I let one in (owl) to "educate" us. Please just nod and smile and she'll be gone soon enough. no sudden movements.

She has me on ignore because she can't defend what she supports. Sad thing is she makes excuses to hide her cowardice and inability to defend what she says. Somehow, to her, it's my fault she has me on ignore.
On another note, women trade 'sex for support' (basically known as 'Marriage'). So, maybe women ARE smarter than men?
The man goes to work everyday getting a brown bag with a bologna sandwich in it, while the woman lounges around the house eating chocolate bon bons and watching TV.

None of us are interested in the story of your life, Jack. Your morbid fantasies about other JPPers' sex lives and marriages are creepy, and seem to be reflections of your own. Would you like me to create a special thread safe-space for you here to get those feelings out so you can heal? We'll even bring in the Bruce the JPP Therapy Iguana, as long as you promise to not pet below his ruff.
that is true! you are so strong and powerful and intimidating! what a strong independent women you are! good for you! keep reaching for that rainbow! you are so empowered!

LOL -- nah. I'm sitting here in my castle on the rainbow, watching you con dudes scrabble in the dust, desperately clutching your last shreds of white male power before it vanishes like dust in the wind.

Wow, I rock these cliches!
You know, talking about chocolate bon bons and watching TV, ... Phantasmal once told me she 'allows' her husband to 'touch' her.

OK. So like most males, ... which is the better choice ... a Sex Doll or someone with that attitude?
I mean, they both just lay there with a vacant expression on their face, unmoving, unresponsive, not even a murmur. Uh (thinking about this) I guess the Sex Doll wouldn't look at it's watch every 5 minutes and say "How much longer?" "Are we done here?" "Is it over yet".

I guess it would come down to cost. You know, like, how much is the Sex Doll compared to how much does the woman eat in a year (probably have to toss in the shoes and purses being bought too)?

There's a lot of variables here, ... this could be a tough call.

I'd guess that you've already made this decision.
BTW...is that a home picture? Is that how your family looks at you when you talk? Wouldn't that be creepy if they did?
Regards to the poll: the poor. I know dozens of women that are, smarter, have more common sense and are emotionally stronger than every single liberal male that posts here.
On another note, women trade 'sex for support' (basically known as 'Marriage'). So, maybe women ARE smarter than men?
The man goes to work everyday getting a brown bag with a bologna sandwich in it, while the woman lounges around the house eating chocolate bon bons and watching TV.
Is that really what your mother did? Mine raised four children.