If you didn't need worry not knowing language, where would you most like to live?

Jade Dragon

And I'm the one that jaded you.
With all the insanity in America, I'm so filled with dread. I've been just looking at other places, and dreaming. Are there any places you'd love to live instead, if language, and money couldn't stop you? Here's a few places that have peeked my interest. If only; am I right?






Medicine Hat??? Why? I once dated a girl from there when she was a student at Tulane.
Basically you seem to be interested in Europe it looks like. I lived in Italy for a yr. and couldn't get out soon enuf. The bureaucracy is stifling, even to Italians.
Köln is a big city in Germany, too crowded. I lived in a town of 25,000 in Upper Bavaria- very nice.
Austrians are too provincial for me. They think they're better than everybody else (in general).
Language in Denmark is not a problem at all. They grow up with English. I'd get bored there. Cold, gray, dreary winters, no snow and flat. I need mountains.
With all the insanity in America, I'm so filled with dread. I've been just looking at other places, and dreaming. Are there any places you'd love to live instead, if language, and money couldn't stop you? Here's a few places that have peeked my interest. If only; am I right?






Hmmm my picks of foreign countries would be Thailand, Argentina and Arkansas.
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With all the insanity in America, I'm so filled with dread. I've been just looking at other places, and dreaming. Are there any places you'd love to live instead, if language, and money couldn't stop you? Here's a few places that have peeked my interest. If only; am I right?

Norway or Iceland, I think.
Norway or Iceland, I think.
A pal of mine once went to Iceland to inspect the prisons, but they'd all gone home for Christmas, which was nice, but he reckoned it was a bit bleak. My Uncle's plane - like two others - crashed in Norway with the paratroopers they were carrying, and I was there a couple of years ago when they put up a monument. Fine place, but too expensive for anyone to live there!
A pal of mine once went to Iceland to inspect the prisons, but they'd all gone home for Christmas, which was nice, but he reckoned it was a bit bleak. My Uncle's plane - like two others - crashed in Norway with the paratroopers they were carrying, and I was there a couple of years ago when they put up a monument. Fine place, but too expensive for anyone to live there!

Pretty high cost of living, eh? It's breathtakingly beautiful though. Have a photog friend who lives there. His photos are a love song to his homeland.

Where I live is perfect, but I would consider Ireland or Scotland. People here think it is great to have sunny weather almost all the time, but I have always been a bit of a goth. I like some cloudy weather, fog, rain, and rocky coast lines. That is totally up my alley.
I enjoy visiting my ancestral village and relatives in eastern Europe, and I feel at home in Slavic culture, but it too bloody far from the ocean, and I could not live in a quasi-dictatorship. No theocracies or dictatorships for me.

My last two choices would be New Zealand, or British Columbia, Canada. They have some of my favorite things: beautiful mountains, breath taking scenery, oceans, and generally temperate climates. It does not get much better than that!
Live at sea. That way you live everywhere. Best part is if you do not like your neighbors, just haul anchor and move.
With all the insanity in America, I'm so filled with dread. I've been just looking at other places, and dreaming. Are there any places you'd love to live instead, if language, and money couldn't stop you? Here's a few places that have peeked my interest. If only; am I right?







My brother is in the Canary Islands right now. Looks pretty sweet.
With all the insanity in America, I'm so filled with dread. I've been just looking at other places, and dreaming. Are there any places you'd love to live instead, if language, and money couldn't stop you? Here's a few places that have peeked my interest. If only; am I right?







I'm staying here

don't dread

they system is working

there is no way for them to win this

its an international investigation


America is Strong
You're lame.

What do you do for fun, Watermark?

I like where I live because of the people here and my hobbies. My life revolves around hunting, fishing and gardening when I don’t have to work. I schedule my vacations to avoid interfering with the afore mentioned activities as best I can. There are so many people I can call on in a pinch if I need help of some kind, and they’ll come running. Of course they know I’d do the same for them.

For instance, I was adding a wing onto my house and had hired a fellow to pour the footing. He had everything ready and the cement truck on its way but rain had made it so the cement truck couldn’t get close enough for the chute to reach the footing ditch. He was panicked because he was getting ready to have us stuck with $1200 of cement. I made one call and a neighbor (lives about 2 miles from me) came driving his tractor with a front end loader over and we used it to transport the cement to the footing.

Later the guy I had hired asked me how much “that guy” charged me for doing that? I told him, “Nothing.” The guy said, “I don’t have a single friend that would do that.” That’s sad, IMO. That neighbor I called was one of about 10 people who I immediately thought of who I knew would come help.

I can step out my back door an go hunting...got a 12,000 acre WMA with lots of game that borders my place. I’m 5 minutes from putting my boat in the lake.

I don’t doubt there are other such areas in the world where a person can enjoy such a life as I do, but for me, this is the place I plan to live until I’m too old to stay.

So I don’t expect you’d like it much here but that’s ok. Too many people get to liking it and try to squeeze in I’d Probably not enjoy it nearly as much.
The economy is booming- liberals are skeeeeeered.

Oh, I understand, Trump’s gaining popularity, the MSM have been exposed as charlatans, the swamp is draining, and the ridiculous idiocy of progressive foolishness is laughed at.

Calm down reptile, the sky isn’t falling.