If you didn't need worry not knowing language, where would you most like to live?

What do you do for fun, Watermark?

I like where I live because of the people here and my hobbies. My life revolves around hunting, fishing and gardening when I don’t have to work. I schedule my vacations to avoid interfering with the afore mentioned activities as best I can. There are so many people I can call on in a pinch if I need help of some kind, and they’ll come running. Of course they know I’d do the same for them.

For instance, I was adding a wing onto my house and had hired a fellow to pour the footing. He had everything ready and the cement truck on its way but rain had made it so the cement truck couldn’t get close enough for the chute to reach the footing ditch. He was panicked because he was getting ready to have us stuck with $1200 of cement. I made one call and a neighbor (lives about 2 miles from me) came driving his tractor with a front end loader over and we used it to transport the cement to the footing.

Later the guy I had hired asked me how much “that guy” charged me for doing that? I told him, “Nothing.” The guy said, “I don’t have a single friend that would do that.” That’s sad, IMO. That neighbor I called was one of about 10 people who I immediately thought of who I knew would come help.

I can step out my back door an go hunting...got a 12,000 acre WMA with lots of game that borders my place. I’m 5 minutes from putting my boat in the lake.

I don’t doubt there are other such areas in the world where a person can enjoy such a life as I do, but for me, this is the place I plan to live until I’m too old to stay.

So I don’t expect you’d like it much here but that’s ok. Too many people get to liking it and try to squeeze in I’d Probably not enjoy it nearly as much.

A pal of mine once went to Iceland to inspect the prisons, but they'd all gone home for Christmas, which was nice, but he reckoned it was a bit bleak. My Uncle's plane - like two others - crashed in Norway with the paratroopers they were carrying, and I was there a couple of years ago when they put up a monument. Fine place, but too expensive for anyone to live there!

sorry to hear about your uncle

I need sunshine

being in southern California most of my life I would not last long in snow

its beautiful but then you have to try to live life in it

its filthy after a day or so

not to mention cold

I think socal is just fine for me
What makes Europe so expensive? Taxes? Something else?
It depends on the area - Sicily or much of the Balkans are a lot cheaper than, say. London. Foreign crooks find it a good way to hide their ill-gotten gains by buying property in London. Again, as in Japan, if you want to keep a farming system going, it comes expensive. The main problem, I think, is certainly populations trying desperately to hold up the price of property.
It depends on the area - Sicily or much of the Balkans are a lot cheaper than, say. London. Foreign crooks find it a good way to hide their ill-gotten gains by buying property in London. Again, as in Japan, if you want to keep a farming system going, it comes expensive. The main problem, I think, is certainly populations trying desperately to hold up the price of property.

Thanks. We've been watching a show on cable called "Househunters International." It shows ppl moving out of the States to other places and looking at apartments/houses to rent. They give the real estate person a monthly figure that they can afford in USD and then are shown (in the time the show takes place) three different flats or houses to choose from. They're fully furnished too. The European ones are pretty small by U.S. standards and pretty pricy per sq ft.
What do you do for fun, Watermark?

I like where I live because of the people here and my hobbies. My life revolves around hunting, fishing and gardening when I don’t have to work. I schedule my vacations to avoid interfering with the afore mentioned activities as best I can. There are so many people I can call on in a pinch if I need help of some kind, and they’ll come running. Of course they know I’d do the same for them.

For instance, I was adding a wing onto my house and had hired a fellow to pour the footing. He had everything ready and the cement truck on its way but rain had made it so the cement truck couldn’t get close enough for the chute to reach the footing ditch. He was panicked because he was getting ready to have us stuck with $1200 of cement. I made one call and a neighbor (lives about 2 miles from me) came driving his tractor with a front end loader over and we used it to transport the cement to the footing.

Later the guy I had hired asked me how much “that guy” charged me for doing that? I told him, “Nothing.” The guy said, “I don’t have a single friend that would do that.” That’s sad, IMO. That neighbor I called was one of about 10 people who I immediately thought of who I knew would come help.

I can step out my back door an go hunting...got a 12,000 acre WMA with lots of game that borders my place. I’m 5 minutes from putting my boat in the lake.

I don’t doubt there are other such areas in the world where a person can enjoy such a life as I do, but for me, this is the place I plan to live until I’m too old to stay.

So I don’t expect you’d like it much here but that’s ok. Too many people get to liking it and try to squeeze in I’d Probably not enjoy it nearly as much.
Sheesh Skidmark I think you hit a sore point. I think that’s LR’s longest post ever!
What do you do for fun, Watermark?

I like where I live because of the people here and my hobbies. My life revolves around hunting, fishing and gardening when I don’t have to work. I schedule my vacations to avoid interfering with the afore mentioned activities as best I can. There are so many people I can call on in a pinch if I need help of some kind, and they’ll come running. Of course they know I’d do the same for them.

For instance, I was adding a wing onto my house and had hired a fellow to pour the footing. He had everything ready and the cement truck on its way but rain had made it so the cement truck couldn’t get close enough for the chute to reach the footing ditch. He was panicked because he was getting ready to have us stuck with $1200 of cement. I made one call and a neighbor (lives about 2 miles from me) came driving his tractor with a front end loader over and we used it to transport the cement to the footing.

Later the guy I had hired asked me how much “that guy” charged me for doing that? I told him, “Nothing.” The guy said, “I don’t have a single friend that would do that.” That’s sad, IMO. That neighbor I called was one of about 10 people who I immediately thought of who I knew would come help.

I can step out my back door an go hunting...got a 12,000 acre WMA with lots of game that borders my place. I’m 5 minutes from putting my boat in the lake.

I don’t doubt there are other such areas in the world where a person can enjoy such a life as I do, but for me, this is the place I plan to live until I’m too old to stay.

So I don’t expect you’d like it much here but that’s ok. Too many people get to liking it and try to squeeze in I’d Probably not enjoy it nearly as much.

LR I lived in a rural area for 25 years, I think I know what it's like.