If you had to live in either North Korea or Somalia, where would you live?

NK or Somalia?

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If you were in North Korea, think about how hilarious it would be to laugh at how insane things were all the time. But not out loud, because then you'd be executed and/or sent to a labor camp where 25% or so die every year.
Live free?

Say something that pisses off Muslims, you'll be lynched within the hour.

Shoot them dead if you can, or shut the fuck up if you can't. It's a truly free country, at least in the south. There are literally no restrictions on what you are "allowed" to do.
also, due to recent wikipediaing, somlia's gdp is 153, which probably is damn near close to the bottom (192ish countries?) N.K. is 75th.

Plus, somolia doesn't look like this:


also, due to recent wikipediaing, somlia's gdp is 153, which probably is damn near close to the bottom (192ish countries?) N.K. is 75th.

Well, that's probably due to NK's higher population, and most of it probably goes to the glorious leaders and others high in the party apparataus. Somalia's GDP per capita is about half NK's, though.

Don't tell the glorious leader I said that. :shk:
You'd be dead before you could even unholster it. Gun nuts have a tendency to vastly overestimate the amount of armed people they can down in a blind fury.

Not freedom.

Why would you ever holster it in Somalia? Always keep it out and loaded and sleep in shifts.

Also, it is the ultimate freedom. It is the freedom to take and keep whatever you can defend for yourself. You are the only arbiter of your own rights. There are far more important rights than free speech.
I know you're not taking this question seriously, but it's pretty pathetic if you let that dictate where you live.
ok on a more serious level, somalia is a rundown shithole of mudhuts and I would never live there. It's hot, arrid, I don't know what the food is like, but that problably sucks too.
Why would you ever holster it in Somalia? Always keep it out and loaded and sleep in shifts.

Also, it is the ultimate freedom. It is the freedom to take and keep whatever you can defend for yourself. You are the only arbiter of your own rights. There are far more important rights than free speech.

LOL whatever dude. I'll take my NK glorious happy free workers and perfectly willing concubines, as I'll be given a high place in the glorious party apparatus because of my red hair (symbolizes communism).

However, they may decide that my red hair makes me better at working 18 hours a day in the happy Democratic people's phosphorous mines instead, in which case I may go with Somalia.