If you had to live in either North Korea or Somalia, where would you live?

NK or Somalia?

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I choose NK, because in Somalia, well, I think women have better rights in NK.
I've submitted this thread to the official applications for forum posters portion of the official website of North Korea (the finest website 1997 dollars can buy, by the way)


There's a good chance we'll be on the front page of the next newspaper they can find the paper and ink to print since we, as Americans, voted to live in North Korea over Somalia in a portion of about 3:1.
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I also want to point out that the only Italian restaurant in Pyongyang serves almost exclusively pizza, which isn't even an Italian dish. Not only that, but the pizza looks terrible.

I've submitted this thread to the official applications for forum posters portion of the official website of North Korea (the finest website 1997 dollars can buy, by the way)


There's a good chance we'll be on the front page of the next newspaper they can find the paper and ink to print since we, as Americans, voted to live in North Korea over Somalia in a portion of about 3:1.

did you mention that the non-liberals indicated they were bringing guns?....if so, you probably just set the multilateral negotiations back by at least six months......
I'd prefer to not get raped. I'm going with NK. I need laws and some kind of order. Plus, I'm pretty sure the Somalia voters on this thread would last a month in Somalia.

lol, just you and your guns. Great. You tell me how well your guns and you match up to a well armed rebel militia.
north korea by a bajillion miles. Tons of hot asian chicks.
Dude, Somalia is well known for their beautiful women and warm weather. Ok, when it comes to government they couldn't organize a cluster fuck.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UK6RgTdgLCk"]YouTube - Somali women:The Most beautiful women in The world.[/ame]
I also want to point out that the only Italian restaurant in Pyongyang serves almost exclusively pizza, which isn't even an Italian dish. Not only that, but the pizza looks terrible.

I know this may sound like a novel idea but if your in North Korea you might want to go out on a limb and actually maybe try some Korean food? :pke:
I'd prefer to not get raped. I'm going with NK. I need laws and some kind of order. Plus, I'm pretty sure the Somalia voters on this thread would last a month in Somalia.

lol, just you and your guns. Great. You tell me how well your guns and you match up to a well armed rebel militia.
Ya'll can have NK or Somalia. I'm going to Cebu and chill on the beach.
I'd prefer to not get raped. I'm going with NK. I need laws and some kind of order. Plus, I'm pretty sure the Somalia voters on this thread would last a month in Somalia.

lol, just you and your guns. Great. You tell me how well your guns and you match up to a well armed rebel militia.

LOL, @ LadtT.

A bunch of soft, American white boy libertarians think they are going to outgun hardened Somali militia and pirates? Hahaha

LadyT, they wouldn’t last 72 hours. Can you imagine some soft American white boys trying to acquire ammo and weapons from hardened Somali militia? They would be beaten, homosexually raped, and drug through the streets.

Both countries are hell holes, but North Korea, to my knowledge is not a cauldron of crime, rape, and random murder. Presumably it has functioning police, and law and order. I’d choose North Korea, and then try to escape. I’m a pretty good swimmer; I think I could hit the beach, swim past the demilitarized zone, and make it to south korea. Ha! Or maybe not. Kim Jung might fire one of those typo-dongs at me.