If you had to live in either North Korea or Somalia, where would you live?

NK or Somalia?

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I've submitted this thread to the official applications for forum posters portion of the official website of North Korea (the finest website 1997 dollars can buy, by the way)


There's a good chance we'll be on the front page of the next newspaper they can find the paper and ink to print since we, as Americans, voted to live in North Korea over Somalia in a portion of about 3:1.

WOW! Maybe they will send us free tickets so we can visit sunny Korea!
I hear they have a great weight loss program for women!
also, due to recent wikipediaing, somlia's gdp is 153, which probably is damn near close to the bottom (192ish countries?) N.K. is 75th.

Plus, somolia doesn't look like this:



It is beautiful...