If you liked your plan but can't keep it...

/shrugs.....I quit smoking three years ago......be that as it may, I was in a pool already with people who smoked and paying for it........now I'm in a pool with them AND people who want braces for their kids......

Exactly right, a pool. I pay for your lung problems, you pay for my migraines. You pay for orthodontia, someone else pays for your dentures. A pool of shared risk.
if a gay couple lived in a state that permitted gay marriage would the ACA require them to have maternity coverage?......of course......

If they lived in a state without gay marriage, they weren't married, nor had ever met the ACA would still require the same gay people to have maternity coverage.
it is a pool of any insurance company that wants to be on the list.

non stop fucking lies from the right

Obama apologized Thursday night to Americans who are losing their health-insurance plans because of his signature health care reform law.

Obama acknowledged he had repeatedly said that no Americans would have to give up a health care plan they liked because of the new law.

”I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me,” the President told NBC’s Chuck Todd.

and lying about what people say will do nothing but help kill your fucking racist party


No...unfortunately it's still you asswipe Righties that are the lying pieces of shit...

Insurance cancelled? Don't blame Obama or the ACA, blame America's insurance companies

The fact is if you are one of the estimated 2 million Americans whose health insurance plans may have been cancelled this month, you should not be blaming President Obama or the Affordable Care Act.

You should be blaming your insurance company because they have not been providing you with coverage that meets the minimum basic standards for health care.

Let me put it more bluntly: your insurance companies have been taking advantage of you and the Affordable Care Act puts in place consumer protection and tells them to stop abusing people.

The government did not “force” insurance companies to cancel their own substandard policies.The insurance companies chose to do that rather than do what is right and bring the policies up to code.

This would be like saying the government “forces” chemical companies to dispose of toxic waste safely rather than dumping it in the river.

Or the government “forces” people to drive with intact windshields and working brake lights.

How dare they “force” drivers to pay money to get those things fixed if they are broken?


Turns out it was just as I stated.

It's the INSURANCE COMPANIES who are responsible for you losing your policy.

It's only the same angry Righties blaming Obama.