Cancel 2016.2
The Almighty
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No need... I have known all along
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I kinda liked Tom's effete use of the term "cup de sac". It's a new term for how British teabaggers get their jollies on.
Sit your fat ass down in a seat....and speak only when spoken to, cretin.
to listen to you tell it. You don't know your ass from your elbow. Stfu, until I send for you.
Whatsammater poet, can’t come up with any rational argument? Well at least you’re smart enough to know every word I posted is the truth and you have no argument for it. All you have is one line insults and stupid silly shit. Blacks are America’s racist, separatist anti-integrationist. They have even built institutions to honor it, the NAACP, the National Negro College Fund, and the Congressional Black Caucus.
Whatsammater poet, can’t come up with any rational argument? Well at least you’re smart enough to know every word I posted is the truth and you have no argument for it. All you have is one line insults and stupid silly shit.
Blacks are America’s racist, separatist anti-integrationist. They have even built institutions to honor it, the NAACP, the National Negro College Fund, and the Congressional Black Caucus.
LOL, better put some ice on that, Ms. Poet.
When will you "guys" learn - because it's mostly guys - someone walking away doesn't mean they lost. But if it makes you feel better, go ahead and think it. Just like a pig in the mud thinks they've won when someone refuses to wrestle with them....
So, Thing1, the way you used "gal" was a sexist putdown on Darla. Don't use the word around adult women. Got it?
That's nice of you to wait all of 19 minutes on an early Sunday morning before calling people out for not responding.
Do you think saying white people cling to their guns and religion and vote against their economic interest (because they are essentially being fooled) is racist?
No, it isn't a racists statement, it is truth.
No, it isn't a racists statement, it is truth.
I called you a sexist.
And there are plenty of Democratic men who fit that bill.
I don't think that's credible. I don't think you'd rather be called "dogshit" than "gal." But I'm a guy, so...
I don't think "gal" is a sexist word. I did say it because I knew Darla would overreact to it, as she does with everything; she has a double-standard to beat the band.
Regardless, it's splitting hairs. "Dogshit" is an offensive word to call someone. If you don't want people to be offended on this site, you should have the same kind of standard for that.
But I know it doesn't fit well into the whole "sexist police/racist police" paradigm.
So everything here is purely subjective based on one's partisan disposition.
I heard that only African-Americans can define racism.
p.s. I was saying stfu to now-deleted comments to anyone coming upon the thread now
Go down to the nearest neighborhood mall and say that shit. You'd be pushing up daisies. Girl, even you are not that bold/stupid. LOL
So continue your little pretend machismo performance, short dick that you are.....we are rolling at your histrionics, dahling. Can't take you anywhere.