why are you racist? Why do you insist you know what is in the best interest of black people and they do not?
Scathing, Darla!
I ain't no sexist, and I ain't no racist. But you're a hypocrite & a coward. Go all kinds of crazy with IA if you wanna....I'll have to shed a few zygote tears in honor of that.
You know how gals get, when they feel they're not getting attention.![]()
Nope there was a recent study done and republicans are far more racist than black people
there is NO way around this.
If you think or say black people only vote dem because they "got tricked", "were fooled", "vote for goodies" you are a racist plain and simple.
It means you see all black people as stupid or evil.
say it loud and say it proud you racists.
there is no hiding and denying it don't cut it
You'll have to tell us. I don't have a dick.
And from the way you talk on here, you have never had one and will never have one.![]()
LOL - like when you compared "gal" to the n-word...ON THIS THREAD?
Love the irony out of you. Wish you were reading this, which you probably are.
Great post. Cheers.
This was a Fox News driven movement and the sheeple repeat it. The problem is that some people can't envision things. Let me repeat that, because this is a HUGE importance in politics. Some people can't envision things beyond their own perspective. Some people can't even envision how a room will look with furniture situated a different way without moving it and require to move it to see the results. Others can get that mental picture of what it is like to be in the aftermath of a Hurricane and hope that the rest of America cares.
Envision yourself as an honest black man/woman trying to tell America that you are a responsible person. Imagine the uncomfortable looks you get from racists that lump you into that statistic of black crime. Imagine that response you get when you can't swim.....because your ancestors weren't allowed in pools..
I know this won't happen. As Newt Gingrich would say, "Only envision yourself in the skin of prosperity"......................
Now ask them what actions they are going to take to stop the black violence .................."This isn't the job of Government"
We need to have a drinking game for every time Anti-Party says Fox News. This is my favorite type of game because we get to drink a lot as he uses it in almost every post. There will be a lot of drunk posting on JPP.
It heavily influences the right.
Yes, there was no right in this country prior to October 1996.
It heavily influences the right.
So then you’re saying what? Are you insinuating that blacks are violent criminals that will attack folks simply for exercising their 1st amendment rights and telling truths you and they cannot refute?
So you have no rational argument opposed to the truths I presented, so all you have left is insults and threats, right Goober?
I'm saying just like you don't have the right to shout fire, in crowded theater, you cannot insult an entire group of people, in a public setting, and not expect someone to knock your lights out. I know I would. You presented no truths. Opinions aren't truths. Goober? That sounds like the white character on Mayberry, RFD.
I'm black and gay, and not afraid of you.
Well then Goober you deny that the NAACP, the Congressional Black Caucus and the United Negro College Fund are “race specific” and “separatist” and anti-integration” institutions and telling the truth that they are all of that is “insulting an entire group of people?” In your world truth is insult. Then you wonder why I refer to you as “Goober?” You even attempt to make a “racial and separatist” inference about the name Goober. Actually Goober, that name could be relevant to a person of any skin color. I personally never noticed Goober’s skin color I only notice his moronic lack of rationality.
If you want to kick my ass Goober, come a shootin!
Well maybe that’s because I’ve never threatened you Goober. You have no reason to fear me. I don’t fear you either Goober even though you associate and talk a lot about ass kickin. You’ve even incorporated it into your signature. You only seek to prove that blacks are violent folks who commit most violent crimes. Thankfully all blacks are not like you and the majority of your race.
BTW, why did you think I needed to know you were gay? Why should I give a flying fuck about your sexual orientation and what does it have to do with your racism and separatist ideology?
According to Dr. Ron Smothermon, author of "Winning through Enlightenment", " ....there is this thing called truth (what is) , and then there are the judgments of your mind (what's not). Judgments are never truth. If you're in the process of dealing with truth, judgments are not necessary. Judgments, you see, are substitutes for what is when you do not care to deal with what is..
If something is true it just is, and it doesn't even care if you notice it or not. The universal laws that run the universe and life within it have not been placed into being by judgments of the mind. They just are, and when you are awake and attentive they present themselves to you and you notice them. You don't have to figure them out. In fact, you can't figure them out.
To get what I'm telling you here, you must begin to appreciate the fact that you are not your mind. You contain a mind which is available for observation when you are willing to be conscious. You are infinitely more than your mind. If you don't get this point you can become stuck in the pride which is attached to your judgments; you will develop a belief that you are your judgments and you will not have observer-ship of your mind and the judgments that it contains. "
"A polarity of definition (or debate) is an invention of the mind for the purpose of being right. To be right about something, the mind needs a subject to be right about and someone to be in the role of being wrong.
Therefore the mind picks a convenient person and a convenient issue and defines a polarity. This is accomplished by defining the sides of an issue, then determining one side to be right and the other side to be wrong. Of course the mind decides to advocate the "right" side.
Polarities are the stuff out of which prejudice, opinion, position, and judgment are made, and the process of polarization is the foundation of all evil. Polarization closes all avenues through which human beings can communicate. It closes all avenues through which we can have compassion with and nurture each other (flying in the face of the objections to charity and taxation to help those in need, btw). You, ultimately wind up as the source of your own persecution.