If You Still Support Trump

Yes, the strategy of making insane claims has worked so well for you all so far.

I'm sure those 8 million or so Trump voters who voted for Obama will appreciate it. People are smarter than you think. :)

This is one of the biggest right wing lies americans fall for. No one has shown proof.
Trump's greatest examples of having a 'steel spine' is not apologizing or admitting he is wrong. Which are actually the qualities of a spoiled, undisciplined, poorly-raised child.

He has drawn countless red lines, and everyone walks over him because he's a toothless tiger.

Advocating for police brutality puts the lives of police in danger, and makes their job more difficult.

Obama had more presidential qualities in his anus than Trump does in his entire body.

Obama was the most divisive, toxic "President" in history. His goal was dividing the nation with class warfare and race-baiting.

His veiled silence and approval of cop killers and domestic terrorists was fuel for the rogues to continue killing. I don't know where you're from, but criminals were never misunderstood heroes in my world.

I like Trump, his experience, courage and business sense and support him 100%. He needs to drain the swamp and keep doing what he is doing.
Obama was the most divisive, toxic "President" in history. His goal was dividing the nation with class warfare and race-baiting.


His veiled silence and approval of cop killers and domestic terrorists was fuel for the rogues to continue killing.

Total bullshit.

I like Trump, his experience, courage and business sense and support him 100%. He needs to drain the swamp and keep doing what he is doing.

Go down with the ship when it sinks.
Well, keep deluding yourself. Maybe one day you will learn you can only railroad regular people for so long before they fight back.

Keep spouting mindless rah-rah cheerleader slogans. Maybe one day you will have and express a rational thought.
1. You want to be ruled, not governed:
Some of us think we have laws for a reason

2. You are not someone I would trust to do business with:
Trump was smart enough to read what so many Americans are concerned about. Great move, imo. I don't support him, but kudos for knowing where to look

4. You have issues with women:
You don't want to take Hillary down that road.

5. You aren’t quite as “Christian” as you claim to be:

6. You are anti-constitution:
We have enough checks and balances, 3 parts of a system. If you want to argue anti constitution, take a look at all the stuff Obama tried to, and did, push through.

Don't look so sore. It is unbecoming and doing so makes you look worse than the right you complaint about for 8 years. Grow up, come up with better candidates next time around.
Hint, look for someone who is absolutely perfect, or the same dish will be served...cold.

Very insightful article. I have always thought that voting for Trump, and defending him on message boards spoke a lot to one's character.

I also think my perception of Trump-ettes as "submissive gimps" falls well into the range of the article's bullet number one. I don't really want to think about Trump's affinity for having Russian prostitutes pee on him, but the same sort of metaphor holds for Trump supporter's as well!
Oh the "if you don't want me to call you a racist then don't support Trump" routine. How fucking original. The whole piece was liberal clap trap fantasy bullshit.

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The guy with the 'racist lives matter' sig is representative of most Trump supporters, especially those on this forum. They support Trump because he's a good method of trolling. There's another guy on this forum who often brags that Trump could murder someone and not lose support.

Depends on who he murdered? You? No problem. Nomad? Would throw a party. KKKhristiefan or Rancid Toxic Titties? Would laugh hysterically

The devil is in the details
He has a ton more experience than Obama and loves America a hell of a lot more.

The spine of steel is the biggest draw for me. I got tired of hearing how bad America sux and we suck, tired of cops being propped up as bad guys and criminals treated like royalty.

Enough was enough and I'm happy with Trump.

When I read that RW meme that liberals "hate America" I immediately recognize a shallow thinker. Only cons think they wrote the book on what it means to be patriotic.
1. You want to be ruled, not governed:
Some of us think we have laws for a reason

2. You are not someone I would trust to do business with:
Trump was smart enough to read what so many Americans are concerned about. Great move, imo. I don't support him, but kudos for knowing where to look

4. You have issues with women:
You don't want to take Hillary down that road.

5. You aren’t quite as “Christian” as you claim to be:

6. You are anti-constitution:
We have enough checks and balances, 3 parts of a system. If you want to argue anti constitution, take a look at all the stuff Obama tried to, and did, push through.

Don't look so sore. It is unbecoming and doing so makes you look worse than the right you complaint about for 8 years. Grow up, come up with better candidates next time around.
Hint, look for someone who is absolutely perfect, or the same dish will be served...cold.

For someone who doesn't support trump, you're awfully defensive when others criticize him. Is it possible for you guys to take an honest look at him and for once try to understand our viewpoint?
When I read that RW meme that liberals "hate America" I immediately recognize a shallow thinker. Only cons think they wrote the book on what it means to be patriotic.
Who went on a worldwide 'American apology' tour?

Who said America isn't exceptional?

The police acted stupidly, Trayvon would have looked like my son, bitter clingers, report your neighbors' 'fishy talk', etc, etc. but you know about all of it, you just choose to ignore it.

Why don't you try to see the viewpoint of others? Because it is quite valid.
Perhaps he supports and defends truth. A foreign concept to you, perhaps, but not to others.

OMG this calls for the big smiley! Be honest, you have to be taking the piss by writing that.
Who went on a worldwide 'American apology' tour?

Who said America isn't exceptional?

The police acted stupidly, Trayvon would have looked like my son, bitter clingers, report your neighbors' 'fishy talk', etc, etc. but you know about all of it, you just choose to ignore it.

Why don't you try to see the viewpoint of others? Because it is quite valid.

Nobody went on an "apology tour", that just silly. Obama never once spoke an apology for the US, not once. That was just another RW baseless lie started by Rmoney that took on a life of its own. And as a resident of PA I can guarantee that Obama was 100% right in saying some people get bitter and cling to guns and religion. It's not something I would have said but it's not a lie, either.

I would love to understand the RW viewpoint that's unadorned by lies, meme-chanting and fiction but there aren't too many righties who are capable of doing that.
Oh the "if you don't want me to call you a racist then don't support Trump" routine. How fucking original. The whole piece was liberal clap trap fantasy bullshit.

How about if I just call you a subhuman piece of shit, since that's what you are?

Would that make you feel better?
Nobody went on an "apology tour", that just silly. Obama never once spoke an apology for the US, not once. That was just another RW baseless lie started by Rmoney that took on a life of its own. And as a resident of PA I can guarantee that Obama was 100% right in saying some people get bitter and cling to guns and religion. It's not something I would have said but it's not a lie, either.

I would love to understand the RW viewpoint that's unadorned by lies, meme-chanting and fiction but there aren't too many righties who are capable of doing that.

She lies through her teeth. Shamelessly.