If You Still Support Trump

When I read that RW meme that liberals "hate America" I immediately recognize a shallow thinker. Only cons think they wrote the book on what it means to be patriotic.

Especially since the exact opposite is true.

Cons like her are the LEAST patriotic people in the country.
Nobody went on an "apology tour", that just silly. Obama never once spoke an apology for the US, not once. That was just another RW baseless lie started by Rmoney that took on a life of its own. And as a resident of PA I can guarantee that Obama was 100% right in saying some people get bitter and cling to guns and religion. It's not something I would have said but it's not a lie, either.

I would love to understand the RW viewpoint that's unadorned by lies, meme-chanting and fiction but there aren't too many righties who are capable of doing that.

1. April 3, 2009: Strasbourg, France

"In America, there’s a failure to appreciate Europe’s leading role in the world. Instead of celebrating your dynamic union and seeking to partner with you to meet common challenges, there have been times where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive."

2. April 6, 2009: Ankara, Turkey to the Turkish Parliament

"Another issue that confronts all democracies as they move to the future is how we deal with the past. The United States is still working through some of our own darker periods in our history."

3. April 17, 2009, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, at the Summit of the Americas

"While the United States has done much to promote peace and prosperity in the hemisphere, we have at times been disengaged, and at times we sought to dictate our terms."

4. April 20, 2009: CIA headquarters, Langley, Va.

"Don't be discouraged that we have to acknowledge potentially we’ve made some mistakes. That's how we learn."

5. May 21, 2009: National Archives in Washington D.C.

"Unfortunately, faced with an uncertain threat, our government made a series of hasty decisions. … I also believe that all too often our government made decisions based on fear rather than foresight; that all too often our government trimmed facts and evidence to fit ideological predispositions. Instead of strategically applying our power and our principles, too often we set those principles aside as luxuries that we could no longer afford. And during this season of fear, too many of us — Democrats and Republicans, politicians, journalists, and citizens — fell silent. In other words, we went off course."

And there are more....
For someone who doesn't support trump, you're awfully defensive when others criticize him. Is it possible for you guys to take an honest look at him and for once try to understand our viewpoint?

Fuck your viewpoint. Your viewpoint is childish and irrelevant to me.

Hilarious that a liberal demands others see her viewpoint. What an entitled little snowflake you are
How about if I just call you a subhuman piece of shit, since that's what you are?

Would that make you feel better?

How cute. You actually think I give a shit what you think about me.

If I cared what losers on the interwebs cared about me, I would be like Cawacko and Threedee.

Now go start another thread crying about thread bans
For someone who doesn't support trump, you're awfully defensive when others criticize him. Is it possible for you guys to take an honest look at him and for once try to understand our viewpoint?

My fellow countrymen/women elected this man. The elections are over. I have moved on from being disappointed when Hillary got the nomination, and the disbelief that Trump won.
Harping on nonsense isn't helping anyone or anything. It makes no difference to me how disgruntled bluedot is. We have seen the same childish display by sore losers during 8 years of Obama. The left should have learned to rise above it instead of carrying on like mopey little brats and focusing instead on a better candidate to run against this man.
If you think I ever supported, or even voted for this guy, I can't help it. You are welcome to check my posts on another forum if you wish. I am merely distancing myself from sore losers while having some resemblance of respect for the office, not the person.
Perhaps you should consider doing the same instead of hammering your keyboard with insults and guesses because you don't like anothers opinion.
Have a good day, Sir/Mam.
1. April 3, 2009: Strasbourg, France

"In America, there’s a failure to appreciate Europe’s leading role in the world. Instead of celebrating your dynamic union and seeking to partner with you to meet common challenges, there have been times where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive."

2. April 6, 2009: Ankara, Turkey to the Turkish Parliament

"Another issue that confronts all democracies as they move to the future is how we deal with the past. The United States is still working through some of our own darker periods in our history."

3. April 17, 2009, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, at the Summit of the Americas

"While the United States has done much to promote peace and prosperity in the hemisphere, we have at times been disengaged, and at times we sought to dictate our terms."

4. April 20, 2009: CIA headquarters, Langley, Va.

"Don't be discouraged that we have to acknowledge potentially we’ve made some mistakes. That's how we learn."

5. May 21, 2009: National Archives in Washington D.C.

"Unfortunately, faced with an uncertain threat, our government made a series of hasty decisions. … I also believe that all too often our government made decisions based on fear rather than foresight; that all too often our government trimmed facts and evidence to fit ideological predispositions. Instead of strategically applying our power and our principles, too often we set those principles aside as luxuries that we could no longer afford. And during this season of fear, too many of us — Democrats and Republicans, politicians, journalists, and citizens — fell silent. In other words, we went off course."

And there are more....

All of these links are 404s...

And I don't see the words "America apologizes for [a, b, c] in any of those quotes.
Fuck your viewpoint. Your viewpoint is childish and irrelevant to me.

Hilarious that a liberal demands others see her viewpoint. What an entitled little snowflake you are

WGAS what you think? I wasn't responding to you. Now run off somewhere and whine about why liberals won't debate you in APP. You're good for that idiocy several times a week, at least.
My fellow countrymen/women elected this man. <snip>

Nope. Your "fellow countrymen" voted for Hillary Clinton, and Trump lost the popular vote. By a lot.

Trump won the electoral college - which is not "your fellow countrymen", but a select group of a few hundred well connected people.
My fellow countrymen/women elected this man. The elections are over. I have moved on from being disappointed when Hillary got the nomination, and the disbelief that Trump won.
Harping on nonsense isn't helping anyone or anything. It makes no difference to me how disgruntled bluedot is. We have seen the same childish display by sore losers during 8 years of Obama. The left should have learned to rise above it instead of carrying on like mopey little brats and focusing instead on a better candidate to run against this man.
If you think I ever supported, or even voted for this guy, I can't help it. You are welcome to check my posts on another forum if you wish. I am merely distancing myself from sore losers while having some resemblance of respect for the office, not the person.
Perhaps you should consider doing the same instead of hammering your keyboard with insults and guesses because you don't like anothers opinion.
Have a good day, Sir/Mam.

Did you even read my first sentence? Had I believed you voted for him I wouldn't have asked the question.

Nothing people say on this political forum is helping or hurting trump because we don't have that power. We're here to discuss, argue and vent the cause du jour. Discussion would certainly be more elevated if trump himself respected the office of president and stopped whining and tweeting like a spoiled brat who no longer gets his way. I still support the office he degrades on a daily basis but it's getting harder and harder. However I don't respect him at all because he's done nothing to earn it. Maybe his hubris and self-aggrandizement worked in the NY real estate world but now he has to listen to We, the People, not just a small number of businessmen.

It's ironic that you claim I hammer the keyboard with insults, etc. when you've done the same in your response to me here, and to many other posters on different topics. Maybe a rough and tumble board like this isn't really where you can feel comfortable.
All of these links are 404s...

And I don't see the words "America apologizes for [a, b, c] in any of those quotes.

Yep. Not one of them worked.

Like I said earlier.... she lies through her teeth shamelessly.

What's really telling about people like her... right-wingers IOW, is that when someone like Obama intelligently and introspectively acknowledges our past mistakes for the purpose of trying to become a better nation and better people, they pretend to take it as "America hating". They denigrate, deride and mock any intelligent discussion of our past imperfections then give it some idiotic label like "apology tour".

It's amazing, not to mention kinda sad that these goofballs are so insecure and thin-skinned that they cannot handle a little bit of truthful and healthy national self assessment. I bet they wet their pants and cry, or go ballistic when someone criticizes them personally. I bet the very idea or suggestion that they are less than perfect sends them into an emotional tailspin that probably ends with them either getting drunk, beating their spouse or kicking their dog or taking their guns out in the woods and shooting at anything that moves.
Is there anyone of sound mind who still supports Trump?

I guess the guy was good at borrowing money and building hotels and golf courses. But what else can this orange fat fuck do?

He barely seems capable of speaking the English language. He is incapable of projecting empathy. He seems to lack any sort of self control and discipline.

Apparently, he is a Chump and not much of a political negotiator - couldn't get Obamacare repealed even with full GOP control of government, and evidently was just easily rolled by Nancy Pelosi. There is no significant legislation with his fingerprints on it eight months into his first year of office. He seems to have authoritarian tendencies, and a soft spot for Nazis and the "very fine" people who march with them.

He doesn't seem to really like or want to be President. Is this fat ass literally trying to fail at his job, in the hopes he will get impeached and not have to do this shit anymore?
Yep. Not one of them worked.

Like I said earlier.... she lies through her teeth shamelessly.

What's really telling about people like her... right-wingers IOW, is that when someone like Obama intelligently and introspectively acknowledges our past mistakes for the purpose of trying to become a better nation and better people, they pretend to take it as "America hating". They denigrate, deride and mock any intelligent discussion of our past imperfections then give it some idiotic label like "apology tour".

It's amazing, not to mention kinda sad that these goofballs are so insecure and thin-skinned that they cannot handle a little bit of truthful and healthy national self assessment. I bet they wet their pants and cry, or go ballistic when someone criticizes them personally. I bet the very idea or suggestion that they are less than perfect sends them into an emotional tailspin that probably ends with them either getting drunk, beating their spouse or kicking their dog or taking their guns out in the woods and shooting at anything that moves.

Any of those quotes can be googled and attributed to Obama. You know very well he said every one of them. Just too embarrassed to admit it and own it. Newsflash, just saying a link is broken or that it didn't happen doesn't erase it.

People tired of hearing America sux, and they did something about it. All the butthurt in the world won't change it.
Any of those quotes can be googled and attributed to Obama. You know very well he said every one of them. Just too embarrassed to admit it and own it. Newsflash, just saying a link is broken or that it didn't happen doesn't erase it.

People tired of hearing America sux, and they did something about it. All the butthurt in the world won't change it.

IDGAF if he said those things because a) they are all TRUE and b) none of his remarks are what you and your right-wing redneck goober comrades intentionally mischaracterize them as.

If you are such a damned overgrown baby that you can't handle the truth, then you have emotional problems and I pity you.
IDGAF if he said those things because a) they are all TRUE and b) none of his remarks are what you and your right-wing redneck goober comrades intentionally mischaracterize them as.

If you are such a damned overgrown baby that you can't handle the truth, then you have emotional problems and I pity you.
He did say all those things and they are nothing but a warped opinion from someone raised on hate.

Own it don't deny it.
He did say all those things and they are nothing but a warped opinion from someone raised on hate.

Own it don't deny it.

Honey, you are in NO POSITION to talk about somebody else's hate.

You spew hateful vomit like a fire hose.

It's clownish almost to the point that I can't even take you seriously.

And your mischaracterization of Obama's comments is shamelessly dishonest.
Honey, you are in NO POSITION to talk about somebody else's hate.

You spew hateful vomit like a fire hose.

It's clownish almost to the point that I can't even take you seriously.

And your mischaracterization of Obama's comments is shamelessly dishonest.

Wow. lol. Well you go with all that.
Any of those quotes can be googled and attributed to Obama. You know very well he said every one of them. Just too embarrassed to admit it and own it. Newsflash, just saying a link is broken or that it didn't happen doesn't erase it.

People tired of hearing America sux, and they did something about it. All the butthurt in the world won't change it.

Okay, I looked up all of them and there was still no apology. Politifact says it best.

"Here, we're checking Romney's statement that Obama "has apologized for what he deems to be American arrogance, dismissiveness, and derision" and a host of other reasons. If you think American presidents should never admit to any sort of error at any time, you might find yourself in philosophical agreement with Romney's criticisms. We set out to discover whether Obama really had apologized in his speeches, and what he was apologizing for. But in our review of his words, we came up short. Yes, there is criticism in some of his speeches, but it's typically leavened by praise for the United States and its ideals, and often he mentions other countries and how they have erred as well. There's not a full-throated, sincere apology in the bunch. And so we rate Romney's statement False."
