If you want to have a glimpse of an acid trip, try this!!

I wouldn't reccommened trying it without a guide the first time. It can be a rewarding experience, all the senses are effected.
Some ppl get overwhelmed, - that's why a guide is best used till you become a veteran cosmic rider.

Anyways, I wouldn't trip these days, as they said at Woodstock "watch out for the brown acid" - thae crap that passes for acid todaycan be a variety of powerful substances that could be sold on blotter. Most are phenethylamines** under the DOx class of chemicals (DOB, DOC, DOI, etc.)

Phenethylamines are a broad range of compounds that share a common phenylethan-2-amine structure. Some are naturally occurring neurotransmitters (Dopamine, Epinephrine) while some are psychoactive stimulants (Amphetamine), entactogens (MDMA), or hallucinogens (2C-E).

Read more: http://www.drugs-forum.com/forum/showwiki.php?title=Category:Phenethylamines#ixzz20ymg4jKW

Actually, thinking about it, I don't know any women who have tried it, and of the men I know who have done it, only one of them I would trust to allow myself to be in that much of an altered state of mind around. I'll keep it in mind, but I doubt it's for me. I don't judge anyone and have no interest in preventing others from doing it though.

As far as what you say about today's acid being crap, I have heard the same thing about coke these days. I'm very happy with my occasional joint. :)
Nov 16th 1938: Albert Hofmann, a chemist working for Sandoz Laboratories in Basel, Switzerland, synthesis LSD for the first time.

April 16th 1943: Albert Hofmann accidentally experiences LSD for the first time. He reports seeing “an uninterrupted stream of fantastic pictures, extraordinary shapes with intense, kaleidoscope-like play of colours”.

April 19th 1943: “Bicycle Day” Albert Hofmann intentionally ingests 250mcg of LSD

1947: First scientific article on the mental effects of LSD published by Werner Stoll in the Swiss Archives of Neurology.

1949: Max Rinkel brings LSD to the US and starts work on LSD in Boston. Nick Bercel starts work on LSD in Los Angeles.

May 1950: First paper about LSD appears in the American Psychiatric Journal, by Robert Hyde. The focus of the article is to create a “model psychosis”.

1951: The CIA begins “Operation Bluebird” to investigate mind control techniques using LSD. This subsequently evolves into MK-ULTRA in 1953. 1951: Al Hubbard first tries LSD.

1952: Charles Savage publishes the first study on the use of LSD to treat depression.

1953: First LSD clinic opened in the UK under Ronald Sandison

1953: MK-ULTRA underway. In November a CIA employee, Frank Olson, who had unwittingly been given LSD commits suicide by jumping out of a window in New York.

1953: Humphrey Osmond begins treating alcoholics with LSD

1954: Aldous Huxley takes mescaline for the first time. “The Doors Of Perception” is published.

1955: Aldous Huxley takes LSD for the first time. “Heaven and Hell” is published. 1955: First scientific conferences on LSD (and mescaline) take place in Atlantic City and Princeton. Mid 1950’s: First recreational use of LSD recorded, among Los Angeles medical community.

1957: Humphrey Osmond coins the word “psychedelic”

1958: Al Hubbard sets up the first private Canadian clinic to use LSD for therapeutic purposes.

1959: First international conference on LSD therapy. Sponsored by the Josiah Macy Foundation and chaired by Paul Hoch.

1959: Allen Ginsberg takes LSD for the first time.

Aug 9th 1960: Timothy Leary ingests magic mushrooms for his first psychedelic experience. He subsequently establishes the “Psychedelic Research Project” at Harvard.

1960: Ken Kesey volunteers for government sponsored psychedelic drug experiments.

1961: Al Hubbard publishes “The Use of LSD-25 in the Treatment of Alcoholism and Other Psychiatric Disorders”

1962: Timothy Leary takes LSD for the first time. Leary conducts the “Good Friday Experiment”.

1962: Congress passes new drug safety regulations. The FDA designates LSD an “experimental drug”.

1962: First LSD related arrests.

1963: LSD first appears on the streets as liquid on sugar cubes. First stories On LSD appear in the mainstream media.

May 1963: Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert are fired from Harvard. Leary sets up a psychedelic centre at Millbrook.

Nov 1963: Aldous Huxley dies after allegedly receiving his last request: An iv injection of LSD, administered by his wife Laura.

1965: Drug Abuse Control Amendments passed by Congress make illicit LSD manufacture a misdemeanour.

Feb 1965: Owsley Stanley first succeeded in synthesizing crystalline LSD. First reported distribution starts in March in San Francisco at $2 a trip. Ken Kesey and The Merry Pranksters begin holding Acid Test Parties.

Jan 1966: The Merry Pranksters hold a 3 day LSD party called “The Trips Festival”

1966: Ron and Jay Thelin open “The Psychedelic Shop” near the corner of Haight and Ashbury streets in San Fransisco.

March 1966: Life Magazine runs a cover story entitled “LSD: The Exploding Threat of the Mind Control Drug That Got Out of Control”

April 1966: Millbrook is raided and Timothy Leary arrested on possession of marijuana charges.

April 1966: Sandoz recalls the LSD it had distributed and withdraws funding for work with LSD.

Oct 6th 1966: California enacts a law making LSD illegal.

Jan 16th 1967: First “Human Be-In” held in San Francisco

1967: Paul McCartney admits in an interview that the Beatles have taken LSD.

Summer 1967: “The Summer of Love” in San Francisco. Acid- Rock emerges as a musical genre. Jan 17th 1968: Lyndon B Johnson mentions LSD in his State of the Union address. The US government makes possession of LSD illegal.

1969: The first “home-grown” UK acid lab was discovered. Quentin Theobald and Peter Simmons were prosecuted.

1969: In August the Woodstock festival takes place in New York and members of the Charles Manson cult commit the Tate-LaBianca murders (allegedly influenced, in part by LSD).

Summer 1969: The Brotherhood of Eternal Love produce and distribute an estimated 10 million doses of “Orange Sunshine” LSD (as pills).

Dec 1969: The Rolling Stones Altamont concert ends in tragedy as 4 concerts-goers are killed. Feb 1970: Timothy Leary jailed for possession of a joint. Sept 1970: Timothy Leary escapes from prison with the aid of “The Weathermen” The escape is funded by the Brotherhood of Eternal Love.

1970: An estimated 2 million Americans have used LSD. June 20th 1970: Pittsburgh Pirates pitcher Doc Ellis pitched a “no-hitter” game whilst under the influence of LSD.

0ct 27th 1970: The Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act is passed in the US. Most known hallucinogens are placed in Schedule 1.

1971: Windowpane LSD first appears

1971: UN Convention on Psychotropic Substances schedules LSD as a class A drug. All UN countries implement this into their drug laws or create their first drug laws. LSD is banned virtually world wide.

1972: The Brotherhood of Eternal Love busted.

1973: Timothy Leary captured in Afghanistan and jailed again in the US.

1975: End of last formal LSD research programme.

1976: Blotters emerge as the most commonly available form of LSD.

1976: Timothy Leary released from prison.

Late 1970’s: Availability of LSD falls, due to a combination of negative publicity about potential side-effects (the majority misleading or blatantly false) and a combination of law enforcement and governmental controls.

1978: “Operation Julie” in the UK breaks up one of the largest LSD manufacturing and distribution networks in the world at that time.

1979: Albert Hofmann publishes “LSD: My Problem Child”

1986: MAPS: The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies is founded.

1988:The Psychedelic Movement re-emerges with the “Second Summer of Love”. Raves and all-night “Acid House” parties are however mainly fuelled by MDMA rather than LSD.

1988: Permission granted in Switzerland for the use of LSD in psychotherapy by several specialists in private practice.

1993: Permission to use LSD withdrawn in Switzerland.

1993: The Heffter Research Institute founded to support and promote investigation into the medical uses of psychedelic hallucinogens.

1995: Dr. David Nichols publishes an essay entitled “A Scientist Reflects on the Discovery and Future of LSD”

Feb 2000: MAPS comment that case-reports of LSD and Psilocybin being efficacious in the treatment of Cluster Headache should be scientifically investigated.

2000: Discussions about the use of LSD and Psilocybin use for Cluster Headaches initiated on various internet forums.

2000: The UK government was advised in The Independent Inquiry into the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 by the Police Foundation in March 2000 that LSD should be transferred from Class A to Class B (recommendation 8). This advice was ignored.

2001: Psychotherapy study on the use of LSD in Cancer patients submitted to the FDA. Protocol was placed on Clinical Hold by the FDA requesting changes in the study design and a review of previous work in this area. No date has yet been set for the resubmission.

2004: MAPS announce development of a randomised, dose response study of Psilocybin and LSD in people with Cluster Headache. They hope that this will be the first study to renew human research with LSD.

April 2005 In the UK Drug activist Casey Hardison is sentenced to 20 years in jail for producing 145.000 doses of LSD. Casey Hardison defense is the right on cognitive liberty: the right to alter ones own psyche. At the time of writing this case is pending and will be decided on the EU supreme court. Your support is needed. See here.

June 2005: Editorial published in the British Journal of Psychiatry entitled “Can Psychedelics Have a Role in Psychiatry Once Again”

April 2006: Editorial published in The Lancet entitled “Reviving Research Into Psychedelic Drugs”

Read more: http://www.drugs-forum.com/forum/showwiki.php?title=LSD#ixzz20ytH6fK0

this is a good site for all things about LSD - I took the liberty of c/p the history, it's reflective of how drugs are described as useful one day -illegal the next.
The history speaks for itself.

Gosh! I am so-o-o-o-o impressed.
remind me not to try to debate with you again, if i don't have a "flashback" of your posts. You come off as a petulant child, shift positions, and are more interested in "refudiation" then actual debate.
In short it is really a pain in the arse to try to dicuss the finer points, you prefer to hammer down everything in black and white.

You still can't define what is a flashback,( though the reaseach is there) or why you seem to think it's suddenly gonna screw up a brain surgeons operation -to use your words.
Serious question. are you a child? because your anger, and demanding a "yes /no" over a pheneomena that cannot be observed, only studied in a clinical setting with psychiatrists who now how to set up a clinical study,to ask questons to elicit the information.

If flashbacks were so common, think maybe we're d be seeing ppl sent to mental instituions for it?
When is the last time you've heard about someone having a flashback that caused any problems? Aside from Mr Linkletter who was in denial over her daughters death?
OK you win. All the marbles are yours Hopefully I'll never have to discuss anything subtle again. Your mind doesn't grasp sublties too well, youre too interestied in playing "gotcha"/

enough. I've wasted way too many word/times trying to have discourse with you.
That's our PiMP! :)
This does not sound appealing to me in any way. I also get disgusted by sausages. You probably love them. So, everyone is different.
Oh I love sausages......though, like laws, you never, ever want to see how they are made. :)

If your the obsessive compulsive type you'd hate it cause once the trip begins your in it for the whole ride and there's no getting off that train till the trip is over. Which can last an entire day (and you can't sleep it off either) so the fact that you couldn't control that would be a major bummer and could lead to a bad trip.
Of course tobacco and alcohol are drugs. I didn't suggest they were not. I drew a comparison of one against the other.
If you really think I am grouchy and curmudgeonly you are also mistaken. I am lovely and, as they say, beautifully marked ... not tattoos for those looking for brownie points. Indeed, how one can be described thus and have over 100 people to my recent birthday party (where were you?) or how one can be described thus and dance in one of the most exclusive clubs in Asia if not the world, how one can be described thus when all my friends are at least 15 years my junior (and it is not charity), how I can be described thus when I enjoy laughing at your fellow countrymen with such gusto, I really cannot imagine. ;)
Well good. I'm glad to see that you're not a complete twat! ;)
and if flashbacks were a myth, as you claimed, why would psychiatrists be setting up clinical studies?......
I claimed "I never saw any documented" which is not the same as saying mythical. Study 1 does show documentation, there are so many false ideas about hallucinogens, pardon my arse or missing that one.

Really you're are boring the SHIT out of me, with your 1 line retorts.

I'm not going to go thru this agian. You WIN !! have a giant Teddy bear, and go about your ignorance of the medical uses for hallucinogens
( which would have been way more advanced without pinheads who fear what they don't understand -such as I showed in the history)
I'm multifaceted.....I'm also the guy you're afraid to debate, I'm the guy who showed the claims made here to be false, and I'm an irrational liberal's worst nightmare......
PiMP we understand that your a legend in your own mind but why would anyone want to waste time playing ring around the rosie with you?
Some famous people who have taken acid, I'll leave you to judge if it did them any harm.

Bush, Pres. George H.W. – former head of the CIA. The CIA experimented extensively with LSD and many
agents took it so they would know they were not going crazy if it was given to them. Bush Sr. always
appeared bright to me whereas his sons are dopes, crooks and cheaters.

Crick, Francis -- Nobel Prize winner for structure of DNA, "Crick was high on LSD when he discovered the
secret of life," The Daily Mail (London), 8/8/2004.

Ellis, Dock – baseball player. He mentions the incident in his autobiography. From an interview I saw on TV,
he said he wasn't in the rotation that day, so he dropped thinking he wouldn't be pitching. For some reason
he got called to the mound, didn't think it would be a good idea to confess to having dropped acid, and
pitched the game. I don't remember whether he was the winning pitcher, and I recall that someone else
mentioned he gave up quite a few walks, too. In the interview he said it was a pretty strange experience.

Gates, Bill – reported to have used it a few times in college

Jameson, Jenna – porn star, her brother said they liked to trip in the casinos of Las Vegas

Jobs, Steve – co-creator of the Apple computer, the NeXt computer and former head of Apple Computers,
Inc.. Jobs was interviewed in "Time" Magazine (their "Year of the Computer" issue) about how (prior to
starting Apple) he had taken LSD and "heard a wheat field singing Bach to him" or a similar positive
reference. Said, "LSD was one of the three most significant events in my life." (What the Dormouse Said:
How the 60's Counterculture Shaped the Personal Computer Industry", John Markoff, 2005)

Kilmister, Lemmy -- MOTORHEAD wildman credits LSD with making him a more caring person.
The ACE OF SPADES singer claims his experiences while under the influence of acid opened his eyes to
the importance of treating everybody with respect. The 58-year-old says, "It's the only drug that really does
that. It made me more aware and helped me realise what other people are about.

Mullis, Dr. Kary – Nobel Prize winning DNA expert, and surfer. Mullis received a 1993 Nobel Prize for
single-handedly inventing the PCR reaction, one of the most important advances in molecular biology ever
made. When asked by a reporter what his hobbies were, he replied that they were surfing, chasing young
women, and using hallucinogenic drugs. (Hopefully not all at the same time.) He said this prior to receiving
his prize, and was told by a friend on the nominating committee that he had been up for consideration but
would not receive the prize until he cooled it with the LSD talk. He did cool it, and the next year got the prize. I
got this from an excerpt from his book "Dancing Through the Mind Field", which was on the Internet a couple
of years ago.

Rather, Dan – (source: Ladies Home Journal. July 1980.)

Wozniak, Steve – Apple Computer co-founder

You forgot iconic motorcycle man Ralph "Sonny" Barger. Acid was one of the biggest influences in his mind when it came to creativity and freedom.
Rather more people smoke and drink than take drugs, at least in my experience, so the figures are bound to be higher. Not many people these days try to make a case for tobacco. A lot of things screw you up. Some are avoidable with little effort, some are not. It is easy to avoid drugs.

This is what I think. Another question: Why is that more people do smoke and drink than [snort coke, shoot up LSD, smoke marijuana, etc] ...

Again, this question isn't just for Lowaicue...I seem to be agreeing with most of what he has said so far on this thread. Just something else which goes to prove that no matter folks' political differences there is usually some common ground to be found.
You forgot iconic motorcycle man Ralph "Sonny" Barger. Acid was one of the biggest influences in his mind when it came to creativity and freedom.
Actually if you want to learn more about alternate states of reality I think Carlos Castanedas writings are far more informative than either Kesey or Wolfe.
You forgot iconic motorcycle man Ralph "Sonny" Barger. Acid was one of the biggest influences in his mind when it came to creativity and freedom.

It didn't seem to do much for his violent streak though, didn't he go to jail for burning down a clubhouse?
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This is what I think. Another question: Why is that more people do smoke and drink than [snort coke, shoot up LSD, smoke marijuana, etc] ...

Again, this question isn't just for Lowaicue...I seem to be agreeing with most of what he has said so far on this thread. Just something else which goes to prove that no matter folks' political differences there is usually some common ground to be found.

The answer to your first question is simple. Tobacco and alcohol are sources of government revenue and as such have been sold hard to consumers. Marketing budgets for cigs and booze are bigger than the gross national product of some countries. When was the last time you saw an ad for heroin or cocaine or marijuana?
If governments had chosen marijuana instead of tobacco to make money the the product would be branded and sold. Racing cars would have promoted 'American Marijuana', Taxi's wouldn't have a Camel on the passenger door, they'd have a drug brand.
I wonder what kind of names marijuana marketers would come up with?