If your


Verified User
If you like subpoena Coladas

And getting caught in the Ukraine

And your dads likes to be around kids

And your into cocaine .

If you like having sex in the strip club

And deny the kids is your seed

And banged you dead brothers wife

You might be a biter and the smartest man you daddy knows .
If you like cheating on your taxes and running con games.
If you like paying hookers and and smoking rock cocaine.

If you like paying strippers to stuff your rear end
If you like getting diamonds from the Chinese

If you like all of this you might be a biden and call your daddy the big cheese
If you like subpoena Coladas

And getting caught in the Ukraine

And your dads likes to be around kids

And your into cocaine .

If you like having sex in the strip club

And deny the kids is your seed

And banged you dead brothers wife

You might be a biter and the smartest man you daddy knows .

LOL. Pretty funny Bob. If I didn't know you better, I'd think you were serious. :)

I respect you a lot, sir. You know more about guns than I'll ever know. I'm not sure if that was your occupation or not, but you certainly know a lot about them. I'm more of a cost/benefit guy. Not good enough to measure out rounds for a precision round at 1000 yards, but decent enough to hit a man-sized target at 700 yards. LOL
If you like subpoena Coladas

And getting caught in the Ukraine

And your dads likes to be around kids

And your into cocaine .

If you like having sex in the strip club

And deny the kids is your seed

And banged you dead brothers wife

You might be a biter and the smartest man you daddy knows .

LOL. Pretty funny Bob. If I didn't know you better, I'd think you were serious. :)

I respect you a lot, sir. You know more about guns than I'll ever know. I'm not sure if that was your occupation or not, but you certainly know a lot about them. I'm more of a cost/benefit guy. Not good enough to measure out rounds for a precision round at 1000 yards, but decent enough to hit a man-sized target at 700 yards. LOL

thank you dutch, no I was not a gun salesman or smith , I grew up hunting and have carried a gun(s) for a living. I taught shooting at a University and have been involved in competitive shooting .
so why did democrats talk about trumps sons and daughters and their spouses and his wife.
Barron was 10 years old and democrats got a big kick out of wanting to put him in jail with a sex crimes convict .

I haven't heard about that. But why does that matter?
I haven't heard about that. But why does that matter?

aperently what democrats have not heard could on left wing media could fill several volumes of encyclopedia

Boundaries’ Star Peter Fonda’s Threatening Barron Trump Tweet Puts Sony Classics Film on Hot Seat

“Hey SonyPictures are you just going to sit back and let this & his child rape fantasies go?” president’s son Donald Trump Jr. asks
Trey Williams | June 20, 2018 @ 10:37 AM Last Updated: June 20, 2018 @ 10:50 PM
boundaries christopher plummer peter fonda

Sony Pictures Classics

Peter Fonda and Sony Pictures Classics are now facing backlash after the actor suggested in a tweet that someone “rip Barron Trump from his mother’s arms and put him in a cage with pedophiles and see if mother will stand up against the giant a-hole she is married to.”
aperently what democrats have not heard could on left wing media could fill several volumes of encyclopedia

Boundaries’ Star Peter Fonda’s Threatening Barron Trump Tweet Puts Sony Classics Film on Hot Seat

“Hey SonyPictures are you just going to sit back and let this & his child rape fantasies go?” president’s son Donald Trump Jr. asks
Trey Williams | June 20, 2018 @ 10:37 AM Last Updated: June 20, 2018 @ 10:50 PM
boundaries christopher plummer peter fonda

Sony Pictures Classics

Peter Fonda and Sony Pictures Classics are now facing backlash after the actor suggested in a tweet that someone “rip Barron Trump from his mother’s arms and put him in a cage with pedophiles and see if mother will stand up against the giant a-hole she is married to.”

Ok so I guess the JPP should continue to spam the same shit about Hunter, despite the rule?

Well I guess the mods don't mind.
thank you dutch, no I was not a gun salesman or smith , I grew up hunting and have carried a gun(s) for a living. I taught shooting at a University and have been involved in competitive shooting .

I competed a bit myself but nothing special. There's a few great western movies about how the west changed to the modern world. OTOH, sport shooting and other wilderness skills are just about shooting or making a campfire. They're about character and confidence in trying to survive no matter what happens. City people don't get that unless it's part of an outward bound type program, something they don't do much anymore.

Regardless, humanity will go on, or not, no matter what we do. We can offer advice. It's up to them to figure out if they are smart enough to take it. LOL
it's got a good beat......I could dance to it...
I competed a bit myself but nothing special. There's a few great western movies about how the west changed to the modern world. OTOH, sport shooting and other wilderness skills are just about shooting or making a campfire. They're about character and confidence in trying to survive no matter what happens. City people don't get that unless it's part of an outward bound type program, something they don't do much anymore.

Regardless, humanity will go on, or not, no matter what we do. We can offer advice. It's up to them to figure out if they are smart enough to take it. LOL

anti gun people wont ever get it or understand