"If you're gonna tell a lie, tell a big lie"

Lots of different ones. But when non-white people are from America, they are still told to go back to their countries, as if this isn't their country even if they're born and raised here.
It's a common racist trope that has been used since the end of the Civil War. So when someone says the tweets weren't racist, they're either lying or very ignorant of American society.

You are the only one here who has even mentioned these tropes.
Lots of different ones. But when non-white people are from America, they are still told to go back to their countries, as if this isn't their country even if they're born and raised here.
It's a common racist trope that has been used since the end of the Civil War. So when someone says the tweets weren't racist, they're either lying or very ignorant of American society.

How do you know if trump was targeting a race? Can you even specify which race he was targeting?
How do you know if trump was targeting a race? Can you even specify which race he was targeting?

The trope he used is used against all non-white people. He was targeting the Squad, which is made up of a Mestizo, an Arab, and two Blacks. But the cliche is more about racism against all non-white peoples.
So this was never used against Italians, Europeans, or other whites who were immigrants?

If they were immigrants, sure. Italian immigrants were told to go back to Italy. However, Italians who were born and raised in America were just seen as white Americans. See that's the big difference. If a non-white person is born and raised in America, they are STILL seen as immigrants by certain people, such as the Alt-Right. That's why this is racial.
If they were immigrants, sure. Italian immigrants were told to go back to Italy. However, Italians who were born and raised in America were just seen as white Americans. See that's the big difference. If a non-white person is born and raised in America, they are STILL seen as immigrants by certain people, such as the Alt-Right. That's why this is racial.

Wait a minute, is this trope ethnic, or is it racial? Whites were told to go back?
Wait a minute, is this trope ethnic, or is it racial? Whites were told to go back?

Whites were only told to go back IF they were immigrants. The fact that non-white Americans were told to go back shows that they were still seen as immigrants. The phrase is both xenophobic, in that it's against immigrants, and it's racist, because it's against non-white Americans.
Whites were only told to go back IF they were immigrants. The fact that non-white Americans were told to go back shows that they were still seen as immigrants. The phrase is both xenophobic, in that it's against immigrants, and it's racist, because it's against non-white Americans.

You have said it was used against whites, and then that it was used against non whites. If it is used against immigrants regardless of race, then it is not even about race, but rather citizenship status.
Adolph Hitler once said something like “if you going to tell a lie, tell a big lie and tell it over and over and soon it will become truth.” (paraphrase) These days we’re getting to watch the democrats & their major leftist media propaganda machine CNN & MSNBC take Adolph’s advise. They’ve arranged a carbon copy of the Nazi propaganda machine puking out the big lie 24/7/365, “The President is a racist.” The curious thing is though, when pressed to deliver the actual dictionary definition evidence of Donald Trump’s racism, all of a sudden they’re hard pressed to produce a dime’s worth of evidence that Trump has a racist bone in his body. They simply say everything he says and does is racist. They’ll actually call the folks that ask them for evidence of Trump’s racism, racist. They call everybody that’s not a bleeping democrat or some other kind of socialist, progressive or neo-commie a bleeping racist. If your white skinned you’re automatically a racist unless you’re a bleeping leftist. If your another skin color & a conservative a Republican or libertarian or vegetarian or anything other than a leftist, you’re a bleeping racist.

It’s interesting and amusing how the “racism” narrative came into being at the radical level we’re watching the left use it these days. During the Mueller investigation, the democrat’s big lie narrative was Russia, Russia, Russia, collusion, collusion, collusion. As soon as all of that fell apart and became exposed as the Fake News Witch Hunt it actually was, the left had to double & triple down on racist, racist, racist.

Just take a long look at that 20 plus gang of idiot democrats campaigning for the Presidency. Listen to what they’re actually saying. There’s your racist! Those a-holes see racist behind every tree. They actually see the real racist when they look in the mirror! Democrats & the left are a sorry & so pathetic lot in my opinion!

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You have said it was used against whites, and then that it was used against non whites. If it is used against immigrants regardless of race, then it is not even about race, but rather citizenship status.

But it's used against both immigrants and non-white Americans.
What do you think the implication is there?
It's pretty obvious that it's saying non-white people aren't Americans. They'll always just be foreigners.
But it's used against both immigrants and non-white Americans.
What do you think the implication is there?
It's pretty obvious that it's saying non-white people aren't Americans. They'll always just be foreigners.

If it is used against both white an non white immigrants, then it is not about race. In fact, you have implied that it is used universally against all races. Apparently, it is actually about immigration status, not race.
If it is used against both white an non white immigrants, then it is not about race. In fact, you have implied that it is used universally against all races. Apparently, it is actually about immigration status, not race.

So how come it's used against non-white Americans who aren't immigrants but it's not used against white Americans who aren't immigrants?
So how come it's used against non-white Americans who aren't immigrants but it's not used against white Americans who aren't immigrants?

Apparently, this is about immigration, not race. If it was about race, immigration status would not be relevant. If you need to bring immigration into this to make your case, then this is not about race.
Google "go back to where you came from" and "go back to your country" and I'm sure you'll find plenty of people who know what was really being said.

I'm sure every leftist knows in his/her biased mind what they want it to say, RACIST, RACIST, RACIST!:dasracist:
The trope he used is used against all non-white people. He was targeting the Squad, which is made up of a Mestizo, an Arab, and two Blacks. But the cliche is more about racism against all non-white peoples.

4 anti-American terrorist apologist, socialist who just happen to not be white skinned. Trump made no inferences to their skin color & only the left have an obsession with skin color. If there's racist in the issue it's the leftist race baiters!