"If you're gonna tell a lie, tell a big lie"

And so have white Americans. What does skin color have to do with your immigration trope?

Because white Americans aren't told to go back. Only non-white Americans are. Telling someone they're not America or they don't belong here, because they're not white, is racist.
So how come it's used against non-white Americans who did not immigrate to America?

How about the "FACT" that your PARTICULAR "non-white" Americans were the darlings that spewed the anti-American word vomit? Ask a hard one that one was easy!
Of course it flies. Every day you guys demonstrate your racism and get it slammed down your throats.

That is they way it will be forever for you.

Me thinks Jimmy if it weren't for your "racist lies" you'd be without imagination enough to even make a post.
I've seen, heard, and read about it. Even in my high school, I would see Chinese-Americans be told to "go back to China." This started after the Civil War and it's STILL happening in the 21st century.

"After the civil war?" How old are you? Did those Chinese-Americans make anti-American word vomit statements? Think about the difference just once!

I know that racism is exaggerated in America, but that doesn't mean racism doesn't exist at all here. Certain racist tropes have been with us for decades and this is one of them.

In my opinion, Trump's not one of them, I think Trump is so "NOT" racist, that he never even thinks about other folks skin color & how things he says will be used by the word vomit leftist to insinuate he's a racist. I think the evidence of that is overwhelming & the real racist today are the left and their anti-white word vomit.
It's used against Blacks too. Like I said, it was often said to Blacks after the Civil War. These were people who had been living in America for generations and were still told to go back to Africa.

It was also said to Italians, Jews, the Irish, the Polish, the Chinese, Japanese & anybody & everybody. The difference is that you ignore & refuse to accept, the remark has nothing to do with in particular with race & when it's used against good folk who have not bashed and slandered America, it's simply a hateful scumbag statement, but when it's directed against people who hate America, slander America and show ungrateful contempt for America, the statement is totally justified & has NOTA to do with race! The fucking left's newest tactic since Mueller's report swamped their hopes & drams about collusion and obstruction & Russia, Russia, Russia, is now RACIST, RACIST, RACIST. Face the facts!
It's racist if it's used against anyone for racial reasons.

And you & the rest of the left get to decide what's "racist" right? Like the definition of racism is actually the belief that one race is superior to another race, so how do y'all lefties prove that's the intent in telling somebody to go back where they came from? Just say "RACISM" makes it so, right?

Look at South Africa. There are white people there who have been living in that country for generations and the black Africans still tell them to go back to Europe. That's racist too because, like with Trump's tweets, the implication is that you will never be one of us because of your race.

OR, go the fuck back where you came from because we were here first! How many other AFRICANS from other African countries have you thought they likely also said that to?
The left have claimed the title "liberal" for so long that it no longer defines anything about classical American liberalism, it's just a misnomer word without a true definition a used mindlessly among the masses & morons. Now the left has also buried the word "racist." It simply defines whatever slanderous vomit the left want's to direct at everybody & anybody that disagrees politically with the left.
Because white Americans aren't told to go back. Only non-white Americans are. Telling someone they're not America or they don't belong here, because they're not white[/], is racist.

How would you know if it is because they are not white, and not because of obvious assimilation problems? Remember that lefties are ignorant enough to conflate resentment of assimilation problems (immigration thing) with resentment of race. Have you noticed that you are not able to list off the race of each of the four members of the quad squad? If lefties cannot even identify the race of each of them, then how on earth can they decide what is racism?
Me thinks Jimmy if it weren't for your "racist lies" you'd be without imagination enough to even make a post.

Methinks that you are part of the conspiracy theory nonsense, bud.

The acts of white nationalistic violence this weekend exemplifies American domestic terrorism.

The crazy conspiracy theory rhetoric we are reading is a domestic threat.
How would you know if it is because they are not white, and not because of obvious assimilation problems? Remember that lefties are ignorant enough to conflate resentment of assimilation problems (immigration thing) with resentment of race. Have you noticed that you are not able to list off the race of each of the four members of the quad squad? If lefties cannot even identify the race of each of them, then how on earth can they decide what is racism?

Bringing up "Lefties" is a red herring. It was hardly just "Lefties" that recognizes the tweets as racist. After the tweets, Trump lost support among Independents and Centrists too.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is Mestizo, Rashida Tlaib is Arabic, and Ilhan Omar and Ayanna Pressley are black.
I know what's going to come now. Arab isn't a race, Mestizos are mixed, blah blah. Well two of them are black, so it was definitely racist, even if you don't want to admit that hatred of Arabs and Mestizos is still racism.

Honestly, it seems like you just don't want to admit the tweets were racist because you've been defending Trump against accusations of racism for so long, now it's hard to admit you were wrong.
I actually defended Trump too. I don't believe it was racist to say Mexico is sending us their criminals, even if it was factually incorrect. But when he started saying things like "he's a Mexican judge," I knew he was using xenophobia for his own benefit. And the tweets were undeniably racist, even if NPC Trumpsters can't accept it.
How about the "FACT" that your PARTICULAR "non-white" Americans were the darlings that spewed the anti-American word vomit? Ask a hard one that one was easy!

Bullshit. They criticized how America is being run just like Trump did for eight years. It wasn't Anti-American. It was anti- the current administration.
It was also said to Italians, Jews, the Irish, the Polish, the Chinese, Japanese & anybody & everybody.

I already addressed this. Immigrants regularly heard "go back" regardless of where they were from. However, NON-WHITE AMERICANS WHO WERE BORN HERE also heard it. Italians who were born and raised in America were just seen as white Americans. Whereas Chinese people who were born and raised in America were still seen as foreigners and still told to go back.

The trope reflects the belief among some people that non-white people will never be American, they will always be foreigners.
And you & the rest of the left get to decide what's "racist" right? Like the definition of racism is actually the belief that one race is superior to another race, so how do y'all lefties prove that's the intent in telling somebody to go back where they came from? Just say "RACISM" makes it so, right?

Bringing up the Left and Lefties is a cheap attempt at identity politics when we're discussing ideas.

OR, go the fuck back where you came from because we were here first! How many other AFRICANS from other African countries have you thought they likely also said that to?

Actually, white South Africans were there longer than many of the black ethnic groups who tell them to go back to Europe. Again, it's about telling people of different races that they don't belong, not because they're immigrants, but because their race makes them foreign.
Bullshit. They criticized how America is being run just like Trump did for eight years. It wasn't Anti-American. It was anti- the current administration.

They're not criticizing the current administration, they're spewing out Anti-Semitic vomit, praise for Islamic terrorist & slandering the President of these United States, Democrats in Congress are hanging their heads in shame and fear of the 4 bitch squad of anti-american scum.
Bringing up the Left and Lefties is a cheap attempt at identity politics when we're discussing ideas.

Identity politics is the #1 agenda of the left. Everybody is identified by their skin color & black, brown or any other skin pigment GOOD, WHITE skin BAD! Unless you are white and commie left.

Actually, white South Africans were there longer than many of the black ethnic groups who tell them to go back to Europe. Again, it's about telling people of different races that they don't belong, not because they're immigrants, but because their race makes them foreign.

More proof that colored folk are more susceptible to the leftist scam of identity politics. They want the Europeans to go home so they can steal their property. It's all about their nationality and their property than their skin color If they were black Europeans they would also be told to go home!
They're not criticizing the current administration, they're spewing out Anti-Semitic vomit, praise for Islamic terrorist & slandering the President of these United States, Democrats in Congress are hanging their heads in shame and fear of the 4 bitch squad of anti-american scum.

"If you're gonna tell a lie, tell a big lie" You are doing a good job of it.