No, it is LIBERALS who want those things. THEY are the ones wishing to take away any remaining freedoms/liberties that people have left...Trump supporters want fascism and a dictator. I know.
No, it is LIBERALS who want those things. THEY are the ones wishing to take away any remaining freedoms/liberties that people have left...Trump supporters want fascism and a dictator. I know.
A pretty girl brainwashed by far right propaganda. Pity.
That the problem with liberals such as yourself; you just don't care to fully listen to, comprehend, and openly consider a person's rationale... What stops you from doing this is the hate in your heart for your "enemies".First thirty seconds was enough,
Meh, I actually trust him when he says that. He's been very open in the past about his many criticisms of Trump... I'm just glad to see that he now realizes what is truly at stake in a few weeks and is willing to support the President even though he has numerous criticisms of him.for Ben Shapiro to say he didn't vote for Trump in 2016 is asking a lot to believe,
Not at all. Ben Shapiro actually provides others with his rationale, while Maddow just says "I hate Trump... [insert insults towards Trump here]..." All lefties have is hate. It is sad... It is Satanic...and ultimately, this is like asking Rachel Maddow why she is voting for Biden
Out of curiosity is there anyone in the media who espouses conservative viewpoints or principles that you believe isn’t a demogauge?
That the problem with liberals such as yourself; you just don't care to fully listen to, comprehend, and openly consider a person's rationale... What stops you from doing this is the hate in your heart for your "enemies".
Meh, I actually trust him when he says that. He's been very open in the past about his many criticisms of Trump... I'm just glad to see that he now realizes what is truly at stake in a few weeks and is willing to support the President even though he has numerous criticisms of him.
Not at all. Ben Shapiro actually provides others with his rationale, while Maddow just says "I hate Trump... [insert insults towards Trump here]..." All lefties have is hate. It is sad... It is Satanic...
I think that plenty of "conservatives" either strongly disliked Trump 4 years ago, or they were luke-warm at best towards him...he hated Trump 4 years ago. He is on record countless times saying so
I also hated the guy. Rand was my candidate, and Trump was extremely rude to him in the debates.
edit to add - I want to thank you personally for showing how ignorant you are. You stopped after 30- seconds because your tainted views and wrong facts led you to stop. Who cares if your facts are wrong - you have a closed mind, and are set in your ways
and for those that actually care about facts, Shapiro hated Trump and his team so much, he quit a job over it
I think that plenty of "conservatives" either strongly disliked Trump 4 years ago, or they were luke-warm at best towards him...
Personally, when Trump first announced his campaign, I didn't take him seriously at all. I thought it was a joke and that he would fade away rather quickly. I additionally wasn't comfortable with his more left-leaning views from his past, thus I didn't trust his authenticity to the conservative cause.
And any time I see a Trumpkin get into the “freedom” and “liberty” rant I crack up, always humorous how they
Even though my own Governor (Scott Walker) was running, he was too "sleepy" and just wasn't a good fit for the "national stage", even though he did a pretty good as Governor of Wisconsin. I supported Ben Carson, even though he was likewise "sleepy", because he's a very well reasoned guy and has a calm/Christian temperament, and then I later supported Ted Cruz because of his strong conservative values. I would've been perfectly fine with Rand Paul (and maybe a few others) as well.
I did NOT want Jeb Bush, nor Christie, nor Rubio, nor the many others of their type who were up on that stage. Trump, on the other hand, was interesting to try to process, as he was not at all a "politician", and he didn't even try to act "proper". While his "asshole-ish" style was a turn-off for me, one thing I always liked about him from the very beginning was that he didn't take any crap from the media, and told them right to their faces what they were. I have waited a LOOOOOOOONG time for a Republican to finally start taking the fight to the lying media types, instead of folding like a cheap tent like Romney, McCain, and others did, or to continuously try "appeasing the unappeasable", and Trump has handled this sort of thing, and much more, beyond my wildest expectations.
In 2016, I was very luke-warm about him, but I still voted "for" him anyway because I knew that Hilary was BADDDDDD NEWS...... Now, I would crawl through broken glass just to cast my vote FOR him... I couldn't be any more proud of my President, and I truly believe him to be the perfect man for the job at this precise moment in time...
He is standing up for what Democrats wish to abolish, and what wayyyyyyyyy too many Republicans are sadly unwilling to fight for, which is for our personal freedoms and liberties, and our right to govern over our own lives as we see fit (instead of a one-world-government enslavement and compulsion to "do as you are told, or ELSE").
I LOOOOOOOOOVE President Trump, and it's very obvious why he draws in tens of thousands of people at each and every rally he does, and why he now hears "I LOVE YOU" chants at his rallies....
Love trumps hate, and Trump will trump Biden come November 3rd...
In other words, you didn't read a damn lick of what I wrote. Once again, you don't give a flying fuck about the rationale of who you consider to be your "enemy". Fuck your hatred. Fuck your ignorance.In other words, you took the Kool Aid
Yes, he did... CONSTANTLY... and he still does... CONSTANTLY. It's probably the thing about Trump that I like the most.Trump didn’t attack the media,
No, he didn't. He has attacked them from Day 1 of his primaries. He still attacks them to this day. Nothing has changed. Republicans of the past (such as McCain and Romney) constantly tried appeasing the media, and constantly kept losing. Trump has changed those ways. He stands up to them, and he beats them into submission like the Satanic fucks that they are.he courted the media,
Indeed, they ultimately did, but that was FAR from their intention...they helped him get elected,
What was?it was all part of his reality TV shtick,
Nope. He attacked them from Day 1, and still attacks them for THEIR lies and fabrications to the American public. THEY are the enemy of America. Fuck the lying Satanic fucks that are "the media".it was only after he was elected and they began to point out his lies and fabrications to the American public that he made them “the enemy” of America and “traitors”
A face shackle DOES violate one's freedom. It violates the freedom of the individual to make their own healthcare decisions; to oversee their own health as they see fit. A tyrannical government forcing face shackles upon their populace is anything BUT freedom/liberty. It is tyranny. It is fascism. It is globalism. It is pure evil. It is Satanic.And I have to crack up every time I see a Trumpkin start talking “freedom” and “liberty,” amazing how they manage to take such abstract concepts and reduce them to bumper stickers, wearing a mask to aid myself and others violates my individual “freedom,” as I said, humorous
Trump supporters want fascism and a dictator. I know.
Now is “Alice’s” last name Pleasance Liddell?
A pretty girl brainwashed by far right propaganda. Pity.
Break out the bubbly, you posted a random opinion from a Youtube video. You are officially as capable as a 2nd grader and about as relevant to thoughts on politics.
Cut Terminally Deranged (TD) some slack. He is starting to have tRump "assjuice" withdrawals.
THEY are the enemy of America. Fuck the lying Satanic fucks that are "the media".
Predictable; the whiny leftist mental cases on this forum can't deal with what the young woman is saying, much less, the election results this November.
Yup, pretty girls tend to be conservative.
True, some are cultists but it’s a mistake to say all are, just like it was a mistake for hrc to say all his supporters were “deplorables”.tRumpanzees are not political ideologues. They are simply "Jim Jones" style cult followers.