Trump is emotional, I'll give you that, but I don't see much difference in that aspect between him and the AOC wing of the Dems. And we can't really "put racial politics aside" when we continually have these protests and riots coming from the left. That's as emotional as it gets.
First of all, AOC isn't the face of the Left, Bernie is. Secondly... come on... AOC isn't a fraction as bad as Trump. Sure, some of her policies aren't well thought out, but she doesn't sperg out constantly like Trump. She doesn't throw a tantrum and insult anyone the moment someone
As for the rioting, most of those people aren't Leftists. Most of those people are apolitical Blacks who believe they're living under White Supremacy. These are the people who only voted for Obama because he's black and couldn't tell you anything about other issues.
The riots have had some actual Leftists, but they've also had Fascists and cops trying to stir up trouble. This is why I don't care about the fringe. I care about the faces of movements, because that lets you know where a movement is. Trump represents the Right, Biden represents the Center, and Bernie represents the Left. Only the first guy is literally insane.
But even if we go with what you're saying here, how is it "logical" to heavily restrict gun rights? The only logic behind that is to make people more vulnerable to an oppressive state. Sure, a lot of the world has unfortunately fallen for the "logic" that it somehow makes them safer to be unarmed, but the reality of the matter is that violence isn't driven by gun ownership. It's driven by cultural issues and mental health issues.
There's no evidence that stricter gun control makes people more vulnerable to Authoritarianism. Look how much closer America is to Authoritarianism right now when compared to Europe, Canada, and Australia.
It's also hard to separate much of progressive policy from racial politics when considering that most proposals to expand social services or welfare policies usually have some racial argument regarding equality or equity. It's like how most of the police reform discussion has become racial. Yet, pretty much all of these arguments are based on emotion and lies.
Same goes for racial politics on the Right. Anti-white politics are completely illogical all across the establishment. But again, I have some sympathy for people who buy into it because ever since birth, we're bombarded with anti-white propaganda. It's a lot harder to give a pass to people who believe in Qanon.
Disparities in income and achievement come down to cultural values, aptitudes, and sometimes even genetics. Government isn't going to change any of that, unless we reach Gattaca levels of technology and implement social conditioning to the point of a police state.
You don't believe classism plays a major role in achievement?
One of the things I do like about Trump is he's exposed just how bad classism is. This is a guy who is literally mentally challenged, but became rich because of his father. He failed at virtually everything he ever did and his father bailed him out over and over and over. After his father died, he remained rich because we have a system that allows the rich to get away with breaking laws and going into massive dept.
Now compare his life to a kid born in the ghetto to poor parents who couldn't even afford healthcare. That kid would have to play by entirely different rules.
It's basically this comic come to life:
Feminism has a similar problem of pushing narratives that are based on emotion and false narratives. There is no significant gender pay gap, for example, when you adjust for all other factors beyond sex. If anything, there will more likely be a situation where women will be paid more than men on average in the future due to current trends regarding rising female enrollment in higher education and falling enrollment among males.
So while that's true, I think it's understandable to make this mistake. We do have sexism in lots of traditionally male fields, so to see the wage gap at face value, it's understandable to assume women aren't being paid the same for the same work.
Now compare this to something like Conservatives sperging out over girls being allowed in the Boy Scouts. There is no logic there, it's pure feels over reals. When the Left gets something wrong, there's still logic there, there's just a lack of information. When the Right gets something wrong, it usually boils down to "this thing is different and I don't like change."