IHS:Isis, Horus, Semiramis

It represents the triumph of pagan trinitarianism over the other competing forms of christianity.

You mean the bible as compiled by the Catholic church?

You're caught in a self referential circle, that is round, refers to itself and is repetitive, over and over again.

What do easter eggs have to do with Jesus's resurrection?
Or it represents a restatement of beliefs based on the Bible.

Sometimes, if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and acts like a duck it really is a duck. And Easter Eggs were never part of the traditional Christian celebration. That was added much, much later and it was basically to make it fun for the kids who were jealous of those Pagans who had fun on the holiday.
Or it represents a restatement of beliefs based on the Bible.

Sometimes, if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and acts like a duck it really is a duck. And Easter Eggs were never part of the traditional Christian celebration. That was added much, much later and it was basically to make it fun for the kids who were jealous of those Pagans who had fun on the holiday.

Yes, but this quacks like pagan trinitarianism grafted onto a personality cult of jesus and then made into an agent of imperial thought control.
Yes, but this quacks like pagan trinitarianism grafted onto a personality cult of jesus and then made into an agent of imperial thought control.
Actually it seems to quack of the Bible's beliefs. The same ones that many Christians use consistently to inform people of what God is. So, basically you are saying that the Bible is a mockery of religion? I can't quite get your point here.

"Be good" is fine. I like that, a nice simplification of a complex philosophy and belief system.

Even, "The Priesthood isn't what Christ wanted" I can get that too. But the whole, "The entire Bible is a mockery of God's message" I can't quite get. Methinks you may again be shooting yourself in the foot in regards to convincing people to listen to you if that is your point.
Actually it seems to quack of the Bible's beliefs. The same ones that many Christians use consistently to inform people of what God is. So, basically you are saying that the Bible is a mockery of religion? I can't quite get your point here.

"Be good" is fine. I like that, a nice simplification of a complex philosophy and belief system.

Even, "The Priesthood isn't what Christ wanted" I can get that too. But the whole, "The entire Bible is a mockery of God's message" I can't quite get. Methinks you may again be shooting yourself in the foot in regards to convincing people to listen to you if that is your point.

The point is that the roman catholic version of christianity, which much of christianity is descended from, is not necessarily biblical and may be more in line with the more earthly, sacerdotal mystery faiths of the era.

That doesn't detract from jesus's obvious message of rebellion against these kinds of power structures. Many choose the lie, however. The truth is obvious. Truth is part of the strategy.
The point is that the roman catholic version of christianity, which much of christianity is descended from, is not necessarily biblical and may be more in line with the more earthly, sacerdotal mystery faiths of the era.

That doesn't detract from jesus's obvious message of rebellion against these kinds of power structures. Many choose the lie, however. The truth is obvious. Truth is part of the strategy.
Ahhh... So it is anti-Catholic you are going for here...

I'll let the Catholics mess with that. I grew up in a Pentecostal Church so am sometimes not the best source of Catholic information.
Ahhh... So it is anti-Catholic you are going for here...

I'll let the Catholics mess with that. I grew up in a Pentecostal Church so am sometimes not the best source of Catholic information.

catholic and everything that descended from it, which is basically all forms of christianity known in the western world.
catholic and everything that descended from it, which is basically all forms of christianity known in the western world.
Were I Christian, I'd be a Gnostic Christian. If there were a congregation in our area I'd even attend. Unfortunately it has to be the only unrepresented form of Christianity in my county.

Just as I'd never be a religious right republican. I believe too much in the individual's rights to allow laws to be written solely to be 'holy'.
Or it represents a restatement of beliefs based on the Bible.

Sometimes, if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and acts like a duck it really is a duck. And Easter Eggs were never part of the traditional Christian celebration. That was added much, much later and it was basically to make it fun for the kids who were jealous of those Pagans who had fun on the holiday.

Well that and to absorb the pagans into a new quaisi christian ceremony.
Religion is just like the goverment, they both hate competition.
Is Moremoanism a form of Chrisitanity ?
Nah, he covered that one on another thread "accusing" them of being Freemasons, whom he thinks are of a different religion than the ones that they believe...

He thinks that the Freemasons, Mormons, Catholics, Jews, Bavarian Illuminati, United Judean Front, and Judean United front (splitters!) are all getting together to take over the world and make us all worship something more Pagan than we wish to worship.
Naah, Moremaons are not Freemasons, nor are they truely Christians...
another good show on the history channel about Freemasons last night Damo.
Naah, Moremaons are not Freemasons, nor are they truely Christians...
another good show on the history channel about Freemasons last night Damo.
Which one was it? I have seen several, they exchange between the Discovery and History channels...

Some are really cool.
Nah, he covered that one on another thread "accusing" them of being Freemasons, whom he thinks are of a different religion than the ones that they believe...

He thinks that the Freemasons, Mormons, Catholics, Jews, Bavarian Illuminati, United Judean Front, and Judean United front (splitters!) are all getting together to take over the world and make us all worship something more Pagan than we wish to worship.
Us pagans have no problem worshiping something more Pagan. In fact, the world might be a better place thereby. As long as you keep that nutjob Aykroyd out of it.
Most of us indulge in Pagan vehicular, sports, and entertainment worship, what the big deal anyway ?

All organized religion has become about the perpetuation of a power oriented hierarchical structure. The superiority of a race, the infallibility of a church, the unquestionable authority of a heavily edited and selectively compiled document, this unquestioned power is what satan seeks over man. The hidden knowledge of the mysteries is the plain truth of evolution and an account of interracial conflict on earth, with an addendum that it's ok to win by lying and being racist. Heirarchical Domination and a culling of the species are presented as the only answers to mankinds problems.

It's the satanic message we frown at five year olds for saying "The other kids are doing it".
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Of course it is asshat, it always has been, why any differnet now? It is has just become more polished over the years. They have heard all the arguments over the years and polished their sales pitch well over the centuries.

Mankind as a species has some need to worship something greater, and insecurity or pack mentality thing I suppose.
I do not suffer from that affliction.
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Of course it is asshat, it always has been, why any differnet now? It is has just become more polished over the years. They have heard all the arguments over the years and polished their sales pitch well over the centuries.

Mankind as a species has some need to worship something greater, and insecurity or pack mentality thing I suppose.
I do not suffer from that affliction.
A noted Atheist nuerologist wrote a book about the 'God part of the mind'... You may like to read it.
I have studied that subject. And if God did make us he constructed a dependency in us for him. Not a nice trick would you think to essentially make slaves ? While at the same time claiming to give us freewill....
I have studied that subject. And if God did make us he constructed a dependency in us for him. Not a nice trick would you think to essentially make slaves ? While at the same time claiming to give us freewill....

We definitely have freewill. Saying we don't or that evil is inevitable, is satan talking.
We definitely have freewill. Saying we don't or that evil is inevitable, is satan talking.

You appear to be well programmed.

Evil comes from within us, we just blame it on an imaginary evil spirit.
Goodness comes from with in us, we just credit a good spirit.
We are still a pretty primitive species.