IHS:Isis, Horus, Semiramis

You appear to be well programmed.

Evil comes from within us, we just blame it on an imaginary evil spirit.
Goodness comes from with in us, we just credit a good spirit.
We are still a pretty primitive species.

Care to prove it? The point is that this new age concept of ascended hierarchy of masters, or "Great White Brotherhood", teaches evil modes of behavior. There are elements of truth to what they say, but their conclusions are evil.

THe New Age is crap.
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Other dimensions are real, spirituality is real, but these people are frauds.


Follow your 'Ascended' Master
The following is collection of quotes from Creme's The Reappearance of The Christ and the Masters of Wisdom (1980). If what he says is true, then the infiltration of the government by Luciferic agents is already a reality today. These agents, we are told, are directed by the Hierarchy of Ascended Masters and are working together to bring about the New World Order right under our noses. The reader will be reminded of the quotes from Marilyn Ferguson in another page, regarding this very same conspiracy. No narrative is necessary, the message is crystal clear: [(EMPHASIS MINE)]

From these existing groups (New Age plants) in all fields of work — political, religious, social, scientific, educational and cultural — will be formed a nucleus who will be trained directly by the Master himself. Gradually they will be called upon for help and advice by governmental agencies, and their effective power to influence governmental decisions will increase. THEY CAN THUS DIRECTLY LAY THE FOUNDATIONS OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER.

Administrative and Governmental positions will be offered to certain members of the inner group who can then directly implement the needed changes. In this way a gradual transformation of society will be made...

The Hierarchy has plans already made and ready to put into effect. These involve the reconstruction of the world financial and economic order. A group of high initiates, themselves economists, industrialists, and financial experts of great experience and achievement, are working with the Hierarchy and have evolved a series of blueprints, alternative inter-related plans, which will solve the redistribution problems which are at the basis of the present world crisis. These can and will be speedily implemented when the need is seen and accepted, which acceptance will be forced on the United Nations of the world by the weight of a now informed public opinion. The cry for help and justice from the poor and starving nations will be too loud and too dramatic to ignore. THE STAGE WILL THEN BE SET FOR THE [ANTI]CHRIST TO MAKE KNOWN HIS PRESENCE AND LEAD MANKIND INTO THE AQUARIAN EXPERIENCE.

Their plan is to fuck up the world so bad, by staging conflict and horrors, that people will turn to them out of desperation. Is that enlightened?
Care to prove it? The point is that this new age concept of ascended hierarchy of masters, or "Great White Brotherhood", teaches evil modes of behavior. There are elements of truth to what they say, but their conclusions are evil.

THe New Age is crap.

How can it be proven ? One way or the other ?
Are we still develepoing in a positive or negative direction ? Yes
How far can we go ? Who knows the unknowable. Only fools I would think.
How can it be proven ? One way or the other ?
Are we still develepoing in a positive or negative direction ? Yes
How far can we go ? Who knows the unknowable. Only fools I would think.

You're all wet, jethro. Does behavior matter? Do diifferent types of social organization have an impact on the survivability of the species? It's not a nebulous unknowable. These people use the "inevitability" of hierarchical domination to convince half of humanity to be the dominators. They use the fear of uncertainty and the concept of evolution to present a false "dominate or be dominated" choice. They're first class fucksticks.
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