Verified User
That was exactly my point. You said socialism was control by the workers, but that sure isn't true in Venezuela, China, North Korea, Cuba, or any other socialist nation including the former Soviet Union or Eastern bloc nations.
Nobody is brainwashed when they state facts about socialism which you apparently agree with about Venezuela. You've gone from "worker control" to agreeing with my point.[/
Kid, try listening hard: There are currently only capitalist states in the world, whatever they chose to call themselves. I have said this many times, but your brain is too well-washed to retain it. They may call themselves Christian, Socialist or Uncle Tom Cobleigh, but they all exist by selling on the world market and robbing the people who produce what they sell. Listen, child: Venezuela, like the USA, North Korea and your Empire is C-A-P-I-T-A-L-I-S-T. Got that? Socialism is the political rule of those who do the work, and your shithole is a particularly obvious example of plutocracy. All capitalists will unite to murder those who want to set up socialism, obviously.
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