I'll Not Yield

Interested in adopting THAT year? or just generally interested in the idea?

asked in that year......unless there was some freak phenomena I expect that that was typical for the requests for information that they received.....unless you think everyone was waiting for 2005 to roll around so they could ask for information......;
So if over half of all abortions are sought by women who ALREADY have children, I guess that unwillingness to care for a child is not the main reason. Perhaps it is because one more child in that household will take the household from barely making it to dying a slow death.

you had better reread the Guttamacher data......that IS the main reason reported....
I think we're about to move into a mode where everyone starts defining what "inconvenience" means.

Rather than going down that road - I don't care WHY the woman had the abortion. Her reason for so doing was important her, and since the fetus is living in her body, and cannot survive outside the body, then it is her decision.

Those who want to control a woman's body call that murder. It's not. You may not like it. Oh well.

As BAC mentioned, I believe, women WILL have abortions; the question is are they safe, legal, affordable? Do we send them to incompetent doctors like the one in Philadelphia? or do they resort to hangers, weird drugs, jumping off tables, or whatever lore they've heard to get rid of the fetus?

And let's be clear - wealth women, upper middle class women will ALWAYS be able to get abortions if they need one.

It's poor women who are already struggling who will be stuck bearing a child they don't want and possibly can't afford. And giving it up for adoption? Sorry. Pregnancy is hard on the body; and it's very hard to give up a child to adoption, to strangers. And of course there is the expense of being pregnant - the medical bills, possibly having to take time off work, etc.

Abortions need to be safe, legal, affordable. AND we need safe, cheap or free birth control.
the good news is....since this thread began the adbots have begun offering links to web sites that help women put their children up for adoption.....maybe some of you HAVE saved a child's life today.....
You live in a fucking fantasy world. So a woman with 4 children barely getting by should have that fifth so that the 4 already in existence suffer more? She should take food from the mouths of her existing children? You act like women do this with not a care in the world. And you don't want government to do shit to help her once she has the child.

lmao... you would think a couple with 4 kids barely getting by would understand how the previous 4 kids came into existence. But I know, their responsibility should be ignored and their irresponsible behavior should be taken out on an unborn child. But go ahead trying to justify killing a kid.
I find it easy to proclaim it because I value life. What is odd is how easy it is for you to proclaim that life is not worth saving. What is odd is your ability to dehumanize the unborn child so that you can use convenience as an excuse to kill it.

You are an intelligent woman, yet you cannot fathom personal responsibility. You know what causes pregnancy. You know how you can prevent it. If you choose not to do so, that should not entitle you to end a human life because you would be inconvenienced.

I think I'll faint dead away if one of you anti-choicers ever acknowledged that it takes TWO to make a baby, and that it's not just the woman who knows how to prevent it, or would be inconvenienced.

Sorry to be mean SF but you guys come across as hyperbolic ("murder") and misogynistic ("you know how you can prevent it") in every single one of these discussions on abortion. I'm pretty sure that 100% of men against abortion aren't letting that stand in the way of having unprotected sex.
lmao... you would think a couple with 4 kids barely getting by would understand how the previous 4 kids came into existence. But I know, their responsibility should be ignored and their irresponsible behavior should be taken out on an unborn child. But go ahead trying to justify killing a kid.

There is that lack of observational skills once again rearing it's ugly head.

These are kids:


These are kids:


Even these are kids:


These are not kids, these are zygotes embryos and fetus in different stages of developement:



Again you want to make moral equivalents between those above and those below. They are not morally equivalent. They are only the same on a genetic level.

You "forced birthers" are such simpletons in your comparisons. But what is even more fucked about you people is you think that all of us that are pro-choice encourage abortion. Between my wife and I we have 5 children and we are both pro-choice. Between my dad, mom and step mom they have 4 children. Pro-choice individuals have children just like you forced birthers, well I guess not ALL forced birthers. PimP talked about the fact that I posted facts from a pro-adoption site. Good! I am all for pregnant women choosing the adoption route instead of the abortion route, IF that is THEIR choice. I don't believe I can force any one way on any person. That is the difference between those of us that are pro-choice and those of you that are forced birthers. In extreme, people on your side believe women should be forced to give birth to offspring conceived through incest, rape and to children with congenital birth defects. That fact alone speaks volumes about the difference between the two sided.