I think we're about to move into a mode where everyone starts defining what "inconvenience" means.
Rather than going down that road - I don't care WHY the woman had the abortion. Her reason for so doing was important her, and since the fetus is living in her body, and cannot survive outside the body, then it is her decision.
Those who want to control a woman's body call that murder. It's not. You may not like it. Oh well.
As BAC mentioned, I believe, women WILL have abortions; the question is are they safe, legal, affordable? Do we send them to incompetent doctors like the one in Philadelphia? or do they resort to hangers, weird drugs, jumping off tables, or whatever lore they've heard to get rid of the fetus?
And let's be clear - wealth women, upper middle class women will ALWAYS be able to get abortions if they need one.
It's poor women who are already struggling who will be stuck bearing a child they don't want and possibly can't afford. And giving it up for adoption? Sorry. Pregnancy is hard on the body; and it's very hard to give up a child to adoption, to strangers. And of course there is the expense of being pregnant - the medical bills, possibly having to take time off work, etc.
Abortions need to be safe, legal, affordable. AND we need safe, cheap or free birth control.