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In 2016 I considered voting for Trump or Clinton to be a disgrace to America’s system of constitutional leadership. I thought both candidates were the sorriest pair in America’s history. As a matter of fact I still consider the corrupted crooked elections in America a pure waste of time. The 2 party duopoly own the ballot access system, the national media, the national debate & every dime of special interest money in the electoral system, no others need apply. They even pass the cost of their private party primary elections on to the American taxpayers & most states won’t allow members of the other party or independents to vote in their particular private party primary elections even though they, (the taxpayer’s) are funding those partisan elections.
All I can say today is I’m still appalled by the partisan duopoly corrupted system, but I’m at least grateful that America’s brilliant Electoral College system saved the country from the felon Hillary Clinton & aside from Trump’s willingness to sign on to the BIG government outrageous wasteful obscene bloated deficit ridden budgets, I have to give him credit for the vast majority of his agenda, a roaring economy, protecting our borders despite the bleeping democrats and congress in general obstruction and incompetence, fighting for fair trade deals for America, shaming NATO’s European members into paying up their fair share & avoiding more stupid wars & working for peace.
I have especially become damned near fond of The Donald mostly because the bleeping Democrats hate him & their media propaganda machine is the most outrageous disgusting load of scum I’ve ever seen in my 83 years of watching the political landscape.
If The Donald stay’s the course I’ll even vote for him in 2020 If the God of all creation grants me the days to make that act.
All I can say today is I’m still appalled by the partisan duopoly corrupted system, but I’m at least grateful that America’s brilliant Electoral College system saved the country from the felon Hillary Clinton & aside from Trump’s willingness to sign on to the BIG government outrageous wasteful obscene bloated deficit ridden budgets, I have to give him credit for the vast majority of his agenda, a roaring economy, protecting our borders despite the bleeping democrats and congress in general obstruction and incompetence, fighting for fair trade deals for America, shaming NATO’s European members into paying up their fair share & avoiding more stupid wars & working for peace.
I have especially become damned near fond of The Donald mostly because the bleeping Democrats hate him & their media propaganda machine is the most outrageous disgusting load of scum I’ve ever seen in my 83 years of watching the political landscape.
If The Donald stay’s the course I’ll even vote for him in 2020 If the God of all creation grants me the days to make that act.