I'll vote for Trump if he stay's the course.

In 2016 I considered voting for Trump or Clinton to be a disgrace to America’s system of constitutional leadership. I thought both candidates were the sorriest pair in America’s history. As a matter of fact I still consider the corrupted crooked elections in America a pure waste of time. The 2 party duopoly own the ballot access system, the national media, the national debate & every dime of special interest money in the electoral system, no others need apply. They even pass the cost of their private party primary elections on to the American taxpayers & most states won’t allow members of the other party or independents to vote in their particular private party primary elections even though they, (the taxpayer’s) are funding those partisan elections.

All I can say today is I’m still appalled by the partisan duopoly corrupted system, but I’m at least grateful that America’s brilliant Electoral College system saved the country from the felon Hillary Clinton & aside from Trump’s willingness to sign on to the BIG government outrageous wasteful obscene bloated deficit ridden budgets, I have to give him credit for the vast majority of his agenda, a roaring economy, protecting our borders despite the bleeping democrats and congress in general obstruction and incompetence, fighting for fair trade deals for America, shaming NATO’s European members into paying up their fair share & avoiding more stupid wars & working for peace.

I have especially become damned near fond of The Donald mostly because the bleeping Democrats hate him & their media propaganda machine is the most outrageous disgusting load of scum I’ve ever seen in my 83 years of watching the political landscape.

If The Donald stay’s the course I’ll even vote for him in 2020 If the God of all creation grants me the days to make that act.

What is the alternative at this point? THE GREEN NEW DEAL? Or...….simply avoiding the polls altogether? We are approaching the eye of the storm....have hope, stay the course. There are powers that are attempting to get the same results they did in 2008, but....the patriots have it under control. What you are witnessing now is nothing but knee jerk reactions from the money changers. Trump has the keys to the kingdom.....The tariffs that control the market fluctuations. Just the mention of Trump not enacting a tariff at this time made the market jump 300 points. When he's ready....after at least one more interest rate adjustment....Trump will have total control via simply rescinding a tariff here, a tariff there. One more year...and its game over for the deep state and the treasonous criminals.

That's the thing with leftists...….they call themselves progressive, but...they always repeat the same tactics over and over. What worked in 2008 with a central bank and federal reserve market adjustment to get the Black Marxist into power, will not work this time around. Trump has his own players deeply engrained into the system. Look for another interest rate adjustment from the Fed, when you see this, its all over for the deep state players. The fact that China is right now THROWING a tantrum is an indication that the plan is working. China will have to deal with China's own problems. Trump just gave them bait so they can pretend to SAVE FACE....new trade deal talks.

Its funny as hell....the mocking bird fascist press declares, "Trump folds...." When the bait has been taken and the reel is singing like a bird. They know shit from apple butter. But what can one expect from the Fredos of the left? The left has repeated all their dirty tricks....in just this month alone. But each has been a failure. Why? The patriots are prepared for their tactics this time around. The closer to the election you get....the more they will panic. Simply look at the latest threat...when the courts can no longer be used to promote their agenda. They actually made a threat to disband and refresh SCOTUS. Not Shit. Its panic time on the left. Look for more mass shootings, more fear mongering about an economic collapse....anything to direct the media and charge Trump with anything they can throw at him. Its useless. They are trapped. The chess pieces are in place.....soon the black bitch queen will fall....then the KING will have no move to make. CHECKMATE! Does anyone really think that Epstein actually offed himself? You know who actually was most surprised about Epstein's suicide? E P S T E I N

They "took" the bait....Epstein was nothing but "Chum"(as the patriots are already in possession of Epstein's little blackmail network)......the criminals trapped themselves via attempting to "Castle" their King and Queen. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Castling

Come on! The most secure city prison on the east coast.....just happened to open up this perfect opportunity to get rid of the prime dirt holder against the DEEP STATE. It was a trap.....and they not only took the bait....they swallowed the HOOK, a hook secured with a 1000lb. tensile strength leader.:bigthink:

The Autopsy has already revealed that Epstein died from a broken bone in his neck called the "hyoid".....most commonly caused via STRANGULATION. It just happened to be a quinky dink that Epstein has as a cell... mate a huge FORMER police officer sentenced to death for murder and drug dealing. It was just a quinky dink that Epstein was taken off a supposed suicide watch at a bequest of his lawyers. Its just a quinky dink that Epstein's bed sheets was replaced from the paper based product to full cotton.....its just a quinky dink that the camera's went fubar at precisely the correct time while Epstein was left unguarded, supposedly without a cellmate...….Yeah.

The Headline from the times should read. Anyone with dirt on a Clinton has an 800% greater risk of suicide than the average American Citizen. :laugh: SEE: Hillary'ed in the urban dictionary.
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he lies non stop

it has been proven and documented

the Media should be VERY hard on any politician who keeps lying to the American people

If you didnt watch fox you would be even better informed

Fox repeated the lies from Russia about hilary


To be fair pretty much all of the presidential candidates and career politicians lie non stop unfortunately. If the media was “very hard” on politicians that lie then there would be constant media attention calling out not only Trump but nearly all of the Democratic candidates. Whether they are flat out lying or, and very common, changing the context to fit a narrative. It’s unfortunate all around.
To be fair pretty much all of the presidential candidates and career politicians lie non stop unfortunately. If the media was “very hard” on politicians that lie then there would be constant media attention calling out not only Trump but nearly all of the Democratic candidates. Whether they are flat out lying or, and very common, changing the context to fit a narrative. It’s unfortunate all around.

I have no great love for the damned cowardly lying ass Republicans either. I hate all political,parties, but I do admit that I lean more right & i hate the left. In my opinion the left/Democrats, are the crookedest , dirty scheming underhanded lying bastards in the political arena. Watching CNN & MSNBC actually makes me sick, they're scumbag lying bastards.

In my opinion, Trump is an exaggerator more than a flat out liar. As a matter of fact, I think he lies less than most politicians & exaggerates more than most. Trump is a super narcissist, but so are most politicians. I see narcissism as not necessarily a bad thing. Narcissism is in many cases "self confidence." Trump sees himself as a leader & "THE" leader that knows what's wrong with the country & how to fix it. Aside from the money he's pouring into an already bloated and corrupt Military Industrial Complex & his accepting the deficit ridden budgets coming out of the corrupt and idiot riddled Congress, I think Trump is exactly on track with the border, the economy, trade, & his military non-interventionism "peace making" policy.

To boot, there is NO Democrat candidate worth a single vote from anybody, in my opinion.
To be fair pretty much all of the presidential candidates and career politicians lie non stop unfortunately. If the media was “very hard” on politicians that lie then there would be constant media attention calling out not only Trump but nearly all of the Democratic candidates. Whether they are flat out lying or, and very common, changing the context to fit a narrative. It’s unfortunate all around.


you are LYING


you have to PROVE EVERY ONE LIES to be able to claim it

why do you do this ?

you also claimed The democratic party cheats in elections WITHOUT A SHRED OF PROOF when I first met you

THERE IS MASSIVE COURT PROOF the republican party cheats in elections

there is not a like court record for the Democratic party

GO GET YOUR PROOF all the Democratic party candidates are LYING

IT has been PROVEN Trump lies non stop


no other politician has

YOU just knee jerk lying about that makes YOU evil
Colossians 3:23 23Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the LORD, not for human masters,

working to lie for politicians?

not part of the plan jesus intended
Colossians 3:23 23Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the LORD, not for human masters,

working to lie for politicians?

not part of the plan jesus intended

Imagine that.....a person that has no problem whatsoever in murdering innocent children in the womb is attempting to lecture others by "cherry picking" a line of scripture away from the context of its entire subject matter.

Why just read a "single line" and then attempt to apply that line to a mold that suits your agenda? The answer is simple....that's what propagandists engage, deceit and duplicity.

I could also pick a single line from this same Chapter found in the Book of Colossians and apply it in an attempt to directly insult all leftist feminists....but, that would be taking it away from the contextual integrity of the entire Chapter and its simple message....."Whatever you do, do all with the Lord's authority". Meaning what? Meaning do not apply double standards, one for yourself another standard for others. Whatever you do, follow the guidelines established via the Holy Spirit who inspired the scriptures as a comfort to all men who would follow the Christ and His teachings...a guide.

That cherry picked line that I am sure would RASIE YOUR HACKLERS? "WIVES SUBMIT YOURSELVES UNTO YOUR HUSBANDS, AS IT IS FIT IN THE LORD." -- Col. 3:18

But you are quick to use the Scriptures as a WEAPON? Does that very application even appear to come close to the supposed advise you offered with a single line....Col. 3:23? :dunno: Do you actually consult the scriptures before you attempt to use them as a weapon? Do you apply all of them as directed, "Whatever you do, do it heartily, AS IF TO THE LORD (meaning you want the Lord to stand behind the use of these scriptures)….AND NOT UNTO MEN."

So…..of course you are directing this passage of scripture to God and not to men....correct? You are not a hypocrite attempting to blame others (while having a 2x4 in your own eye....your endorsement of killing children in the womb)...for having a splinter in their eye. :laugh:

What this entire Chapter and Book (Colossians) represents is the daily struggle of all Christians in attempting to live up to the same standards they establish for others....DO EVERYTHING AS IF YOU WERE TALKING DIRECTLY TO THE LORD AND NOT MEN.....for you are His representative and a living example.

Just a little reading for your consideration. "Do not judge less you judge righteously...." JUDGING OTHERS. "For with the judgment you pronounce....you (yourself) shall be judged...and with the measure you use it will be measured to you." -- Matt. 7:2 Basically the Christ is telling us we should not judge others with a measure of judgment we would not want for ourselves.

You should read Matt. 7:3-5 John 7:24 John 12: 47-48 1 Peter 4:11 All relating exactly to the passage you presented. If you are going to consider the scriptures....consider all the text on the subject you are attempting to TEACH.
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you are LYING


you have to PROVE EVERY ONE LIES to be able to claim it

why do you do this ?

you also claimed The democratic party cheats in elections WITHOUT A SHRED OF PROOF when I first met you

THERE IS MASSIVE COURT PROOF the republican party cheats in elections

there is not a like court record for the Democratic party

GO GET YOUR PROOF all the Democratic party candidates are LYING

IT has been PROVEN Trump lies non stop


no other politician has

YOU just knee jerk lying about that makes YOU evil

You should know by now that I’m willing to have civil discussion with you and anybody else here, however, I’m not going to respond to this kind of over the top attack on me.
In 2016 I considered voting for Trump or Clinton to be a disgrace to America’s system of constitutional leadership. I thought both candidates were the sorriest pair in America’s history. As a matter of fact I still consider the corrupted crooked elections in America a pure waste of time. The 2 party duopoly own the ballot access system, the national media, the national debate & every dime of special interest money in the electoral system, no others need apply. They even pass the cost of their private party primary elections on to the American taxpayers & most states won’t allow members of the other party or independents to vote in their particular private party primary elections even though they, (the taxpayer’s) are funding those partisan elections.

All I can say today is I’m still appalled by the partisan duopoly corrupted system, but I’m at least grateful that America’s brilliant Electoral College system saved the country from the felon Hillary Clinton & aside from Trump’s willingness to sign on to the BIG government outrageous wasteful obscene bloated deficit ridden budgets, I have to give him credit for the vast majority of his agenda, a roaring economy, protecting our borders despite the bleeping democrats and congress in general obstruction and incompetence, fighting for fair trade deals for America, shaming NATO’s European members into paying up their fair share & avoiding more stupid wars & working for peace.

I have especially become damned near fond of The Donald mostly because the bleeping Democrats hate him & their media propaganda machine is the most outrageous disgusting load of scum I’ve ever seen in my 83 years of watching the political landscape.

If The Donald stay’s the course I’ll even vote for him in 2020 If the God of all creation grants me the days to make that act.

You have to vote for Trump. Just look at the pigs and vermin on the Dem side.
So you evidently were perfectly fine with the disgusting load of scum that the right-wing propaganda machine threw at Obama every day for 8 years. And some of it continues today. The major difference being that what's being thrown in Trump's direction is mostly based on facts.

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Learn what the word 'fact' means. Redefinition fallacy (lie <-> fact).
Yeah, like Trump saying he was practically a first responder when he was signing a bill to help real first responders. The audience was silent when he said that. That is saying it like it is? Lying about everything and being a mental child is not anti-political correctness. It is lying and making everything about him.
Who is for guaranteeing money for those refusing to work?
I see why you are pro Trump. You buy right-wing lies.,

...so you don't want to help first responders??