I'll vote for Trump if he stay's the course.

I'm not going to dig back for your crap, just to pursue yet another of your diversions. Just off the top of my head, there were all of your delusions about the Steele dossier and the FISA court.

Anyone have a drunk or moron translator for this word salad?
You are deep in the swamp of Trump worship. His economy is what he was handed by Obama, and appears to be slowing, despite the massive amounts of meth that he's been feeding it. Similarly, the unemployment figures are the continuation of trends that were established before the election. He had 2 years when the GOP controlled both houses of Congress and he did nothing about the border until he could use it to campaign against Democrats. Trump's "tax break for the middle class" was actually a massive tax break for the richest and a pittance for the rest of us. The richest got a permanent tax cut, while everyone else's expires. As for North Korea, he's offered Kim a slew of concessions and has gotten nothing in return. Trump is, and always has been, a coward and a bully. Attacking their critics is what cowardly bullies do. Most of the criticism of Trump is based on facts, which is something that neither he nor you can tolerate.

^^Still stuck on moron. :laugh:
Everything Trump has said about the leftist media is spot on! The CNN & MSNBC scumbags deserve twice as much as he's giving them! He's way too kind to those rabid leftist skunks!

Making the press the villain to his administration means that even truthful news and legitimate questioning by journalists is seen as fake by his most ardent supporters. It’s one thing to call out bias but it’s another thing to generalize to the point that you lose your own objectivity and dismiss all accountability efforts. Absolutely certain journalist and news companies have shown bias, however, even a supporter of the president should try to maintain objectivity when it comes to the truth in my opinion.
That’s true but it would depend on who that person could be of course. If they are serious and on the ballot and have a better focus on the constitution, work ethic, freedom, and other issues than the other candidates then I’d potentially vote for them.

The duopoly owns the media, ballot access, the national debate & every dime of special interest loot, they together have America's elections rigged! No others need apply! Voting 3rd party, you might as well piss against a wall!
You should kill yourself. You're a nobody. You'll always be a nobody. You're a moron. You will always be a moron. No one will miss you. No one would care. The worlds collective IQ would increase and it would save the valuable oxygen you waste with every breath.

maybe if your spawner wan't a brood mare for the third reich
Making the press the villain to his administration means that even truthful news and legitimate questioning by journalists is seen as fake by his most ardent supporters. It’s one thing to call out bias but it’s another thing to generalize to the point that you lose your own objectivity and dismiss all accountability efforts. Absolutely certain journalist and news companies have shown bias, however, even a supporter of the president should try to maintain objectivity when it comes to the truth in my opinion.

There is no honesty or truthful news in the mainstream media anymore. They have been assaulting this President since he was nominated.

Just look at the adjectives they use to describe every action he takes. When Trump criticizes and opponent, it is described as an "attack" or "slams". When a Democrat calls him a grifter, not a word from the press about how despicable that was.

This is right out of the LA Times: It was no secret during the campaign that Donald Trump was a narcissist and a demagogue who used fear and dishonesty to appeal to the worst in American voters.

No one with even half a brain takes the partisan pabulum the media dishes out seriously anymore.
The duopoly owns the media, ballot access, the national debate & every dime of special interest loot, they together have America's elections rigged! No others need apply! Voting 3rd party, you might as well piss against a wall!

Dumb, non-factual statement.
maybe if your spawner wan't a brood mare for the third reich

Really, you should kill yourself. You're a nobody. You'll always be a nobody. You're a moron. You will always be a moron. No one will miss you. No one would care. The worlds collective IQ would increase and it would save the valuable oxygen you waste with every breath.
Making the press the villain to his administration means that even truthful news and legitimate questioning by journalists is seen as fake by his most ardent supporters. It’s one thing to call out bias but it’s another thing to generalize to the point that you lose your own objectivity and dismiss all accountability efforts. Absolutely certain journalist and news companies have shown bias, however, even a supporter of the president should try to maintain objectivity when it comes to the truth in my opinion.

How do you know that “certain” supporters of the President aren’t “maintaining objectivity when it comes to the truth?” Why would you assume otherwise?

I support this President! I don’t like the amount he’s spending on the military. I don’t like He’s singing onto the outrageous budgets the Congress is putting out. I think he’d be a better President if he had his twitter shoved up his ass. I support him because I like his economy. I like the fact that blacks, Hispanics & women have the lowest unemployment rate in history. I like the way he stands up to our NATO allies and shames them into paying up their fair share. I like he’s doing everything he legally can to secure our southern border in spite of a do nothing obstructionist Congress. I like the trade deals he’s made with Mexico & Canada. I like his standing up to China & their ripping off of America. I like the fact that he’s anti-interventionist militarily & doing his best to get our stupid asses out of the middle east. I like him because he’s totally transparent, he says what he thinks, there’s nothing phony about him. I like him because he spits in the face of political correctness and the leftist sons-of-bitches & bastards in the press & politicians that slander him & his family. I support him because the left hates him. I support him because leftist media has a full out propaganda machine trashing him 24/7/365!
How do you know that “certain” supporters of the President aren’t “maintaining objectivity when it comes to the truth?” Why would you assume otherwise?

I support this President! I don’t like the amount he’s spending on the military. I don’t like He’s singing onto the outrageous budgets the Congress is putting out. I think he’d be a better President if he had his twitter shoved up his ass. I support him because I like his economy. I like the fact that blacks, Hispanics & women have the lowest unemployment rate in history. I like the way he stands up to our NATO allies and shames them into paying up their fair share. I like he’s doing everything he legally can to secure our southern border in spite of a do nothing obstructionist Congress. I like the trade deals he’s made with Mexico & Canada. I like his standing up to China & their ripping off of America. I like the fact that he’s anti-interventionist militarily & doing his best to get our stupid asses out of the middle east. I like him because he’s totally transparent, he says what he thinks, there’s nothing phony about him. I like him because he spits in the face of political correctness and the leftist sons-of-bitches & bastards in the press & politicians that slander him & his family. I support him because the left hates him. I support him because leftist media has a full out propaganda machine trashing him 24/7/365!

What did Trump do to make it his economy? Do you like tariffs?
Leftist media began slandering Donald Trump before he became the Republican candidate for the Presidency, unlike the fawning over Obama they did even before he became the Democrat candidate. Obama just sent out his undercover cops to investigate and look for dirt on the media people that gave him negative press! Trump is "transparent" he hides nothing, Obama was a sneaking back stabber!

What do you expect when everything about his candidacy, and now presidency, relies on hate, divisiveness and lies?
What the fuck do you know about common courtesy & decency? You've never found a decent or courteous word to say about this President!

Congrats, that's the first truthful thing I've ever read from you! I despised trump long before he ran for president. When he pulled that lying crap about Obama's birth certificate I knew he wasn't an honest or trustworthy person. What I know is that trump is unfortunately the face of America, and I'm just a poster on an obscure message board. It's sad that you give a pass to his hatefulness.
What do you expect when everything about his candidacy, and now presidency, relies on hate, divisiveness and lies?

It only relies on your hate & the hate vomit spewed by leftist media CNN & MSNBC 24/7/365. Anybody wanting to see what hate looks like, just read the leftist post here. Watch CNN & MSNBC, hate of Donald Trump is project #1. And the absolute slimeball lie about it all is they accuse Trump of hate.
Congrats, that's the first truthful thing I've ever read from you! I despised trump long before he ran for president. When he pulled that lying crap about Obama's birth certificate I knew he wasn't an honest or trustworthy person. What I know is that trump is unfortunately the face of America, and I'm just a poster on an obscure message board. It's sad that you give a pass to his hatefulness.

I never saw Trump hate on anybody, I've seen him just tell the truth about particular slime-balls & shit-holes. I see daily insane hate on steroids directed at Trump and the perps accusing him of their evil.
I never saw Trump hate on anybody, I've seen him just tell the truth about particular slime-balls & shit-holes. I see daily insane hate on steroids directed at Trump and the perps accusing him of their evil.

This says so much about you. The Muslim travel ban was an act of love and inclusion? Telling 4 American congresswomen to go back where they came from was not suggesting Mapquest. Saying Mexicans are rapists and murderers was not saying they are just like us. Nor was it saying they came here for jobs and a better life like our families did. I bet you think Trump actually thought Obama's birth certificate was fake. I am sure you still think so.
You are so deep in Trump's trousers that you will not come up for air.
I never saw Trump hate on anybody, I've seen him just tell the truth about particular slime-balls & shit-holes. I see daily insane hate on steroids directed at Trump and the perps accusing him of their evil.

Obama was born in America, PERIOD. Stop lying about trump's hatefulness. He doesn't need your protection.