You are full of hate, which blinds you to reality. You regard telling the truth about Trump to be "lies, slander & hatred". You like the fact that he vacations more than Obama did, yet the same voices that screamed at Obama for his vacations are completely silent about Trump spending even more than Obama did on vacations.Although I oppose Trump’s bloated military spending & his signing onto the bloated deficit loaded budgets coming out of the House & I think he’d be better off often with his tweeter up his ass, I do admit that The Donald has become my favorite President of my 83 year lifetime. I like his total disregard for political correctness. I like the fact that he has twice the energy of any President of my lifetime. I like Donald for his “I don’t give a flying fuck” attitude about all of the fucking lies, slander & hatred directed at him from the left. I like him most for his outstanding genius blowing of the felonious sanctimonious bitch Hillary Rotten Clinton off of the electoral college map! I’m, now days liking him even better & better watching him make 20 plus Democrat asshole Presidential candidates campaign for him, by showing America what a gang of neo-commie socialist open borders morons they are. Their every debate has to be signing up another half million voters for Trump!
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