I'll vote for Trump if he stay's the course.

Yeah, like Trump saying he was practically a first responder when he was signing a bill to help real first responders. The audience was silent when he said that. That is saying it like it is? Lying about everything and being a mental child is not anti-political correctness. It is lying and making everything about him.
Who is for guaranteeing money for those refusing to work?
I see why you are pro Trump. You buy right-wing lies.,

Or Obama admitting he didn't have the resume to be President? ;)

Obama admits he doesn’t have the resume to be President
For Trump, “telling it like it is” is merely an excuse for being a lying bully, racist, misogynist and to cover up his incompetence. Meat for his willfully ignorant supporters.

STFU you brain dead, hypocritical lying buffoon. Back to your padded cell asshole. ;)
This old bigoted saw never dies. In order for blacks to have the lowest unemployment rates of all time, it is necessary for them to have taken jobs. Is that hard to understand? Black unemployment was high because there were not enough jobs.

That is correct; and NOW there are MORE than enough jobs. I see that you have difficulty putting 1 + 1 together to come up with 2. :laugh:

Obama claimed his malaise was the new normal. Trump proved him wrong and made him look like the economic idiot we knew he always was.
It sounds like you're not all that excited about the thought of voting for trump......

What could they, or rather a dem candidate do or say to change your mind?

They could stop being dumb, economically challenged, progressive leftists????? :laugh:
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Who made that argument? Oh, it was you. Trump is in a class by himself. He is psychotically weird and selfish. He needs mental help.

Ironic in that it is OBVIOUS you're the one in need of a mental health expert. Once can only imagine the extreme stupidity you will engage in when Trump is re-elected.
While DJT is not perfect, he is exactly the paradigm shift we needed.
And unless someone steps up who is better (none at this juncture) ill vote him again.

I will be voting for him again; as will a majority of Americans who will propel him to a second term to prevent the radical stupidity of the Party of the Jackass from turning this nation into a lawless third world shit hole.
There’s no hate associated with my vote. All things being considered and which policies and briefs I agree with the most his platform and policies meets more of my expectations and interpretations of our constitution than what the Democratic candidates are offering. He is far from perfect and my history on this forum will clearly show that I have never been a big fan of the man but at the very least he meets more of what I’d want from a policy point of view than the alternatives.

I will confirm what Norah is saying. She is an honest liberal.
In 2016 I considered voting for Trump or Clinton to be a disgrace to America’s system of constitutional leadership. I thought both candidates were the sorriest pair in America’s history. As a matter of fact I still consider the corrupted crooked elections in America a pure waste of time. The 2 party duopoly own the ballot access system, the national media, the national debate & every dime of special interest money in the electoral system, no others need apply. They even pass the cost of their private party primary elections on to the American taxpayers & most states won’t allow members of the other party or independents to vote in their particular private party primary elections even though they, (the taxpayer’s) are funding those partisan elections.

All I can say today is I’m still appalled by the partisan duopoly corrupted system, but I’m at least grateful that America’s brilliant Electoral College system saved the country from the felon Hillary Clinton & aside from Trump’s willingness to sign on to the BIG government outrageous wasteful obscene bloated deficit ridden budgets, I have to give him credit for the vast majority of his agenda, a roaring economy, protecting our borders despite the bleeping democrats and congress in general obstruction and incompetence, fighting for fair trade deals for America, shaming NATO’s European members into paying up their fair share & avoiding more stupid wars & working for peace.

I have especially become damned near fond of The Donald mostly because the bleeping Democrats hate him & their media propaganda machine is the most outrageous disgusting load of scum I’ve ever seen in my 83 years of watching the political landscape.

If The Donald stay’s the course I’ll even vote for him in 2020 If the God of all creation grants me the days to make that act.

You would still vote for Trump if he personally rolled you over and Butt Fucked you!
Making momma proud again huh child!

Amazing how you won't even deny what I said!

Such as? I'll understand if you can't remember!

Please post my "unfounded attacks" on Mueller! I'll understand if you can't find any!!!!!!
I'm not going to dig back for your crap, just to pursue yet another of your diversions. Just off the top of my head, there were all of your delusions about the Steele dossier and the FISA court.

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Of course! Trump's economy, his efforts to secure our southern border in the face of rabid mad junkyard dog democrat's obstruction, his demanding Europe's NATO slackers to pay up their fair share, Trump's lowest black Hispanic & woman unemployment rate in history, Trump's prison reform benefiting folks of color the most, Trump's tax break for the middle class, Trump's peace making efforts with North Korea, Trump's efforts to force China into a FAIR trade deal, Trump's fair trade deals with Canada & Mexico replacing the American job killing NAFTA & Trumps courage to stand up in the face of sickening, outrageous leftist media and Democrats slander & absurd hatred all have little to nothing to do with Trump's SUPPORT!!!!!!!!:bigthink::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:

You are deep in the swamp of Trump worship. His economy is what he was handed by Obama, and appears to be slowing, despite the massive amounts of meth that he's been feeding it. Similarly, the unemployment figures are the continuation of trends that were established before the election. He had 2 years when the GOP controlled both houses of Congress and he did nothing about the border until he could use it to campaign against Democrats. Trump's "tax break for the middle class" was actually a massive tax break for the richest and a pittance for the rest of us. The richest got a permanent tax cut, while everyone else's expires. As for North Korea, he's offered Kim a slew of concessions and has gotten nothing in return. Trump is, and always has been, a coward and a bully. Attacking their critics is what cowardly bullies do. Most of the criticism of Trump is based on facts, which is something that neither he nor you can tolerate.

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While DJT is not perfect, he is exactly the paradigm shift we needed.
And unless someone steps up who is better (none at this juncture) ill vote him again.
Actually, he's made our politics even more divisive and he appears to be setting us up for a major economic disaster. He's completely incompetent at anything except conning people. He's the perfect politician.

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