I’m 22 & stuck in the body of an 8-year-old – only creeps want to date me

It must be frustrating to be you, not realizing why others are laughing.
I'm fully retired. Why would I worry about anything? Unlike you who is waiting for the other high heel to drop.

Isn't that the hazard of being a house husband whose hobbies were his "work" while the wife earned all the money? LOL
In this case it's more of a modification of rule 12b in gratuitously posting pedophilia threads. Theoretically, I can post a thread about pedophiles in the news, in history, legislation, etc to their hearts content. This does come close to the definition of porn as "I know it when I see it", but common sense should prevail too.

If it's gratuitous, ask them to knock it off. If it's obvious what they are doing despite warnings then treat them like Katzgar or the Polish Retard.

In Legion's case, rule 14 applies to him just as it did to Spaz and all of us.

14. The treatment of Incendiary Troll accounts.

No new rules. Maybe clarification of the old ones.

I'm from the REA party. Ruled Enough Already! :fu:

Although it would be nice if Legion gave someone else a chance to post some decent OPs.

He posts double what he should.
I'm fully retired. Why would I worry about anything? Unlike you who is waiting for the other high heel to drop.

Isn't that the hazard of being a house husband whose hobbies were his "work" while the wife earned all the money? LOL

Living off social security must be worrisome, FedCo and all.