I’m 22 & stuck in the body of an 8-year-old – only creeps want to date me

How about if such bait threads go to a Political War Zone where less rules apply and only the brave and stupid would travel? Allow the banter, clean up the main forum for more general appeal?

Another idea in the Rules debate thread (IIRC) is banishment to such a zone would be an interim step to either a temp or permban. Say three zone banishments then a temp ban.

A point system for bans is common too. So many infractions and, once over a certain level, the next infraction is a temp ban. BTDT.

Cry harder.
Justice is served by the Sword of Damocles!




One 22-year-old woman has spoken out about the struggles she faces after a rare disease has left her stuck in the body of an eight-year-old girl for life.

Shauna Rae developed a rare form of brain cancer when she was just six months old and underwent chemotherapy that stunted her growth.

Shauna now stands at three-foot 10, the average height of an eight-year-old girl.

In her TLC documentary “I am Shauna Rae” she reveals the difficulties associated with her youthful appearance including finding it hard to date, and going to bars, as everyone thinks she is a child.

In the trailer for the show, Shauna introduces herself saying: “If you were to look at me, you would think I’m just a normal little girl, doing normal little girl things with my fun, crazy family.”

Adding: “But the truth is I’m not a little girl. I’m a woman, a 22-year-old woman stuck in the body of an eight-year-old.”

The show, which premieres on January 11th 2022, shows Shauna facing issues trying to do normal things that a 22-year-old woman does in everyday life.


really turned you on didn't it?

legion should be banned for baiting, which he always does. Pretty sure we warned him in the past. I haven't been here a year so I prob shouldn't do anything? But seriously legion always does this shit, he really needs to get shitcanned.
legion should be banned for baiting, which he always does. Pretty sure we warned him in the past. I haven't been here a year so I prob shouldn't do anything? But seriously legion always does this shit, he really needs to get shitcanned.

Agreed he should be punished, disagreed to a ban as the first level. Any ideas on how to handle shitposters and trolls short of banning?

The complaint section has a few recommendations for punishment short of permbans and even temp bans such as restriction to the War Zone, banned off the main forum so their shit doesn't pollute Twitter.

Banning Katzgar off the main threads was novel, but, I suspect, work intensive. Forced to wear an avatar of shame might be one option:

Cry harder.

Jesus fucking Christ you're a pussy, Dark Soul. The only person crying here are the neutered cucks like yourself with your incessant whining. Same goes for the little circle of cucks, cunts and criminals you hang with.

Man up, son. Your wife would appreciate it.
legion should be banned for baiting, which he always does. Pretty sure we warned him in the past. I haven't been here a year so I prob shouldn't do anything? But seriously legion always does this shit, he really needs to get shitcanned.

First we.would need to make a rule. Since there isn't one we wouldn't be banning folks. If you want a rule about baiting we need to discuss that in the mod forum.
Jesus fucking Christ you're a pussy, Dark Soul. The only person crying here are the neutered cucks like yourself with your incessant whining. Same goes for the little circle of cucks, cunts and criminals you hang with.

Man up, son. Your wife would appreciate it.

You're the one who's whining. I'm the one who's winning. :rofl2:
legion should be banned for baiting, which he always does. Pretty sure we warned him in the past. I haven't been here a year so I prob shouldn't do anything? But seriously legion always does this shit, he really needs to get shitcanned.

Yep. He's got dozens upon dozens of threads about teachers and others having sex with underage kids. Pure 12b click-bait. I said the same thing to Damo a couple of days ago, about not allowing such threads at all since they serve no other purpose than to give Lesion a kind of boner when some idjit falls into his trap. He said he'd think about it.

First we.would need to make a rule. Since there isn't one we wouldn't be banning folks. If you want a rule about baiting we need to discuss that in the mod forum.

In this case it's more of a modification of rule 12b in gratuitously posting pedophilia threads. Theoretically, I can post a thread about pedophiles in the news, in history, legislation, etc to their hearts content. This does come close to the definition of porn as "I know it when I see it", but common sense should prevail too.

If it's gratuitous, ask them to knock it off. If it's obvious what they are doing despite warnings then treat them like Katzgar or the Polish Retard.

In Legion's case, rule 14 applies to him just as it did to Spaz and all of us.

14. The treatment of Incendiary Troll accounts.

No new rules. Maybe clarification of the old ones.