Im a little concerned about one of our members.


Well-known member
StoneBYStone IMO has not been acting herself for at least a couple weeks leading up to her sudden disappearance from the board. Pretty sure she hasnt posted in at least a couple weeks now and like I say IMO she was acting kind of oddly for her for a couple weeks prior.
Even though I disagree with her on basically EVERYTHING politically I still dont wish anything bad for her. Hope she is o.k. I do know, or at least think that she lives in a heavy Lock down area so maybe that has something to do with it.
Sometimes a few weeks away from this place is good for ones mental well-being.

Hopefully she’s just taking a break to renew her senses.
Just change your ID as usual and you can become her again. You FOOL no one.

Shut up you old witch. Seriously,... do you have to stink up EVERY thread? Even one with good intentions? she is a young kid,... not sure how young,..but young. Maybe 24/25 something like that. I have a daughter myself,... its the Dad instinct kicking in I guess. Anyway,.... no reason for you to come off so foul in a thread meant with good intent. There are people in here who I cant stand because of their ONLINE personalities,... but no way would I want anything bad to happen to them . They are people with lives and families just like anyone else.
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Pure projection for your own intellectual shortcomings.

You consistently run away from my debates & just mouth off.

You're just angry that you are an ignorant dirt bag.

Is that why you are unemployed and without a girlfriend, Witold?
Not necessarily.

I'm unemployed & have no girl friend for the same reason.

Covid 19.

Besides I'm a college student.

You're very Animalistic.
LOL. You're a part-time college student no job? Why don't you have a girlfriend, Witold? COVID is not a good enough excuse since, if you really are a college, then you'd have contact with women of equal intelligence and interests.